English I CP Syllabus – Freshman CP English, 2012-2013
Ms. DeEtte Burton, English Instructor, Tracy High School
Phone: 209-830-3360 Room A204 Office Hours: Mon.-Tues., 7:30-8 a.m.
- E-mail:
- Website TBA:
Course Description:
This course meets U.C./C.S.U. Category b-English requirements. English I is a literature and skills based course designed to help students understand and appreciate critical values represented in the various literary genres: novels, plays, short stories, essays, myths and poetry. The major goals of the course are to develop an appreciation of various aspects of human nature and human relationships by exploring various themes in literature, to improve students’ reading, listening and speaking abilities by studying, analyzing, and discussing the major themes, and to improve students’ writing abilities. English I is a class required for graduation from high school. Students must pass four years of English classes, pass the California High School Exit Exam (CAHSEE), and have the appropriate number of credits (in the proper areas) in order to qualify for a high school diploma. Homework is generally given several nights a week, 30-60 minutes. There are also long-term projects like book reports each quarter.
- Required Materials:
Dark blue or black ink pens, have at least one extra – All assignments must be completed in dark blue or black ink
Notebook/Binder (which contains this syllabus) and a section devoted to English
8.5 X 11-inch or 8 X10 inch, college-ruled, white notebook paper (not spiral/wire bound)
Typed assignments must be in Times New Roman, 12-point MLA format
No. 2 pencil (usually for tests that are completed on a Scan-Tron form)
- Required Reading (options):
Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey,
Holt Grammar and Composition (Handbook) – Third Course
Holt Literature and Language Arts - Third Course
Additional novels
Book report books as approved by the teacher
Course Outline:
This class offers students a literature and skills-based course which meets the California Public Schools English–Language Arts Content Standards.
Students will strengthen their multi-paragraph writing skills, while they learn and practice new grammar skills. No “text messaging” type writing on any assignments.
Research and oral presentationsshould be expected in English I.
Students should also expect to use various computer programs and internet resources.
Finally, the students will have one outside reading project per quarter. The student will choose a book to read and complete a teacher-assigned oral presentation, project, or written book report. Books must be 200-400 pages in length and be approved by the teacher.
Students may be assigned more papers and projects than listed, but this is an accurate overview.
Grading Policy:
A student’s semester grade is based on the total points given and earned during the entire semester. The grade will not start over after the
first and third quarter, the points will continue until the entire semester is completed. These points will account for 80% of the semester
grade. The semester final will count for 20% of the semester grade.
Grades will be updated on Parent Connect as often as possible, but at least every 2 weeks. Although every attempt is made to keep Parent
Connect up-to-date, the best way to have an accurate grade is to email the teacher.
- Grade Determination:
A student’s quarter grade is based on the percentage made by averaging the total number of points earned, using the following breakdown:
97.45-100+% = A+
92.45-97.44% = A
89.45-92.44% = A-
87.45-89.44% = B+
82.45-86.44% = B
79.45-82.44% = B-
77.45-79.44% = C+
72.45-77.44% = C
69.45-72.44% = C-
67.45-69.44% = D+
62.45-67.44% = D
59.45-62.44% = D-
Below 59.44% = F/Fail
Make-up/Late Work Policy/Due Dates:
- The student is given one day to make up work for every day of excused absence.
- Students who are suspended or whose absence is unexcused/truant may not make up work.
- Assignments are due on time. Assignments are due when the teacher collects the assignment, any work turned in after that is considered late. Please be organized so you have your assignments ready to turn in. Work worth 50 points or more may be turned in one day late for half credit. This does not apply to a student who is suspended or has an unexcused/truant for that absence. No other late work is accepted.
- If a student is absent, with an excused admit, work will be accepted. If a student is absent, it is the student’s responsibility to give the assignment to the teacher at the beginning of the period on the first day they return.
- It is also the student’s obligation on the first day they return to ask the teacher what work was missed and when it will be due. In most cases, students are allowed one make-up day for an assignment for each day of excused absence. (Except for extended time projects, book reports, oral reports, etc., when no extra time is given.)
- If a student fails to bring his/her book or supplies, the student will lose participation points for that day. If the assignment allows the student to share with another student, partial credit will be given towards participation if the student chooses to share instead of receiving a zero.
- All tests or quizzes must be made up within five school days from the test date. Failure to do so will result in a zero on the test or quiz. After five days the quiz or test cannot be made up.
- Tests or quizzes are made up before school, during lunch, or after school. Please make an appointment to make up a quiz or test.
- Assignments, quizzes, or tests for absences recorded as truants or for students on suspension cannot be made up. Students suspended to “In House Suspension” may request work before placement. This is done before/after school or during breaks. Please do not interrupt class to get assignments. If a student fails to get assignments before going to In-House suspension, they will not be able to get the work on Monday. Students must also turn in any work that is due before going to In-House suspension, either the day before or the morning of In-House suspension. Students failing to do this will have the work considered “late” and will follow the late work policy.
Academic Dishonesty:
Academic dishonesty includes (any time you turn in work as your own, but it is not your original thought), but not limited to:
copying and/or paraphrasing passages from Cliff Notes, Monarch Notes, Spark Notes, or any source.
