Drayton Bridge Road London W7 1EU
- Please refer to the admission criteria given in the school prospectus
- Please complete all sections
Surname / First Name
Date of Birth / Male/Female
Student Address (including postcode)
Name and Address of Present School/College
Examinations already taken and grade obtained
Were you entitled to extra time during your previous exams? Yes No
Father’s full name/Guardian’s full name / Mother’s full name/Guardian’s full name
Home Address (If different from student address) / Home Address (If different from student address)
Telephone (Home)
Email / Telephone (Home)
In relation to the Sixth Form Admissions Criteria the student’s home address will be assumed to be that of the mother unless evidence is provided to prove otherwise. This address will be used in the event of a tie-break.
Completeeither OPTION 1 for A Level equivalent study orOPTION 2 for the Level 2 programme and tick the shaded box next to the subject of your choice. In addition to your chosen subjects you will attend registration, assembly and enrichment each week.OPTION 1
- select one option only from each columns A to E
- using the programme of study guidance select the appropriate number of subjects from columns A to E
Please do not combine
- Business Studies, Applied General in Business and/or Economics
- BTEC Creative Media and Media Studies
A / / B / / C / / D / / E / / F /
Literature / BTEC in Creative Media / English Literature / Geography / Media Studies / English GCSE
English Language & Literature / Biology / Biology / Biology / Product Design / Maths GCSE
Computer Science / PE / Physics / Physics
Music / Chemistry / Chemistry / Chemistry / Further Maths
Maths / Maths / Economics / Economics / Maths
Art / Business Studies / Philosophy & Ethics / Philosophy & Ethics
Latin / Sociology / French / Sociology / Spanish
Government & Politics / History / History
Applied General in Business Studies / Psychology / Drama / Psychology
The school reserves the right not to run Sixth Form courses where an insufficient number of students have opted for the course in both Years 12 and 13.
OPTION 2 – LEVEL 2 PROGRAMMEIf you are not projected to achieve 5 A*-C or 9 - 4 grades including English and Maths at GCSE choose this option only.
You will study
Cambridge National Certificate in Business & Enterprise (Level 2)
- GCSE General Studies
- GCSE English
- GCSE Maths
- Preparation for Working Life
I am aware of and agree to the above courses chosen by my son/daughter. I have completed all sections and confirm the details given are correct.
Signed - mother / father/guardian(please delete) Date
Please print name
Please return the completed form to Drayton Manor High School by noon on Friday 9 December 2016
- Receipts for applications will not be issued
- For applications being submitted by post we strongly recommend that you obtain proof of postage from the Post Office
- Late applications will only be considered after all other applications have been prioritised
- Provided you replied by the closing date we will write to you by the end of February 2017 with an appointment to attend a meeting to discuss your options
- For external applicants proof of residence will be required when conditional offers are accepted
Student Cultural Information
Student’s first language
Other languages used at home (Please specify in order of priority)
Student’s religion
Anglican□Bahai□Baptist □ Buddhist □
Christian□Hindu□Humanist □Jain □
Jehovah’s Witness □Jewish □ Methodist □Mormon □
Muslim□No religion □Orthodox □ Other religion □
Pagan□Parsee/Zoroastrian □Quaker □Rastafarian □
Ravidasian□Roman Catholic □Salvation Army □ Seventh Day Adventist□
Shi’a Muslim □Shinto □Sikh □Sunni Muslim □
United Reform Church □ I refuse to give this information □
If born outside the UK
Nationality ……………………………………………………..Country of birth……………………………………..
Date of Arrival in UK ………………………………………… (if born outside the UK)
Our ethnic background describes how we think of ourselves. This may be based on many things, including, for example, our skin colour, language, culture, ancestry or family history. Ethnic background is not the same as nationality or country of birth. The Information Commissioner (formerly the Data Protection Registrar) recommends that young people aged over 11 years old have the opportunity to decide their own ethnic identity. Parents of those with parental responsibility are asked to support or advise those children aged over 11 in making this decision, wherever necessary. Students aged 16 or over can make this decision for themselves.
Please study the list below and tick one box only to indicate the ethnic background of the student. Please also tick whether the form was filled in by a parent/guardian or the student.
White / British / (WBRI) / Any other Asian background / African Asian / (AAFR)Irish / (WIRI) / Other / (AOTA)
Traveller of Irish heritage / (WIRT) / Black or Black British / Caribbean / (BCRB)
Gypsy/Roma / (WROM) / Ghanaian / (BGHA)
Other White Background / White Eastern European / (WEEU) / Nigerian / (BNGN
White Western European / (WWEU) / Somali / (BSOM)
Other / (WOTW) / Other Black African / (BAOF)
Mixed / White and Black Caribbean / (MWBC) / Any other Black background / (BOTH)
White and Black African / (MWBA) / Any other Ethnic Group / Afghan / (OAFG)
White and Asian / (MWAS) / Arabic / (OARA)
Any other mixed background / (MOTH) / Iranian / (OIRN)
Chinese / Any Chinese group / (CHNE) / Iraqi / (OIRQ)
Asian or Asian British / Indian / (AIND) / Japanese / (OJPN)
Pakistani / (APKN) / Latin/South/Central America / (OLAM)
Bangladeshi / (ABAN) / Any other ethnic group / (OOEG)
I do not wish an ethnic background category to be recorded
Information provided by: / Parent/Guardian / Student
(Any information you provide will be used solely to compile statistics on the school careers and experiences of students from different ethnic backgrounds, to help ensure that all students have the opportunity to fulfil their potential. These statistics will not allow individual students to be identified. From time to time the information will be passed to the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) to contribute to local and national statistics. The information will also be passed on to future schools, to save it having to be asked for again.)