May 10, 2013

Meeting held:

Jefferson County Education Center, Centennial BOCES-Greeley, Durango, Grand Junction, Swink,

San Luis Valley BOCES - Alamosa

Members Present

Kathleen Askelson, Jefferson County R-1 Bill Sutter, Boulder Valley RE-2

Steven Clawson, Denver 1Kim Krause, Akron R-1

Donna Villamor, Littleton 6Dave Montoya, Poudre R1

Denise Pearson, Kiowa C-2Shae Martinez, Mapleton 1

Velva Addington, Swink 33Kurt Shugars, Telluride R-1

Linda Rau, Plateau Valley 50Terry Kimber, Widefield 3

Dale Mellor, Steamboat Springs RE-2Melissa Brunner, Montezuma-Cortez Re-1J

Karen Andrews, Dolores Re-4AChristy Hamrick, Garfield Re-2

Terry Buswell, Centennial BOCES

Ex-Officio Members Present

Leanne Emm, CDE Wendi Chapin, CDE

Kirk Weber, CDEAdam Williams, CDE

Crystal Dorsey, State Auditor’s Office

Alternates Present

Rose Belden, Garfield 16Sharon Thompson, Holyoke Re-1J

Guests Present

Robert Hawkins, CDE Grants FiscalLisa Bradley, CDE Project Manager

Chelsey Gerard, Eagle County Re-50Phil Onofrio, Eagle County Re-50

Jon Kvale, Englewood 1Tammy Hohn, Englewood 1

Sue McKnight, Brighton 27JSean Conner, Jefferson County R-1

Lorie Gillis, Jefferson County R-1Lorri Dugan, Jefferson County R-1

Laura Hronik, Colorado Springs 11Kelly Varney, Platte Canyon R-1

Ken Wieck, Colorado Springs 11Peter Doan, Adams-Arapahoe 28J

Michael Everest, Mapleton 1Molly Janzen, Poudre R-1

Misty Manchester, Canon City Re-1Sherry Murphy, Yuma 1

Linda Hawthorne, Frenchman Re-3Deb County, Valley Re-1

Laurie Darnell, Sheridan 2George A. Hansen, Adams 14

Kelly Varney, Platte Canyon R-1Terry Scharg, Gilpin County Re-1

Gina French, Adams 12 Willie Leslie, Clear Creek Re-1

Jane Schein, St Vrain Valley RE-1JRichard Luna, CSI

Don Trujillo, Pueblo 70Brian Lund, Estes Park R-3

Jan Brummond, Platte Valley Re-7 Mandy Hydock, Greeley 6

Luke Gonzales, Thompson R-2J Sherry Shay, Thompson R-2J

Brenda McKee, Thompson R-2J Meggan Sponsler, Greeley 6

Marla Hodgson, Platte Valley Re-7Nicki Schmidt, Windsor Re-4

Becky Samborski, Weld Re-1Cheryl Brewster, Weld Re-1

Mike Lee, Fort Morgan Re-3 Laine Gibson, Durango 9-R

Annie Gunderson, Ignacio 11JT Janell Wood, Archuleta County 50JT

Susan Doudy, Mancos Re-6 Rhonda Bohlander, Manzanola 3J

Patty Venem, Rocky Ford R-2Dawn Chavez, Crowley County Re-1J

Mike Thomas, Fowler R4J Karin Slater, Montrose County Re-1J

Marilyn Stahn, Montrose County Re-1JJnl Linsacum, Hayden Re-1

Barb Hazelton, Mesa County Valley 51Vi Crawford, Mesa County Valley 51

Patty Walker, San Luis Valley BOCES Jerene Wilkinson, Monte Vista C-8

Cindy Squires, San Luis Valley BOCESRhoda Getz, Alamosa Re-11J

Abigail Rendon, South Conejos Re-10Amy Reynolds, South Conejos Re-10

Jennifer Ulrich, RubinBrown LLPShawn Sonnkalb, CliftonLarsonAllen

Members and Alternates Absent

Brenda Johnson, Weld Re-8Shelley Becker, Adams 12

Brad Arnold, Cherry Creek 5Stacy Sondburg, Byers 32J

Anthony Whiteley, St. Vrain Valley Re-1J Jack Bay, Falcon 49

Diane Raine, Mesa County Valley 51Amy Lyons, Bayfield 10JT-R

Fran Christensen, Falcon 49Chloe Flam, Northwest BOCES

Eileen Johnston, James Irwin Charter


May 10, 2013

  1. Call to Order and Introductions

Leanne Emmcalled the meeting to order at 9:30 am. Those in attendance were asked to introduce themselves and their district.

  1. Presentation of Agenda

Leanne presented the agenda with amendments.

  1. Approval of Minutes

Shae Martinez made a motion to approve the minutes from the February 8, 2013 meeting. Steve Clawson2nd the motion. Motion carried.

