Curriculum Committee

Meeting Minutes

October 8, 2013

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Voting: James Thompson, Kailani Knutson, Teresa Minter-Procter, Miles Vega, Danny Sciacqua, Robert Simpkins, James Entz, Susan Regier (for Michael Colson)

Advisory: Val Garcia, Bill Henry, Kim Behrens

Guests: Jay Hargis, Ammi Ruiz (ASPC student rep), Jarrod White (ASPC student rep)


Voting: Bret Davis

Advisory: Muriel Josten, Lorie Barker, Susie Lala-Bell, Erin Cruz

Call To Order:

The October 8, 2013 meeting was called to order at 2: 35 p.m.

Approval of Agenda:

Remove the duplicate HIST P105 from agenda.

Motion: To approve the agenda with modifications.

M/S/C: Vega/Knutson

Approval of Minutes:

Correct Government to Governet listed under old business (#1-Course Units).

Motion: To approve the September 24, 2013 minutes with modifications.

M/S/C: Knutson/Vega

Consent Items-Deletion:

New Business:

1.  HIST P104

Motion: To approve HIST P104 COR fall 2013 and Prerequisite fall 2014.

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Knutson

Abstain: Entz

2.  HIST P105

Motion: To approve HIST P105 COR fall 2013 and Prerequisite fall 2014.

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Knutson

Abstain: Entz

3.  HIST P108

Motion: To approve HIST P108 COR fall 2013 and Prerequisite fall 2014.

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Knutson

Abstain: Entz

4.  HIST P109

Motion: To approve HIST P109 COR fall 2013 and Prerequisite fall 2014.

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Knutson

Abstain: Entz

5.  HIST P123

Motion: To approve HIST P123 COR fall 2013 and Prerequisite fall 2014.

M/S/C: Minter-Procter/Knutson

Abstain: Entz

Old Business:

1.  Course Units: James Thompson has had several conversations with senate and other faculty members regarding units and prerequisites. Some of the discussions are we covering remedial work in our courses. Divisions are working on adding prerequisites. Some faculty are concerned that they will implement prerequisites which will impact their enrollment.

2.  GE-Graduation requirements: No further discussion.

3.  Prerequisites: See above.

4.  CNET Meta: Still planning on going live in the spring. We have not had any further training. James will keep the committee updated.


Next Meeting: November 22, 2013

Adjournment: 3:17