The Magic Pot (Drama)

Narrator: The Pandavas and their wife Draupadi had been exiled to the forest, still the wicked Duryodhona was not satisfied. He thought day and night about doing harm to the Pandavas.

Duryodhana: I want those Pandavas dead….all dead. As long as they are alive I shall never be happy.

Narrator: Just then the sage Durvasa and his 10,000 disciples paid Duryodhana a visit. Duryodhana served the sage with great attention and respect. The sage was pleased.

Duryodhan: Please be seated…servants, a feast for the sage and his disciples immediately…..

Durvas: My dear Duryodhana. You have looked after me so nicely. Please ask for a boon.

Duryodhana: My dear Durvas, I would be pleased if you and your 10,000 disciples would visit my poor cousins, the Pandavas who are living in the forest…

Durvas: So be it …we shall go there immediately.

Narrator: The wicked Duryodhana knew that Draupadi had a magic pot given to her by the Sungod. The pot could produce as much food as needed for any number of guests but after Draupadi had eaten the magic pot would give no more for that day. He therefore requested Durvas to go after Draupadi had finished her meal.

Narrator: When Yudisthir saw the sage and his 10,000 disciples coming he began to panic….

Yudhisthir: Oh no! Durvas is coming with all his disciples. Draupadi has eaten and we will have nothing to feed our guests…Durvas will get angry and curse us all…What shall we do?

Narrator: Despite feeling very worried Yudhisthir greeted his guests with great respect.

Yudhisthir: My dear sage…please go first and take your bath and when you return we shall have a wonderful feast ready for you….

Durvas: Yes, we shall return as soon as we have taken our bath.

Yudhisthir (to Draupadi and his brothers) What should we do? Draupadi has eaten and the pot is empty!

Draupadi: Only Lord Krsna can help us. Let us all pray to him.

Dear Lord, You saved me before, we have no other shelter please protect us…

Narrator: So the 5 brothers and Draupadi sat down and prayed to Krsna. Krsna always hears the sincere prayers of His devotees and very soon he arrived.

Krsna: My dear friends you called me… what is your problem.

Yudhisthir: My dear Kesava! Durvas and his 10,000 disciples will be here soon ready to eat a feast. Draupadi has taken her meal so the pot will give no more. You are our only shelter what shall we do?

Krsna: Draupadi, I am starving myself. Is there anything left in your pot…

Draupadi: No, my Lord it is empty.

Krsna: Ah but you are wrong… there is a tiny piece of vegetable ….mmm delicious. Do not worry, when I am satisfied, the whole creation is satisfied. Durvas will not come back.

Narrator: Meanwhile Durvas Muni and his 10,000 disciples were taking their bath when something very strange happened.

Disciples - Gurudev we feel so full (groan groan. ) We can’t eat anything. We shall be sick if we do.

Durvas - Yes I also feel as if I had eaten a huge feast. We do not want to offend the Pandavas as they are great devotees of Lord Krsna. Let us just run away very quietly.

Narrator: So Durvas and his disciples slipped very quietly away and the Pandavas were saved by Lord Krsna once again.

Draupadi - Lord Krsna You have saved us again

Pandavas – Jai Sri Krsna Bhagavan – ki Jay!

Bow together.