East Anglian Regional Meeting Notes, UCFE, 22 April 2008

Present: Jane Banting (from 11am), Jane Gedny, Ann Bark, Pauline Cue, Liz Depper, Seona Ford, Maggie Dutton, Theresa Pierce, Sue Swaffield, Cindy Ashford, Heather Mepham.

Apologies: Barbara Conridge, Sue Sapsed.

Matters arising from Regional Minutes

DVD (KS1): this is a joint Northants/AAIA production and focuses on the moderation process. It may be useful for training moderators, however the exemplars of good evidence place a considerable expectation on teachers. It was agreed to look at it during the next regional meeting if possible.

Pupil Voice Pilot: Maggie reported that pupils were extremely responsive; there was a variety of ways to use pupil voice which meant capturing different types of response. Senteo is the firm supplying the software in Cambs. Theresa also reported on its use in Essex.

RAISEonline: scheduled sets of dummy data have not been sent out; Pauline said this has meant cancellation of planned training in Bucks. Maggie said that Cambs are entering data on schools’ behalf.

Matters arising from Executive Minutes

NFER leaflets: there has been no more feedback about these.

20 June conference: Wynne Harlen is basing this on her latest publication – flyer out soon.

Primary Handbook: Liz is handling editing and publication. Cost will probably be around £5, possibly with an initial free copy for members.

Writing: the executive is planning some dedicated writing time.

Accreditation of EYFSP moderators: Liz has been approached about being involved in development of this; Pam Munday is leading on this at NAA, CIEA also involved. Liz has also been asked to be an operational moderator, i.e. to monitor other LAs but has had to refuse the offer due to pressure of the ‘day job’. Seona shared the experience of being monitored this year in Essex; Pauline said she was still waiting for “further support”. Cindy mentioned a Best Practice Network (BPN) advertisement for an assessor at NCSL; this had included a reference to ‘accredited FSP moderators’.

Website: is going to be ‘badged’ in blue; David Bartlett is working hard to update this.

Conference: a number of speakers are not yet confirmed.

IEA: now CIEA – Chartered Institute of Assessors.

Monitoring visits for KS2 &3: this had proved a bit of a nightmare as delivery notes had not been supplied; eventual arrival of a spreadsheet had increased everyone’s workload.

CFSA (Council for Subject Associations): Jim Rose spoke at a meeting of this organisation during half term. Jane, Liz and Fiona attended. There has been considerable pressure on Jim Rose to produce documents for this (independent) Primary Review in a very short timescale. At the same time there has another primary review – lead by Robin Alexander using funding from the Esme Fairbairn Trust. There has been some conflict in the media and between researchers and politicians – make sure you are looking at the right website! Jim Rose is speaking at the Westminster Education Forum on 3 June – Jane Banting said she would send the flyer to Liz for distribution.

Target setting: there are still concerns about the process; there is a lack of information; ethnicity targets felt to be problematical; DCSF is not always sharing information. If RAISEonline had a set of useful data that LAs could use this would be most helpful.


After coffee Theresa led an informative session on the MGP pilot in Essex. Essex is one of 10 LAs piloting MGP across England. (Liz compiled a most helpful feedback document with key points after the meeting [sent 29 April]).