March 15, 2010
Regular Meeting
Town of Pine Bluffs
Laramie County, Wyoming
Present: William Shain, Mayor; Bill Cushing, Council Member; Michael Ragsdale, Council Member; Mark Fornstrom, Council Member; Alan Curtis, Council Member.
Staff: Thomas Mohren, Police Chief; Bryan Yeomans, Officer; Richard Hillhouse, Officer; Mark Moran, Municipal Judge; Alex Davison, Attorney; Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer
Mayor Shain called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m. with all members present. Visitors were welcomed to the meeting and the assembly joined in the Pledge of Allegiance.
Judge Mark Moran administered the Oath of Office to Richard Hillhouse who assumed the duties of a Pine Bluffs Police Officer.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to adjourn the agenda, with additions and corrections, Councilman Cushing seconded and motion passed unanimously with 5 ayes.
Councilman Curtis moved to approve the minutes of the March 1, 2010 Regular Meeting, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve all vouchers presented for payment, Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.
Ampride / fuel / 6.01Allwayz / shipping / 11.05
UW Family Practice / immunization / 13.00
Farmers State Bank / safe box / 15.00
Ideal Linen / supplies / 22.94
Airgas / ambulance supplies / 29.90
Champion Broadband / service / 37.50
Julie Shandera / mileage / 42.84
Lipps Lumber & Hardware / supplies / 48.78
William Cushing / mileage and meal / 49.84
Rocky Mountain Information Network / membership / 50.00
Marlene Svenkesen / daycare supplies / 74.39
Northwest Pipe / supplies / 91.40
APT US&C / membership / 130.00
Norman Reed / bus driving / 140.00
Bluffs Vet Clinic / impound fees / 143.00
LVW Electronics / cameras / 143.02
USA Bluebook / supplies / 143.54
Absolute Solution / police equipment repairs / 150.00
Verizon Wireless / cellular service / 165.46
Texas Trail Market / supplies / 200.54
OQT Technologies / airport repairs / 250.00
Indoff / office supplies / 263.00
First American Title Company / title insurance / 285.00
Fleming Associates / employment evaluation / 325.00
High West Energy / service / 340.75
USTI / water program / 425.00
Vaisala / airport / 442.00
Gall's / police equipment / 608.80
Pine Bluffs Conoco / fuel / 848.29
Moore Medical / ambulance supplies / 977.63
Pine Bluffs Post / advertising / 1,033.00
Pine Bluffs Senior Center / support / 1,350.00
Eastern Laramie Co. Landfill / dumping fees / 1,775.50
Meridian Trust / miscellaneous / 1,814.08
Stateline No 7 / daycare architectural fees / 2,826.27
Benchmark Engineering / engineering fees / 3,033.00
Stateline No 7 / CC architectural fees / 5,300.88
PNC Equipment Finance / snow plows / 7,425.73
WMPA / product / 48,494.63
Judge Moran presented to Council a new Bond Schedule for approval. Two of the increased schedules were for passing a school bus and shoplifting, which he feels need to be sizeable to make a statement to deter these incidents from occurring. Councilman Curtis moved to approve Resolution 10-03 – Approving the Adoption of a Municipal Court Bond Schedule for the Town of Pine Bluffs, Wyoming (March 2010 Revision). Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried unanimously with 5 ayes.
Lisa Hancock will be starting a Farmers Market for Pine Bluffs she plans to run from the first of August to the end of September. She discussed with Council possible locations and reached a decision that the street south of the City Park would be closed for this event. She will be including the outside communities and follow the WY Farmers Market Association guidelines. The Wyoming Business Council will provide a grant to assist with advertising.
Dr. Reher reported on the earlier meeting with the Archeology Advisor Council that consists of William Shain, Bill Cushing, Ann Lansden, Bob Simkins, and two other members yet be selected. He hopes to be returning this summer with archeology students and visited with Council about the preparations and repairs that are needed for his program and facilities. He also requested additional money for the University of Wyoming to assist with student expenses. The Archeological Site will be opened again during the summer and staffed with local residents. Council said they would like to have the roof at the archeological museum inspected before any further funds were spent on that building.
Chris Lidstone responded to questions from the Council regarding his design fees for the Water Distribution Project. He said that since his association with the Town began in 1994 he has not only done the design portion of a project but has anticipated future needs of the Town and actively seeked out grants. He prides himself on his relationship with the Town and Regulatory Agencies and gave several examples of successful grants and easements he had obtained. Mayor Shain asked Council to decide if they want to design the entire $1.9 Million Water Distribution Project now to have a shovel ready plan, even though there are only funds available at this time to address the most critical needs, and if so do they want to request RFQ’s from other engineering services or approve the amendment for professional services with Lidstone and Associates. Councilman Curtis moved that the Town of Pine Bluffs approve the amendment to the Professional Services Contract with Lidstone and Associates, Inc., not to exceed $145,000.00, for the design of the entire Water Distribution Project. Councilman Fornstrom seconded and the motion passed unanimously with 5 ayes.
The sewer project is being advertised for bid and the Council should a recommendation from the engineer on awarding this contract at their next meeting.
Encountered during the Water Meter Project were shared services between two businesses or residences that need to be corrected. Mayor Shain will meet with property owners affected by this to help alleviate their concerns.
Council delayed decision on installing snow guards on the daycare roof.
Council discussed a request received for 512 West 5th Street requesting a variance on minimum square footage of a trailer house placed on a private lot. Regulations require a minimum of 840 square footage of living space and the request was for replacing the existing trailer house with a 640 square foot trailer. A decision was postponed until attorney researched to see if this request met the requirements for a variance.
Councilman Fornstrom moved to approve a building permit from Alan Curtis – 903 Stephens- Sidewalk. Councilman Ragsdale seconded and motion carried with 4 ayes (Shain, Cushing, Ragsdale and Fornstrom) and 1 abstain (Curtis).
Council reviewed a preliminary budget for Fiscal Year 2011 and will discuss in greater length at a future meeting.
Councilman Curtis reported on the ambulance service and senior citizen meeting he had attended. Council accepted the resignation from Courtney Popham from the Pine Bluffs Ambulance Service. Councilman Cushing attended a Verizon Meeting where he learned about future planning for cellular service. The airport purchase agreement is completed and signatures will be obtained and the contract will be approved at the next meeting. Information of the Wyoming Main Street Program will be obtained, with Torrington being given as a successful participant in this program.
There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
William Shain, Mayor
Catherine Cundall, Clerk/Treasurer