Notes for Instructors Using Hawkes Learning Systems – August 2011
I. Getting Students Started – Important Information/Recommendations
A. Each student must have a USB flash drive (a.k.a. jump drive, thumb drive, etc.) and
bring it to every class meeting. One is bundled with the textbook/software for
convenience, but any flash drive may be used. If a flash drive becomes lost or
unusable, the student is expected to obtain another one immediately.
B. Course Code = GENESEEBAM (for MAT091) or GENESEEIDA (for MAT092)
Access Code is 30 alphanumeric characters long, unique to the individual user
License Number is on the yellow sticker on the CD envelope
C. Obtaining and Saving Access Codes:
1. Students should use their GCC email address () when obtaining their access codes!
2. When the access code first appears on the screen, they can highlight it, right click
the mouse, and select “Copy”. Then “Paste” it into the access code line when logging
into the HLS software . This saves having to copy and retype all 30 characters.
3. Students should SAVE the email from HLS that shows their access code.
4. The first time they use their access code, students will be prompted to save it.
The access code should be saved to their flash drive immediately, and then also
saved on their own personal computer’s hard drive. They can click on “Save
Access Code” under “Tools” on the top menu bar on the TOC (Table of Contents)
page to save it to the hard drive.
D. Students must enroll in their particular instructor’s course the first time they use their
access code. They need to be careful when selecting the correct instructor and section
number from the drop-down list. This is how the instructor’s HLS roster gets populated.
E. Students who are repeating the course and have already used Hawkes need to
transfer themselves into the current instructor’s course using the “Transfer” button at the
top of their Progress Report. Since their access code never expires, they do not need a
new one when repeating the same course. Students advancing to MAT092 from
MAT091 do need a different access code, however.
F. ALL students should download the curriculum file on their home computer(s),
just in case the internet connection is down or lost while they are working. The
“Load Curriculum” command is under “Tools” on the top menu bar on the TOC page.
I recommend distributing the curriculum file as an email attachment. [Remember that
there is an Email Class button at the bottom of the class roster in GENESIS.] Do NOT
try to open the file – it can only be read by the HLS software – just attach it.
G. Students who do not have access to a PC or laptop computer at home may use college
computers to complete their assignments. Many labs have HLS software installed.
II. Submitting Homework (Hawkes Lessons)
A. Students should always go through Practice first, and click “Yes” at the end to continue
practicing until they are really ready for Certify. Each time through Practice they get
different examples to work on. Here they can “Skip” types of questions that are already
mastered and concentrate their effort on skills that need more work. In Practice they see all the types of questions that will be included in Certify and they learn how to enter answers in an acceptable format. This approach helps students avoid wasting time from having to repeat an entire Certify several times before reaching mastery level.
B. Students may help each other and/or get assistance from tutors when working in Practice,
but they are expected to complete each Certify entirely on their own with no outside
assistance. The Certify is the equivalent of a homework quiz.
C. Students must use their own personal access code when doing a Certify if they want
to get credit for it. Lessons done with “Demo Code” (a generic student access code
available on the desktop of some library computers, apparently) do NOT get recorded
in any Instructor’s Grade Book or the student’s Progress Report.
D. If students click the “End Certify” button without answering some of the questions, a
dialogue box pops up to ask, “Are you sure you want to exit Certify mode?” If they click
“Yes”, it asks, “Do you want to pause this certification session and resume later?”
We do NOT recommend using this feature! Too many students misuse it. Also, on GCC
computers, once they log off they cannot get back to that Certify and must start over.
E. Students should always save their certificates to their flash drive, even if they think
they were connected to the internet while working.
F. Students should always check their Progress Report after submitting a certificate
to make sure it “went through”. If not, they need to resubmit it right away under the
“Submit Certificate” tab in the Progress Report to make sure it is recorded before the
deadline (due date/time).
G. The date and time that a certificate is submitted to the Progress Report online is
recorded as the completion time – not the time that the student actually finished the
H. Students can access their Progress Report from ANY internet-connected computer at (for MAT091) or (for MAT092).
III. Troubleshooting
A. If students using a college computer get the message “User data path does not exist”
when they click on the Hawkes icon to login, they need to insert a flash drive into a
USB port. If the flash drive is already in place, it may be “dead” or in the wrong
B. If students get the message: “Access code is not valid for this product,” they probably
clicked the icon for the wrong course on the desktop.
C. If students do a Certify offline on a computer without the curriculum file loaded,
they will get a message that the instructor will only accept lessons done with a
particular curriculum when they try to submit the certificate later. That certificate will
NOT count for credit, and the student will need to repeat the assignment.
D. If the Progress Report button does not appear on the Table of Contents page,
the computer is not accessing the internet.
