New Course | Curriculum Office

E-mail completed forms to | bring signed forms to the curriculum meeting

Division/Department/Program requesting change

Media Arts / Art Dept

Course developer/course lead contact information

Jon 541-521-9747

Academic Year in which change will take effect: Spring, 2017

Part 1: Course Details


New course (brand new course or courses that have not been offered in three or more years)

Currently 199 or 299 experimental course? Attachcourse outline or syllabus

New199/299experimental course (May be offered two times over a two-year period. After that, experimental courses to be submitted as a new course.)


Lower Division Collegiate
Developmental, numbered below 100


To determine a transfer course number, check the Catalog of Lower Division Collegiate Courses or do a web search for schools with similar courses. For CTE, look at other schools or contact the Curriculum Office for help.

Course Number / Short Course Title for Banner (30 character limit) / Full Course Title for print catalog
MUL 299 / Digital Photography II / Digital Photography II

COURSE DESCRIPTION (300 character limit) For help and examples, seeSample Course Descriptions.

An advanced photography class that builds upon the skills learned in Image Communications MUL 105. Students will refine their use of dSLR & mirrorless cameras, Adobe Lightroom for asset management & the processing and printing of their photographs. Students will display and discuss their work during critiques as part of class each week. Work shown for critique will be both printed and electronically displayed. Students will learn to analyze each others work during critique to further refine their own work.


Prerequisite courses: Image Communications MUL 105

Co-requisite courses:

Grade Option: Graded (with P/NP option) Pass/No Pass only

Repeatable for credit?

Credit Breakdown
_2__ Lecture
_1__ Lecture/Lab
___ Lab
_3__ Total Credits / Contact Hours Per Week
_2__ Lecture
_2__ Lecture/Lab
___ Lab
_4__ Total Contact Hours per week / Contact Hour Formula
1 lecture = 1 contact hour
1 lecture/lab = 2 contact hours
1 lab = 3 contact hours

Part 2: Context, Course Overlap, Library Resources

RATIONALE AND CONTEXT Describe the context and rationale for the new course. How will this course meet the needs of transfer students or employers? What is the demand for this course?How does this proposal further the goals of the program or department? Provide as many details about this new course as possible.

This class builds upon the skills and tools introduced in Image Communications (MUL 105). Students will have further use of cameras, printers and lab space to continue to explore photography through a variety of projects. This course will continue to push students to problem solve and to find solutions, skills that are essential in the digital workplace. Media Arts continues to put good workers out in the field of production and graphic design, this class will help further hone those skills.

LIBRARY CONSULTATION Please contact your liaison librarian to schedule a 30+ minute individualized instructional consultation and collaboration session. In addition to your specific course-related questions, your librarian will be prepared to share:

  • Library resources and services that support your teaching and student learning needs
  • OER (Open Educational Resources) options that align with your program and course curriculum
  • Strategies for integrating the development of information literacy skills into course content and/or assignments

Please allow one week for the librarian to prepare for your consultation. If you are not sure who your liaison librarian is, you can either look it up on the Library’s website or call the Library Reference Desk at 463-5355.

I have contacted my Library liaison.

Don Macnaughtan3.1.2017

Liaison LibrarianDate

COURSE OVERLAP Indicate any topic/content overlap with other courses.How will this course's topics and content be differentiated?If there is overlap, faculty of overlapping courses must agree on the extent of overlap andinclude a rationale explaining its necessity. The dean of the division in which overlap occurs must sign their approval.

Division / Course Number / Title / Rationale / Dean signature


Professional/Technical courses are tracked within programs for purposes of Carl Perkins funding and budgetary planning. Indicate all degree or certificate programs for which this course will be required.

Programs / Division

Part 3: Outcomes, Competencies, and Topics

List course outcomes, Core Learning Outcomes (CLOs), and Assessments Are Lane’s Core Learning Outcomes emphasized (taught explicitly and reviewed) in this course, and measured or demonstrated through course assessments (primary CLO focus)? Or, is a CLO either emphasized in this course OR measured/evaluated or demonstrated through a course assignment (secondary CLO focus)? If yes to either question, indicate which Core Learning Outcomes and Dimensions are linked to your course outcomes. Need help? Contact Tammy Salman,Faculty Coordinator, Assessment and Curriculum Development.

