Elastic 2D Shapes Lesson Description
Learning Objective/Intention
To visualise, describe and make 2D shapes.
This activity is a practical approach that helps children to become familiar with 2D shapes and their properties. In this activity children will have the opportunity to both review and acknowledge their prior learning about 2D shapes and their properties before creating them using pieces of elastic.
Begin by reviewing what the children know about 2D shapes. Give each child a small elastic band and ask them to create given shapes e.g. a triangle. The children will need to do describe the properties of their shapes to a learning partner and can then move onto challenging each other to create shapes by either giving the shape name or describing specific properties. This task needs to be fast-paced as it is a quick way of engaging the children immediately with the content of the lesson before the main session.
Next model to the children how to use one large piece of elastic to create a specific shape in a group. Ask the children to place the large elastic around their ankles to create a shape. Each contact with a body part creates a corner, if the children stand with their feet apart this too will create and extra corner and therefore side. Give the children the opportunity to visualise each shape in their head before creating it, when the children are making their shape allow them the opportunity to discuss their choice of position with their reasons. The children will soon realise that not every member of the group will be utilised for every shape. At this stage children should be using mathematical vocabulary to discuss the properties e.g. corners, sides and equal length.
Finally, ask the children to come together as a class. Discuss with the children which shapes they were and were not able to create easily. Which shapes were regular and irregular? How could the children ensure their shapes were regular?
Preparation (5minutes)
Most of the preparation for this session can be done either by your LSA or parent/carer volunteers.
· Have 2D vocabulary bank on show to support the children’s learning.
· Cut large pieces of elastic to manageable sizes.
· Selection of small elastic band
· Large lengths of elastic
WALT (We are learning to) visualise and create 3D shapes from drawings.
Success criteria
WILF (What I’m looking for)
· You can picture the shape in your head.
· Talk through what you can see with a learning partner.
This activity works as well with pairs or independently, and the practical opportunity provides perhaps more engagement for those who tend to be more passive during the usual class taught lesson.
Lower ability:
· More basic shapes/pictures could also be used
· Adult support
· Mixed ability pairing.
Higher ability:
· Wider range of shapes.
Top Tip
Some children will be tempted to ping elastic bands across the classroom so ask the children at the beginning of the lesson to place the elastic bands around their wrist when not in use.
Kate Wells & Sabrina Wright 2009 Cuffley School Year 2 & 3