Current Issues Topics List
Political issues
Presidential Election
1.Trump, why/ why not? What is his platform, opinions on policies, issues? Who supports, who opposes and why?
2. Hillary, why / why not? What is her platform, opinions on policies, issues? Who supports, who opposes and why?
3. The Populist movement, who represents the common man, and how effective is he? Sanders, or Trump? Who supports each and why?
4. Supreme Court: Supreme Court justice nomination and the Senate’s refusal to vote on the President’s nominee
5. US Senate seat in California up for grabs: With Barabara Boxer’s imminent retirement, and the election looming, who are the major candidates, what do they stand for, what does it matter who gets elected?
6. San Diego Chargers, should they stay or should they go? What are the arguments on both sides? What’s best for San Diego, the city and the County? Who will decide? What is the projected economic impact of the Chargers staying and of their leaving?
LGBT rights/issues
7. North Carolina bathroom law, will this go to the Supreme Court? Do other states have similar laws on the books? How is this issue handled at the state and local level; How do local societies react?
8. Should religious values trump (no pun intended) Civil Liberties when it comes to the law? Where to draw the line? Can states and local governments pass laws which restrict the rights of the LGBT community (employment, membership in organizations, etc) in the private and/or public sector?
Global Political Issues
Central and South America
9. How have official relations between the US and Cuba changed? Why? How do these changes impact the Cuban people and the American people?
10. Brazilian Presidential impeachment hearings, political corruption; What is the history of corruption in that country? How well-founded are the allegations that this as much a sexist attack, as it is about corruption?
11. Olympics, what are the concerns around the reality of this global event happening in Brazil? What risks are there to the athletes and the spectators/tourists?
12. Zika virus, what are the concerns with this virus? What can be done to stop the spread? Are Americans at risk? What factors play into the possible spread beyond South/Central America?
13. What is the latest in Mexico, in terms of the Drug war? Have things improved/ worsened? Do Americans need to be concerned about traveling in Mexico? How do these ongoing issues impact US- Mexico relations?
14. Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán, How does the arrest and pending trial of this drug lord impact the illegal drug trade in Mexico? What has ensued in the drug trade, since his arrest? Will he be extradited and convicted?
The EU
15. “Brexit” What happens if the UK leaves the EU? How will it impact the EU? The rest of the world?
The Middle East:
16. Syrian Civil War, cause and effect; why has this become such a huge global issue?
17. Syrian Refugee crisis: How is this ongoing crisis impacting the various member nations of the EU, and the future of the EU, itself?
18. Iraq, what is the cause of the ongoing crisis in Iraq? Should the US be doing more?
19. Israel and Palestine: the ongoing struggle for control over territory. How is this conflict impacting the entire Middle East? How does the US play a role? What should that role be?
Environmental issues
20. The Automobile and pollution- Diesel vs. gas vs. electric: where are we now? What’s better, What research/ advancements are being made? What does the future hold?
21. What we flush down our toilets: Hormones, medication in the water and the impact on species/ humans. How does this affect the oceans, and play a role in the die-off of species in the world’s oceans?
Global warming
22. Melting Polar ice and glaciers: What are the predictions around the melting of the polar ice caps and its effects? Have forecasts changed? Why?
23. Drought: impact of continual, and increasing global drought; drought refugees- global impact? Who will these people be, where will they come from, and where will they go?
24. Fires- Alberta, tar sands; why are there so many more fires? What is the prediction on future fire seasons, and the impact of all of these fires on global warming, on the planet?
25. Carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, carbon credits, federal reserve- what’s the connection? What does our economy have to do with air pollution? Is the government complicit?
26. Garbage patch, where and what is this? How did this occur? What risks does this hold for theocean and particular species which are directly affected? Is there anything that can be done?
27. The Great Barrier reef and coral die-off.Cause and effect. Why should we care? What are the larger implications?
28. As the Oceans rise, Who is most at risk? What regions/ locations will be the most severely impacted? Where will people go? Who will care for/ be responsible for all of the displaced peoples? What can be done to stem the tide (literally)?
29. Mass-extinction of species: why is this happening, what can be done? Highlight three significant species which are close to extinction, and and what will happen when that occurs. Also address plausible remedies to keep this from happening
The Economy
30. Is unemployment still a problem in the US? Are there some regions, or sectors of the economy that are impacted more than others? Why are some economic sectors more resistant to recovery than others? What sectors have seen the most growth? What has the government done, or not done to improve the situation? Be sure to discuss both the President’s and Congress’ attempts at creating jobs.
College tuition,
31. Why does it continue to rise at a much steeper rate than inflation? Who goes to college, who doesn’t, why? What is the long-term impact of college debt? Look at the difference between non-profit and for-profit universities in terms of acceptance rates, who attends, graduation rates, tuition and debt. What are the current Federal policies on financial aid for these institutions?
The Trade Deficit:
32. US industry, how much are we producing, how much do we off-shore? How does it impact our economy in the long-term? What is the impact on the environment?
33 and 34. 3-D printing: how will this technology changemanufacturing in this country? How will it change industries such as cellular biology (tissue engineering) Pharmaceuticals, weapons, automotive industry, electronics? Pick two industries to research within this topic.
35. What dangers exist in terms of internet use, hacking, putting private information at risk? What threats exist online? Should we be more afraid of, “Criminals”, the government, or people we know? Why- explain. How does the risk-reward factor play a role in this?
Additional items:
36. Social Security- long term viability,How secure is this system?Should the system be reformed? What are viable options? How has the fund been depleted in the past? Has the government paid back what it has borrowed?
37. Religion in schools?? Where should the line be drawn, when separating Church and State? What about legislation which crosses that line? How much funding should the government engage in when it comes to religious schools?
38. Voting rights act, and the 2013 Court decision which invalidated parts of it. Why did justices vote this way? How has that decision impacted voting in the South, since then? Are there efforts to reverse any of these changes? Who is involved?
39. Campaign finance reform: what efforts have been made, what should be done, why does this matter? What impact did the Citizens United Supreme Court decision have on campaign financing?
40. Income Taxes, who pays, who doesn’t, why do some large corporations not pay taxes? Look at loopholes, tax credits and other methods of tax “relief”. What is the difference between a flat and a graduated tax structure, who benefits in each situation, who pays?
41. Defense spending, how much of the national budget goes into preparing for war? How does the defense industry influence government spending and policy issues? What is the “Black Budget”? What is its significance?
42. Government surveillance- electronic Why is the government involved in this, what is the justification; is it right? Is this a violation of American citizens’ privacy? Does the American public need to be concerned?