Including copying and pasting from the internet or any source without using correct MLA documentation.
copying and/or paraphrasing another student’s homework, tests, or other assignments.
under any pretext, including “studying together.” No working together unless you have received permission for that assignment.
allowing a student to copy and/or paraphrase your homework, tests, or other assignments.
informing other students of essay test topics or objective-test questions.
any other behaviors included in the Student Handbook.
*Cheating will not be tolerated. A student who is found to be cheating on an assignment will be given a zero on the assignment, a referral and the
student’s parent/guardian will be contacted. Additional consequences and descriptions are outlined in the Student Handbook.
Attendance Policy:
- A student can learn the best when she/he is in class; therefore, a student must attend class regularly. Major parts of this class will be discussion and in-class projects, so absences will have an adverse effect on a student’s learning and grade.
- Tardy Policy:
The Tracy High School tardy policy will be enforced in my class. Students are to be in their seat when the bell rings.
Consequences for tardies are (per quarter):
Tardy 1-4: verbal warning. The 4th tardy will also include parent contact.
Tardy 5+: Consequences outlined in the “Student Handbook”.
If a student is tardy when an assignment is turned in, the assignment is considered “late” and will be given half credit. Most homework
assignments are turned in at the beginning of the period.
Behavior Steps and Consequences:
I do not expect or allow discipline problems. If, however, a student chooses to disregard classroom policies, I will:
1. Personally engage the student in a meaningful discussion on proper classroom behavior.
2. Contact the student’s parent/guardian if behavior continues.
3. Follow consequences as stated in the “Student Handbook”.
*In cases of extremely negative behavior (including a bad report from the substitute teacher), the student will be
immediately sent to the assistant principal and a parent/guardian will be notified.
*Students will not be reminded on a daily basis to follow simple class rules. Students will take responsibility for their behavior in class
**Class policies apply to teacher’s aides.
Rules and Expectations:
Students will respect themselves and the need for an education. Students must respect the rights of other students to an education and the right of the teacher to teach. Students must also respect the property of others. Students will follow all school rules and policies as stated in the “Student Handbook”.
Since students have been in school for at least 10 years, it is not necessary to repeatedly remind them of simple rules that they are expect to know and follow on a daily basis: be on time, raise your hand and be called on before speaking, don’t talk without permission, face forward, wear your school ID and approved lanyard,bring your books and supplies, sit up, be on task, use time effectively, stay in your seat, and show respect to everyone.
All students can act appropriately, follow class rules, and will be fully expected to do so.
1. Students will bring school supplies to class every day. Supplies include: pens (blue or black ink), binder paper, textbook, and required handouts. Students will need to bring appropriate books and materials to class every day.Students must have correct heading on all papers.
2. Students will be in assigned seats when the tardy bell rings and will stay there throughout the period unless they have received
permission from the teacher to be out of their seat. Hats will not be worn in class at any time.Absences must be cleared before a student
returns to class. If a student habitually fails to clear absences before returning to class, the student will be given a tardy to get it cleared.
All backpacks, bags, and purses must be placed on the floor and out of the aisle. Quickly get what you need out of the backpack, purse, or bag and put it on the floor. Do not keep the backpack/purse/bag on your desk or in your lap.
3. Students will raise their hand and be called on by the teacher before speaking. Students will participate in class reading, discussions,
and work in an appropriate, mature manner.
4. Students will take care of personal business before the tardy bell rings, not during class. Examples: using the bathroom, applying cosmetics, borrowing supplies (bathroom passes, two for each quarter, will be issued; other bathroom passes will result in tardies.)
5. Students will not touch other students or their property and will not engage in any activity which is irrelevant or inappropriate to the work
being done in class. No food, gum, candy, or drinksare allowed in class.
6. As per district policy, cell phones, MP3 (iPod type) players, cameras, video cameras, audio recorders, game-playing type devices,
or other unapproved technological devices are not to be used at any time during class. Students may not record (video or audio) at any
time without permission of the teacher.
Ear buds/phones must be put away, out-of-sight. Phones or iPods (MP3 players) must be put away, not on a belt or in a pocket.
Using these items inappropriately will result in a referral.
*Please pay special attention to school policy on cell phones and other technological devices, these policies will be followed.
English I CP, Freshman English, 2012-2013
Dear Ms. Burton:
My son/daughter and I have read,fully understand, and will follow the attached discipline policy, grading policy, expectations, and procedures for your classroom. Students will be respectful and courteous to classmates and the teacher. We also recognize the importance of coming to class on time with the proper materials for every class period.
We acknowledge the major books and videos for the class (including, but not limited to): Romeo and Juliet, The Odyssey, various poems, and short stories.
We agree that every student needs the basic materials to be successful and to participate in class every day and we will be prepared (basic materials include):
1. Correct English Textbook
2. Notebook or binder, may be shared with another class, but needs a separate section for English
3. Blue or black ink pens (all work is done in pen)
4. College-ruled, 8.5 X 11 or 8 X10 inch binder paper – not from a spiral-bound, wire notebook
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions pertaining to this matter or any other issue. If cost is an issue, please let me know and something can be worked out to make sure the student has the necessary supplies.
Please Neatly Print Student’s Name
Student’s SignatureDate
Please Neatly Print Parent’s Name
Parent’s SignatureDate
Home Phone Number: ______
Cell Phone Number: ______
Work Phone Number: ______Extension ______
E-mail address: ______
(Please Neatly Print E-mail Address)
Address:(Street) ______
(City, Zip) ______