E. Students sometimes think that the system is not accepting their access code if they have
confused terminology: access code vs. course code vs. license number. [See I. B. ]
IV. Tips for the Instructor
A. Internet Explorer (not Mozilla Firefox, etc.) must be set as the default browser
(whether or not you use it) in order to use some features of the instructor’s software.
B. Access for Various Instructors’ Tasks:
1. Some features related to reviewing students’ graded WebTests are available only
through the Instructor’s Software. However, it is possible for an instructor to copy
and paste a student’s access code into the Student Software to view a graded test.
2. An instructor can access the student’s view of lessons on any computer on which
either the student version or instructor version of the software is installed.
3. Everything else that an instructor needs to do to manage the course (e.g., monitoring
students’ progress, entering/changing scores, taking attendance, changing test time
limits for individual students, etc.) can be done through the online Grade Book on
any internet-connected computer, whether or not HLS software has been installed.
You can access your Grade Books at the following URLs: [Notice the C at the end!] (for MAT091) or (for MAT092).
a) Homework points and/or test scores can be changed manually under the
“Assignments” tab, “Edit Scores by Student” in the Instructor’s Grade Book.
b) Progress Points and scores on paper assessments for an entire class can be
entered under the “Assignments” tab, “Edit Scores by Assignment.”
c) To extend the time limit on an online test for a student with accommodations,
under the Assignments tab, click on WebTests and select a particular test. In the
box to the far right, check “Define time limits per student”. Then click the green
plus sign to the left of your section name to reveal the students’ names. In the
Time Limit column, choose “Custom time limit” from the drop-down box. After
entering 120 minutes remember to click the Save Changes button near either the
top left or bottom left corner of the page. Time adjustments must be made before
the student begins a test.
C. It helps to do each HLS lesson yourself so you are familiar with ways to enter answers
that include special symbols or require particular formats.
D. Load key introductory documents into My Courses on GENESIS to get students started:
· Syllabus, including “Getting Started in Hawkes” instructions
· HLS Orientation Video and/or PowerPoint
E. Ideally, everything else a student needs can be accessed through the student’s Progress
Report. Documents can be posted in Course Materials, thereby available to students
under the My Tools tab in the Progress Report.
F. Note the location of a student’s current average/letter grade in Instructor’s Grade Book
(next to his/her name) and in student’s Progress Report (above the top line of the table).
G. Instructors can easily keep track of attendance in their HLS grade books during class.
This feature can be accessed under the Assignments tab, “Edit Attendance by Date”.
Notice that it is possible to set a default of “Present” for all students to begin, and then
the status for individual students can be selected from a drop-down menu next to each
student’s name. Options include “arrived late” and “left early” as well as “absent”. We
do not distinguish between “excused absences” and “unexcused absences” this semester.
H. Note options available in “Manage Students” under the “Tools” tab in the Grade Book.
I. Whenever you make any changes to settings, dates, grades, etc. in the Grade Book,
always look for and click on the SAVE or SAVE CHANGES button!
« When in doubt about anything, call Hawkes Technical Support at 1-800-426-9538 .
Students may use 1-843-571-2825 to contact Technical Support (M-F 8:30am-10pm).
V. Special Features / Tech Tips
A. While in any lesson, see “Keyboard Shortcuts” under “Help” on the top menu bar.
B. If the keypad tab is not visible at the right edge of a Practice or Certify screen, click the
“Keypad” button at the top left of the page.
C. Notice “Print Screen” under “File” on the top menu bar on any page.
D. Features available under “Tools” on the top menu bar on the TOC page:
“Save Access Code”, “Load Curriculum”, “Submit Certificates”, and “Magnifier”
(a rectangle that can be dragged over text to magnify small regions at a time)
VI. Additional Notes about Access Codes
A. “Demo” codes allow an individual to practice using the student software, but do not
enable one to enroll in a section. Any Certifies done with this access code do not get
recorded in any grade book or progress report and therefore do not get credited to the
user by name.
B. Instructors should use the personalized access code issued to them by HLS so that they
can enroll as a student in their own class under their own name. Then their name appears
in their class roster and they have a Progress Report, just like any other student.
C. Do not give credit for any printed certificates that were done with a demo code. This
provides strong incentive for students to do whatever it takes to obtain their required
materials in an appropriate time frame.
D. Occasionally you may have a student who genuinely cannot obtain their textbook and
software during the first week of classes, although true emergencies of this kind are very
rare. In those cases, you may allow the student to use a demo code to get started using
the software, but the student must understand that any Certifies done this way will not
count toward their grade, and the work must be repeated after they get their own
personalized access code.
BAM (MAT091) Demo Code: a2dwc6 ckt2dw ha6ykx cnjtem zvantv
IDA (MAT092) Demo Code: 62d9ez 7m62dw zgp8uq ciddvv hv9i9v
Prepared by Meredith Altman, June 2010, revised August 2011