KINE 4300 Final Exam Practice Test

1.  Which of the following factors will help to ensure that a test is objective?

¡  a well-defined scoring method for the test

¡  several instructors scoring the test

¡  administering the test on two days

¡  measuring with accurate instruments

2.  What is the characteristic of an assessment task relating to the setting in which the assessment is designed to occur called?

¡  performance-based

¡  integrity

¡  authenticity

¡  fairness

3.  What is a major threat to the validity of subjective test items?

¡  bias

¡  how long it takes to complete the test

¡  the students' handwriting abilities

¡  the length of time it takes to prepare the test

4.  Developing a table of specifications demonstrates what type of validity?

¡  content-related validity

¡  construct-related validity

¡  concurrent validity

¡  predictive validity

5.  An open-ended item on a questionnaire is most like which type of written test item?

¡  classification

¡  completion

¡  essay

¡  multiple-choice

6.  Which of Bloom's categories of educational objectives is most like Ebel's category of "factual information"?

¡  application

¡  comprehension

¡  knowledge

¡  evaluation

7.  A table of specifications for a written test helps to answer which of the following questions?

¡  what to test

¡  when to test

¡  how many questions

¡  what format to use

8.  If a table of specifications calls for 20% of the 50 questions on a test to measure recall (knowledge) and 30% of them to measure strategy, how many of the test items should deal with recall (knowledge) of strategy?

¡  1

¡  2

¡  3

¡  6

9.  A teacher is scheduled to give an examination to four classes on December 1. The teacher begins coaching duties on December 1. If the four classes have been covering the same material in class and average 25 pupils each, what type of test should the teacher administer and why?

¡  essay; more efficient with small classes

¡  multiple-choice; better comparison of students since all are covering same material

¡  multiple-choice; more time to construct the test than to correct it

¡  multiple-choice; easier to correct for classes of this size

10.  What is the major difference between objective and essay items?

¡  Objective items are more reliable.

¡  Objective items are more susceptible to chance than essay items.

¡  Essay items are more valid than objective items.

¡  Essay items encourage more study for understanding than objective items.

11.  What increases when additional items are added to a written test?

¡  objectivity

¡  reliability

¡  validity

¡  discrimination

12.  Assuming that 15% body fat is considered ideal for males, how much weight must Shawn lose if he weighs 200 lb and has been measured to be 21% fat?

¡  6 lb

¡  14 lb

¡  24 lb

¡  42 lb

13.  In a true/false test the majority of the items are of what type?

¡  knowledge

¡  application

¡  synthesis

¡  evaluative

14.  Which of the following items would probably correlate the highest with laboratory methods of estimating maximal oxygen uptake?

¡  400 yd run

¡  sit-ups to exhaustion

¡  9 min run

¡  600 yd run

15.  Ideally, how difficult should the items be that comprise written achievement tests?

¡  Most items should be rather difficult.

¡  Most items should be of moderate difficulty.

¡  The items should run a continuous range from quite easy to quite difficult.

¡  About half should be rather easy, the other should be rather difficult.

16.  Which of the following is most important with an achievement test?

¡  the difficulty index

¡  the discrimination index

¡  how many items are on the test

¡  depends on the purpose of the test

17.  What major advantage do multiple-choice questions have over true/false items?

¡  You can answer more of them in one hour.

¡  Guessing is less of a factor.

¡  Trivia is asked with true/false questions.

¡  Objectivity is increased with multiple-choice items.

¡  The intraclass reliability of multiple-choice items generally exceeds zero.

18.  The following information was obtained on a recent item analysis of a sample multiple-choice question: answer option A---difficulty = .14 and discrimination = -.10; answer option B---difficulty = .20 and discrimination = -.24; answer option C---difficulty = .48 and discrimination = .48; answer option D---difficulty = .18 and discrimination = -.01. The correct answer to this sample item was C. Estimate the quality of the test question.

