2010 - 2011 AGREEMENT BETWEEN Hennepin County Library aND

juvenile detention center FOR LIBRARY SERVICES

Hennepin County Library through this agreement provides library services to the Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center. Hennepin County Library Board Policy on SERVICES TO GROUPS & INDIVIDUALS WITH RESTRICTED LIBRARY ACCESS addresses provision of services to populations who are unable to travel to the Library, including those in detention facilities. The Library’s Outreach Library is responsible for working with the Juvenile Detention Center staff to assure access to library materials and services for Center residents, in accordance with the policies and procedures established by the Library and the Center. Both the Library and the Juvenile Detention Center recognize the educational and recreational needs of library users in institutional settings, as well as the residents’ right to information. The Library cooperates with Minneapolis Public School's Stadium View to provide library service to JDC.

This agreement is to run from July 1, 2010 through June 30, 2011


1.  Juvenile Detention Center will provide funding of $2,300 for the time of this agreement for the purchase of materials for deposit collections housed in mods and in a small library off of the gym. The money will be transferred to the Library through a County fund transfer.

2.  Deposit collections maintained in the Juvenile Detention Center include regularly purchased paperbacks and periodicals that are in accordance with collection selection criteria. (attachéd). Donated materials are included when they meet collection selection criteria

3.  Beginning on or about 1 September 2010, the Library's services at JDC will change focus on Out of School Time reading and programming. Minneapolis Public School's Stadium View will take responsibility for providing library service to JDC residents during the school day / year. A separate service agreement is signed with Minneapolis Public Schools.

4.  Library staff will visit the Juvenile Detention Center once month during the school year to maintain the deposit collections and to assist residents in requesting specific materials or information on specific subjects. Library staff will also visit during school breaks.

Policies controlling this agreement:

1.  Materials provided to fill specific requests by residents are selected in accordance with the Hennepin County Library Collection Management Policy, if they do not represent a threat to the security of the Juvenile Detention Center.

2.  HCL recognizes that under the county 's policy regarding residental housing units (RH-102) that JDC has "the duty to ensure that its residents choose appropirate reading material.".

3.  Library materials are placed in the Juvenile Detention Center library area to guarantee free and open access for all residents.

4.  Materials currently supplied are of a general informational and recreational nature. Staff training materials and materials for formal education programs, including textbooks, generally are not supplied through the deposit collection.

5.  Juvenile Detention Center staff may request in writing that a specific item be removed from the collection. (see below) These requests must cite specific objections to the work being housed at the Center. The requests will be reviewed and decisions as delineated in the procedures below.

6.  Library materials at the Juvenile Detention Center are placed there for use by residents of the institution. They may not be taken from the institution by staff or residents.


1.  If staff or residents of the Juvenile Detention Center object to material supplied by the Library, JDC still will communicate the specific objections to the material, citing pages if necessary using a request for reconsideration form (see attached). This completed form and the book/material should be sent to Correction Unit Supervisor who will have the material removed pending a meeting with the Outreach Supervisor to discuss the complaint. When a decision is reached, the complainant will be informed. If dissatisfied, the complainant may appeal the decision to the Superintendent. In the event the Superintendent and the Outreach Supervisor are unable to agree, the Juvenile Detention Center Superintendent will be the final authority.

2.  All books/materials borrowed from the library’s general collection in response to a special request and must be returned to Library staff during their regular visits.

3.  Staff from the Hennepin County Library once month during the school year and during school breaks. During this time, library staff will

a.  Take requests for materials from the residents.

b.  Put out, promote, and circulate materials.

c.  Interact with residents and inquire regarding their reading interests

d.  Weed the collection. Books are removed and discarded if they are in poor condition, or if there is no longer interest in the particular title.

5. Both HCL and JDC Staff will, in providing library services, demonstrate the core competencies expected of all county employees in the areas of customer focus, integrity and trust, supporting vision and purpose, building relationships, resiliency, and technical knowledge.

6. Staff of the JDC and HCL will work together to make the library an enriching aspect of a resident's stay at JDC. JDC staff will ensure that all residents have the opportunity to visit the library during the times when library staff make scheduled visits.

7. While residents are allowed to use the JDC Library on days when Library staff is not available, it is the it is the responsibly of JDC staff to ensure the library and the materials are treated with respect.

8 Stadium View, JDC, and Library staff will meet at least twice a year to discuss issues related to library service at JDC

The following Library Staff acknowledge their responsibilities for implementing and managing this agreement.

Patrick Jones, Senior Librarian, Outreach Services Date

The following Detention Staff acknowledge their responsibilities for implementing and managing this agreement.

Karen Kuglar Superintendent,. Juvenile Detention Center Date

Request for Reconsideration of materials at Juvenile Detention Center

Author: ______

Title: ______

How does this item present a threat to the security of the institution and/or does not represent choose appropriate reading material." Please be specific, citing pages if possible.


Name: ______

Mod: ______


Email: ______

Please send to Jeff Townsend

Hennepin County Library / Juvenile Detention Center / collection selection criteria

Hennepin County Library (HCL) has an agreement with Hennepin County Juvenile Detention Center (JDC) to provide library services, including providing printed library materials. Materials are selected in accordance with the Hennepin County Library Collection Management Policy, if they do not represent a threat to the security of the Juvenile Detention Center. HCL also recognizes that under the county's policy regarding residential housing units (RH-102) that JDC has "the duty to ensure that its residents choose appropriate reading material." The following is a list of prohibited materials are considered to be not "appropriate reading material."

ü  Books by Terri Woods, and other street life novels which portray gang life in a positive manner, including all titles from Triple Crown, Urban Books, Q-Boro and similar publishers. Titles from mainstream publishers that present the consequences of gang life, are allowed.

ü  Monster, Do or Die, and other gang life nonfiction titles which portray gang life or a criminal lifestyle in a positive manner. Gang "turnaround stories" such as Life in Prison by Tookie Williams or Cooked by Jeff Henderson are allowed.

ü  King, Maxim, Low Rider, XXL, and Source magazines, or other titles featuring heavy sexual content and/or photographs featuring gang signs

ü  Graphic novels / manga with heavy sexual or violent content, such as Battle Royale, Fist of the North Star, and Punisher

ü  Books by Zane or other books with heavy sexual content

ü  Books which depict or describe procedures for the construction or use of weapons, ammunition, bombs or incendiary devices;

ü  Books which depict, encourage, or describe methods of escape from correctional facilities, or contains blueprints, drawings or similar descriptions of the same;

ü  Books which depict or describe procedures for the brewing of alcoholic beverages, or the manufacture of drugs;

ü  Books which are written in code;

ü  Books which depict, describe or encourage activities which may lead to the use of physical violence or group disruption;

ü  Books which encourage or instruct in the commission of criminal activity;

ü  Books which are homophobic, pornographic, obscene or sexually explicit material or other visual depictions that are harmful to students

ü  Books which use language or images that advocate violence or discrimination toward other people (hate literature) or that may constitute harassment or discrimination or create a serious danger of violence in the facility;

ü  materials depicting martial arts;

ü  materials depicting tattooing or graffiti

JDC staff should not apply their own standards, based upon personal beliefs, but follow the established guidelines of the institution. Materials in the above list may not be brought into the facility by Hennepin Country Library staff, nor should they be provided to residents by JDC staff or family of residents.