Name: Media Studies

Saugerties Central SchoolMrs. Tuccillo

Media Studies Final Project

Some or all of the projects on this list require several weeks for the gathering of information. Project teams, working together to prepare a presentation on some media-related topic, will complete the projects. A project team consists of (at most) three students who are responsible for preparing the presentation.

The presentations are going to be made the last two weeks of the semester. Each report should last between FIFTEEN and THIRTY minutes and should include examples and demonstrations using the medium under study. Feel free to approach me for ideas, materials, et cetera. You are encouraged to use computers, overheads, posters, class handouts, et cetera.

Teacher approval is required.

Possible Topics for Project Teams

  • Any topic about mass media that a group of three students wish to research and present to the class.
  • The role of women or men as portrayed on television, both in shows or commercials.
  • Study the image of law enforcement officers as presented on television or in the movies.
  • Arrange for guest speakers to come in and discuss media occupations.
  • Do a research project on one heavily advertised product category (e.g. mouthwash, aspirin, toothpaste, et cetera.) Find out the main competing brands; write down the advertising claims for these products; find out what they contain. When the product claims certain "advantages," write the company and have management prove it. They must do this by law.
  • Explain and demonstrate different types of videotape equipment.
  • Study the image of any of the following as presented on television: doctors, the elderly, teenagers, or criminals.
  • Write a script for a film. Include in the script camera directions and shots to be used. Film your script outside of school or in school with the permission of the AV department. Consider the possibilities of realistically filming your script. We do have editing possibilities by putting two VCRs together and intercutting material.
  • Make a short film using super 8 film. You must have your own equipment for this project.
  • Write and film a newscast. You should have an anchorperson or people, background material, and a carefully written script.
  • Conduct a detailed study of all the LOCAL news outlets (radio, newspapers) and present to the class a comparison pointing out their strengths and weaknesses.
  • Present a history of the comic book. Use the library as an information source. Perhaps a local comic book collector will provide examples of some old comic books. The presentation should attempt to explain the changes in comics over the years and relate them to changing tastes and events in American history.
  • Design a TV station with logo, theme, and schedule. Research the make-up and structure of a television studio.
  • Do a detailed study of censorship on TV. Research this historically.
  • Make a photography scrapbook illustrating different camera angles, uses of the lens, and background material. This is an interesting project for a student or students interested in photography.
  • Create your own Zine, newsmagazine, or newspaper.