  1. ADE Pipeline Update – Lisa Bradley, CDE Project Manager

Ms. Bradley took the group through a PowerPoint presentation to update the status of the Colorado Department of Education’s Data Pipeline. The PowerPoint will be posted on the FPP meeting webpage for those that would like to review. Adam Williams stated that there would be a webinar on Thursday, May 16th to discuss the Financial December Pipeline collection. Several expressed concern on the submission requirements for Data Pipeline collections. In many of the districts a single person is responsible for the majority of the collections, along with other normal duties. Leanne expressed that there are many new requirements coming in FY13-14, i.e. Data Pipeline, Educator Effectiveness, Redact, etc. The Department is aware but this is how the legislation and timelines have aligned. She encourages everyone to participate in Town Hall Meetings, take advantage of phase II testing to see how the system works and participate in the training webinars.

  1. Legislative Updates – Leanne Emm

Leanne Emmgave a wrap-up of the Legislative session that ended on May 8th.

  • SB13-108 is the supplemental funding bill that is required to request funding for inflation and growth for FY12-13. The Joint Budget Committee added a provision to the bill that for FY13-14 the starting point for the Long Bill will be the statewide average per pupil funding and add inflation of 1.9%.
  • SB13-260 is the regular school finance bill for FY13-14. A legislative summary and spreadsheet with projections are posted on the website.
  • SB13-213 is the bill passed by the legislature that will create a finance funding formula contingent on a November ballot initiative. A webinar will be conductedpossibly around the end of May that will cover SB13-213 and SB13-260.
  1. SchoolView Update – Kirk Weber

Kirk Weber reported that the sub-committee formed to look at the finance tab on the SchoolView website met April 5th. Public School Finance staff walked the sub-committee members through how the data is currently being presented, which is highly summarized data from all funds and includes some netting of data. A proposal was made to do a mock-up of the Uniform Budget Summary format, but with actual numbers from the ADE submission. We are looking to have the mock-up available in June. Other sub-committee members provided some comments as well.

  1. School District Fiscal Health Analysis – Crystal Dorsey, Office of State Auditor

Ms. Dorsey reported that the first round of data has been sent to school districts. The final report will be presented to the Legislative Audit Committee in July. She also reported that Kathleen Askelson from Jefferson County has been appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate to serve on the Governor’s and Office of the State Auditor’s Advisory Committee on Governmental Accounting.

  1. Chart of Accounts
  2. Grant Set-aside Tracking Final Approval – Wendi Chapin

Ms. Chapin continued the discussion from the February FPP meeting regarding grant set-aside tracking codes in the Chart of Accounts. Terry Buswell made a motion to approve the grant set-aside tracking as presented. Bill Sutter 2nd the motion. Motion carried. The set-aside tracking codes will be effective beginning in FY13-14. She also reported that there still needs to be work done on the Chart of Accounts in association with Data Pipeline changes and asked anyone that would like to volunteer to contact her by email .

  1. FPP Membership
  2. Membership Committee

The nominating committee for the FPP is the outgoing members consisting of Kim Krause, Akron R-1; Amy Lyons, Bayfield 10JT-R; Dale Mellor, Steamboat Springs Re-2; Denise Pearson, Kiowa C-2; and Linda Rau, Plateau Valley 50.

  1. Call for Membership

A call for membership will be sent out by email sometime next week and anyone interested is asked to contact committee members or Terry Christensen.

  1. Other Topics of Interest
  2. CASE/DBO & CASBO Updates

Shae Martinez, CASE/DBO president elect, reported that the Winter Conferencewas very successful. The CASE Summer Leadership Conference will be held July 24-26, 2013 in Breckenridge.

  1. CASBO

Bill Sutter, CASBO vice president, reported that the CASBO Fall Conference will be Sept. 4-6, 2013 in Keystone. The ASBO Conference will be held October 25-28, 2013 in Boston and Ron McCulley from Douglas County is the current board president.

There are now three regional chapters; Pike Peaks, Denver Metro and Northern Colorado. Any other areas that are interested in organizing a regional chapter are encouraged to contact any CASBO board members.

  1. Educational Data Advisory Committee (EDAC) member request

Jan Petro that oversees the EDAC Committee for CDE has requested recommendations from FPP to fill a vacancy. Sharon Thompson from Holyoke Re-1J volunteered to serve on the committee.

  1. CDE-18 Template available on PSFU website

The CDE-18 template has been updated for FY13-14 and posted on the PSFU website. Leanne also reminded everyone that the Uniform Budget Summary Report is a required element of the budget process and it must be posted on the district’s website along with the budget document.

  1. Future Meeting Dates & Locations

The proposed meeting dates for next year were presented (Oct.11, 2013; Feb. 28, 2014; May 9, 2014 and June 13, 2014). Leanne also reported that possibly in mid to late August she would like to hold an additional meeting that focuses solely on Data Pipeline. Adam Williams recommended moving that date to sometime in September after Data Pipeline is officially open for submission.

  1. Sequestration

Leanne reported that the Department has received preliminary allocations from the Feds. The allocation did trend down from last year as expected. The actual impact to each individual district will be different based on the way the allocation formulas work.

  1. New PSFU staff

Jennifer Okes Arcenia has been hired as the Director of Public School Finance.

There being no further business to come before the Committee, the meeting was adjourned.