Core Learning Outcomes and Dimensions covered or assessed in the course. You do not need a CLO for each course outcome. / COURSE-LEVEL LEARNING OUTCOMES (course outcomes)
What will the student know or be able to do at the end of the course?Write outcomes that are measurable, observable, or demonstrable. See this list of measurable verbs or this web page and verb wheel (based on Bloom’s taxonomy) for guidance. / ASSESSMENTSInclude specific assignments you will use to measure/observe student attainment of outcomes. Some assignments may be used for multiple outcomes. For assessment ideas see Authentic Tasks
Apply Learning
Apply Learning / Learning Tools to create effective and clear photographs / Seeing Growth with each project produced.
CLO 1: Think critically
1.3 Demonstrate knowledge of the context and complexity of the issue / Being able to critically understand what works and doesn’t work when making a photograph. This can be either or both technical or aesthetic. / Variety of photographic assignments. These mistakes or successes can happen at many junctures during the creative process.
CLO 2: 2.3 Describe the impact of diverse values and perspectives on individuals, communities, and the world / Using lecture and research to explore a variety of photographers and the impact their images have in creating social change. / Research paper about a photographer including biography and a discussion about their body of work.
CLO 3: Create ideas and solutions / Photography - it is all problems and solutions. Everyday every picture… / Photography is all about putting what we see, feel and experience into a two dimensional space that can communicate all of that to someone else. Every step in the photographic process is about problem solving. Doing it creatively is what makes a great photograph
CLO 4: Communicate effectively / Students communicate through the work / photographs they create. / Continued review of work produced in class. Do their images communicate clearly their message?

COMPETENCIES AND TOPICS COVERED (course outline) See Attached<

Example 1: WR 121 Outline, outcomes, and assessments

Example 2: Course Outline Sample (from COPPS)

Please see attached course outline


If applying for any of the following, check the appropriate boxes and include your completed degree requirements forms with this course form. Go to the Curriculum Office website to download these forms.


Arts & Letters

Cultural Literacy

Information Literacy


Science /Computer Science

Social Sciences

Speech/Oral Communication

Health/Wellness/Fitness (all degrees)

Human Relations designation (for AAS and certificates)

Sustainability course status (optional)

CURRICULUM EQUITY STATEMENTPlease do not copy/paste the COPPS equity statement. Reflect how your course supports equity.To promote an environment where all learners are encouraged to develop their full potential, this course will support Lane’s Curriculum Equity policy in the following way(s):

Photography allows the student to show the us, the viewer their own unique view of the world and how they see it. Through their assignments they learn to develop their own voice in their photography. In the lecture component of the course students are exposed to a wide variety of work, produced by individuals from all over the world. The work shown in lecture is contemporary and current.

Part 4: Divisional Review and Approval

Revised 1/2017 1

New Course | Curriculum Office

Human, Physical, and Financial Resources:

Additional instructional costs (staff, materials, services or facilities) will be incurred to offer this course. Source of funding:

No additional instructional resources (staff, materials, services or facilities) are needed to offer this course.

Required Certifications for Instructors:

We have developed minimum course certification standards according to the COPPs procedure “Instructor Qualifications: Credit,” to be filed with ASA upon course approval.

We have completed faculty certification form(s) for faculty qualified to teach this course, to be filed with ASA and Human Resources upon course approval.


We have completed fee rationale and fee request forms to be submitted to ASA upon course approval, in compliance with the COPPs procedure, “Fees: Special”

No special fees will be required for this course.

Divisional Recommendation:

The Academic Dean approvesthis course proposal.
Administrative Assistant has reviewed changes and kept a copy for divisional files.
Faculty review of this course was completed within the division on [February 2017].

Richard Lubben 03/03/2017___

Academic Dean(signature denotes approval)Date

Mary Jo Kreindel 03/03/2017

Administrative Assistant/CoordinatorDate
(signature denotes review)

Revised 1/2017 1

New Course | Curriculum Office

College Approval


Curriculum Committee ChairDateExecutive Dean for Academic AffairsDate


Vice President for Academic & Student AffairsDate

Revised 1/2017 1