
Confirmation of Your Membership of the Local Government Pension Scheme

Dear [Name]

Personnel Number: [insert]

Post Title:[insert]

Bradford Council will shortly be enrolling all workers who are not already members (and meet the criteria listed below), into our workplace pension scheme. A new law requires employers to do this for workers who:

  • earn over £9,440 a year;
  • are aged 22 or over; and
  • are under State Pension age.

I am writing to inform you that Bradford Council staging date is 1st February 2013 however they have, as allowed by law, postponed automatic enrolment into the pension scheme until 1st May 2013. Bradford Council has also decided to take advantage of the transitional arrangements allowed by the Department for Work and Pensions and will not auto enrol eligible workers (as defined above) who have previously opted out until 1st October 2017.

I am writing toconfirm that, as you are already in the workplace pension scheme, this change does not affect you. However, under the new law Bradford Councilis required to provide you with the following information:

  • the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) is a qualifying pension scheme, which exceeds the government’s new standards;
  • Bradford Council must continue to maintain your membership of the LGPS (unless you personally choose to opt out of membership of the scheme or cease to be eligible for membership), and must ensure the scheme continues to meet certain government standards;
  • if your membership of the LGPS ends (and it is not because of something you do or fail to do), Bradford Council must by law put you into another scheme that meets government standards straightaway, if you are under 75, work and earn over £5,564 a year.

Our LGPS is provided by West Yorkshire Pension Fund. Once a year you get a statement indicating how much your pension has built up so far and how much you might get when you reach the scheme’s pension age.

Further information

Further information on the West Yorkshire Pension Fund scheme can be found at: Internet:

If you have any questions about the scheme, please contact the West Yorkshire Pension Fund at:E-mail: Phone: 01274 434999

For more general information on pensions and saving for later life visit:


Yours sincerely


Headteacher on Behalf of City of Bradford MDC