¡  difficulty needs revision

¡  discrimination needs revision

¡  poor item

¡  fair item

19.  What do item characteristics difficulty (P) and discrimination (r or D) impact?

¡  reliability

¡  validity

¡  both a and b

¡  neither a nor b

20.  For a 50-item test given to 140 students, approximately how many of the answer sheets would be used in an item analysis?

¡  28

¡  50

¡  54

¡  76

21.  What type of validity is provided by having a fellow teacher review the items on the test?

¡  content validity

¡  concurrent validity

¡  construct validity

¡  predictive validity

22.  Which of the following is the primary concern when grading an essay examination?

¡  relevance

¡  feasibility

¡  objectivity

¡  writing style

23.  Which type of reliability estimate would least likely be used with a written test?

¡  internal consistency

¡  split-halves reliability

¡  test-retest reliability

¡  intraclass reliability

24.  To whom should alternative assessments be meaningful?

¡  parents

¡  school administrators

¡  the teacher

¡  fellow teachers

¡  the students

25.  What should be the first step in the grading process?

¡  recording the scores

¡  summing the scores

¡  averaging the scores

¡  determining the weight for each test score

¡  determining instructional objectives

26.  A meaningful alternative assessment must consist of which of the following two parts?

¡  assessment task and performance criteria

¡  stated purpose and student outcomes

¡  normative standards and scoring procedures

¡  authentic setting and ecological validity

27.  Which of the following subject areas is more likely to have used forms of alternative, performance-based assessment for evaluating students?

¡  math

¡  history

¡  science

¡  physical education

28.  What is the best way to make a multiple-choice item more difficult?

¡  include "tricky" options

¡  increase the difficulty index

¡  include more options

¡  make the options homogeneous

29.  The most popular youth fitness batteries include health-related fitness tests. Which test battery includes a test of motor fitness?

¡  the President's Challenge


¡  both a and b

¡  neither a nor b

30.  Use the following information to determine the correct composite score: test A---weight 35%, score 90; test B---weight 35%, score 88; and test C---weight 30%, score 70.

¡  73

¡  78

¡  83

¡  86

31.  Grading is a

¡  measurement process

¡  formative evaluation

¡  summative evaluation

¡  criterion-referenced evaluation

32.  What is the biggest disadvantage of using arbitrary standards in grading?

¡  consistency

¡  accuracy

¡  representation of student performance

¡  feasibility

¡  none of the above

33.  Ideally, which of the following should be most reflected in a student's grade?

¡  the section of the course

¡  the instructor for the course

¡  the semester of the course

¡  the achievement of each student

34.  You want to grade on the "normal curve." What characteristic of the distribution are you most concerned about?

¡  how homogeneous the class is

¡  how heterogeneous the class is

¡  how skewed the class is

¡  the class mean and standard deviation

35.  How does the ACTIVITYGRAM differ from the FITNESSGRAM?

¡  The ACTIVITYGRAM is easier to use.

¡  The ACTIVITYGRAM can be used for all ages.

¡  The ACTIVITYGRAM measures typical daily activity.


36.  Which type of test is LEAST likely to appear in a health-related fitness test battery?

¡  agility

¡  endurance

¡  flexibility

¡  strength

37.  What type of test item is least likely to appear in a health-related physical fitness test battery?

¡  muscular endurance

¡  strength

¡  cardiovascular endurance

¡  balance

38.  A test battery contains the following three items: distance runs, skinfolds, and trunk extension. What does the test battery measure?

¡  health-related physical fitness

¡  cardiovascular efficiency

¡  muscular endurance

¡  motor fitness

39. What method should be used to obtain a composite score when scores from the various tests involved are measured on an interval scale and are normally distributed?

¡  There is no way to obtain composite scores in this situation.

¡  normalizing method

¡  rank method

¡  standard score method

40. Which method of assigning grades provides the teacher with the most information about student performance on a given test, but is highly student-dependent?

¡  normal curve

¡  teacher standards

¡  natural breaks

¡  norms