5 Day Workout

Everyday do Step 1 & Step 2.

Step 1 (five minutes)

Mix it up: Do not do the same one everyday. PICK ONE of the bullets below.

  • Light jogging
  • Jumping Rope
  • Five minutes of chant movements using arms and legs non-stop
  • Performing a band dance several times in a row (non-stop).

Keep moving to get the body temperature up and promote blood flow. This allows the muscles to warm up and relax appropriately thus reducing soreness.

Step 2 (10 minutes)

Stretching to prevent pulling muscles and develop flexibility (aka better stunts and jumps)!

  • Pike: Legs together straight out in front and lean forward and pull toes toward body. Hold for 30 seconds. Stretch up and then lean forward again this time pointing your toes. Hold each for 30 seconds.(1 Mississippi, 2 Mississippi, etc.)
  • Straddles:
  • Straddle legs and lean to one side, point toes, arm overhead. Hold each for 30 seconds. Reverse. Then Center.
  • Straddle legs, rotate torso to face leg, lean forward, toes flexed, and pull toes toward you, chest down. Hold each for 30 seconds. Reverse. Then Center.
  • Back/Hips: Lay on back, bend knees into chest. Grasp with both arms. Gently roll from side to side. While laying on your back, keep one knee bent into chest and open the other leg out flat. Pull the bent knee into your chest with your arms. Hold each for 15 seconds. Reverse.
  • Diamond Stretch: Lie on your back with you’re the soles of the feet together and knees out in a diamond shape – try to push your legs down into the floor. Hold each for 30 seconds.
  • Beauty Queen Stretch: Bend one knee and cross over other leg that is extended straight out on the floor. Rotate torso to opposite side , i.e. if right leg is crossed over left leg, rotate your torso to right). Reverse. Hold each side for 30 seconds.
  • Arms/Shoulders/Chest: Clasp hands together in front of body and pull forward. Hold for 30 seconds. Repeat with arms overhead, then lean to one side and reverse. Repeat with arms clasp behind back. Hold each for 30 seconds.
  • Wrists: One hand grabs the other hand and pulls the hand out at the wrist, then push hand down. Reverse hands. Hold each for 15 seconds.
  • Ankles: Pretend to “write” the letters of the alphabet with your foot working your ankle. Repeat with both ankles. Be sure to clearly “write” the letters. No cursive!
  • Splits: Right split, left split, center – Start from a standing position and slide into the split position, toes pointed, keep torso up straight, careful not to bend back leg or roll onto one side. Hold each for 30 seconds and work up to a minute or more.

Standing stretches:

  • Lift leg back and grab foot. Keep knee bent beside other leg. Reverse. Hold each for 30 seconds.
  • Tilt head toward shoulder. Flex hand at the waist on the same side the head is tilted towards. Reverse. Hold each for 30 seconds.

Monday/Wednesday/Friday Routine (Strengthening & Power)

Leg Strength:DO ALL bullets below.

  • Standing squats. (Feet shoulder-width apart, toes turned outward, keep back straight, abs in tight, and knees over toes). Repeat 30 times.
  • Continue with squats, acting as a base in preparation for a prep level/elevator level stunt. Do all the motions you would normally do in a routine including squatting! Repeat 10 times.

Legs Power:Mix it up. Do not do the same one everyday. PICK ONE of the bullets.

  • Tuck Jumps (pulling your knees up to your chest with a straight back, then landing on the balls of your feet cleanly) - 50
  • Lunges - 50 on each side
  • Kicks – 100 (pointed toes, work up from 45 degrees, to 90 degrees to high kicks)
  • One-footed hops – 100 on each foot
  • Wall Sit - 1 minute (back straight, knees at a 90 degree angle, do not slouch into it.
  • Jumping Jacking – 200

Core: DO ALL of bullets below.

  • Straddle “V” Sit-Ups - Lie on the floor and lift both legs and upper torso upward into a “V”. Repeat 10 times, working up to 30.
  • Superman – Lie facedown on the floor. Tighten your butt muscles and raise the arms and legs and few inches off the floor. Hold for three deep breaths and return to starting position. Repeat 30 times.
  • Plank – Hold a plank position (back straight, abs tights, and butt tucked in) for 1-minute work up to 3 minutes. Remember to breathe! You can ad variety if you need to: hands to arms, side to side, rock back plank, etc.
  • Choose one of the following:
  • Crunches - 30 right, 30 left, 30 center, and 30 with legs up.
  • Bicycle – 2 minutes (Lie on your back, arms behind your head, and rotate your arms and legs as if you were riding a bicycle. Opposite elbow with opposite knee)
  • Seated Toe-touches – 30 (Lie on your back and count off a toe-touch just as you would standing, pull your legs up to match your arms in a clean T, remember to go back to a ready position in between each one.)

Arms, Shoulders, Chest.DO ALL THREE bullets below.

  • Push-ups - Work up from “girly” push-ups to “manly” push-ups. Repeat 10 times working up to 30.
  • Wall Push-ups - Stand facing a wall, two feet away, extend arms straight out in front of you and fall toward the wall catching yourself with your hands and arms and resisting at the same time. Bend at the elbows and push yourself back away from the wall back to your starting position. Repeat 30 times.
  • Choose one of the following:
  • Walking Handstands – 10 (Perform a clean handstand, and neatly walk a few steps, then cleanly return to an upright position. Do not let your legs hang over your head – keep the body straight upright.)
  • Wall Handstands – 10 (Do a handstand up against a wall neatly, and then come back down. Be careful not to smack into the wall.)
  • Wheelbarrow (with a friend) – 10 each (One person holds the other persons legs, while they use their arms to hold them self up and “walk” around. The person holding legs should follow, not direct the direction.)


  • Curls: Lay arm and elbow on a table with your wrists handing over the edge, palm facing up. With light weights (soup can) curl your wrist. Return to starting position and repeat. Change hands. Do 10 curls on each hand.
  • Extended: Assume the same position as above except palm is facing down. This time start with the wrist bent and extend it downward. Return to starting position and repeat. Change hands. Do 10 with each hand.

Tuesday/Thursday (Endurance)

Do 30 minutes of aerobics and conditioning. Do anything that gets the heart rate up.

Examples include: kickboxing, running, dance aerobics, step aerobics, or reviewing and performing chant/cheer/dance moves continuously for 30 minutes.