WPC Minutes 11th May 2014

1.  Apologies for Absence - C Stoot, J Haynes, A Dunn, R Keogh

2.  Agreement of last meetings minutes and update on action points – already circulated

a.  National Club Weekend – MC to talk about

b.  Letter to honorary members – to be completed for the start of next season

c.  C Smooth – county coaches, new process in place for next season

d.  Umpires – Rob Keogh will be contact for umpire deployment, terms of reference not being updated as committee may not exist in the future.

e.  Superleague names – now changed and about to start mid May

f.  WPC regional conference call – PE to send out all details to regions for use

3.  National squad update

·  Jane Powell presentation on the draft NTD Programme

o  Women’s review completed and men’s to follow Denver 2014

o  National Team director has been appointed for women’s game

o  Job adverts for coaches and management to be released this week

o  Feedback will be provided by PAS online system so they can easily monitor progress

o  JP hoping to do a school road show and meet teachers face to face to discuss the new pathway and explain changes

o  Player syllabus being developed alongside pathway developments

o  Coach mentor project also in the pipeline

4.  Strategic development

·  Report from Strategic Implementation and Development Committee

o  Working through the player journey to find the gaps

o  WPC to track actions are being completed amongst other committees and Head Office

§  PE to check Universities documents has been sent out to all schools/clubs etc

§  Signposting flyers for academies and universities to be completed and sent out for next season

§  MC to get HO to look into flyers, ebook for club development

·  Report from Elite Playing Committee

o  JP shared most of the news during earlier discussion (agenda point 3)

·  Proposed joint playing committee discussion

o  Discussions are still taking place there will be one committee for the games following next years AGM

·  Confirm WPC availability for weekend of 9/10 August

o  Meeting to discuss the new committee roles and responsibilities

o  Those that can attend include PE, CSmooth,

§  ACTION: SB to ask J Haynes and C Stoot

5.  Regional development

·  Regional committee updates

i.  North

1.  Potentially Stockport club women’s section folding

2.  Mixed season, some problems with organisation

3.  County tournament was a big success

4.  ACTION: SB to contact A Dunn re support from Rachel Campbell

ii. South East

1.  Successful season, numerous winners instead of just one club as in previous years

2.  Club meeting to offer support to each other, providing a tips document for SE clubs

3.  Working with PCoups re: coaching for the region

4.  Teachers evening in October at GHS

5.  Changes to the SE committee

iii.  South West

1.  League system has been working well, SW unable to attend the League Championships due to Bristol Bombers not being able to field a team

2.  Change to central venue, currently searching for a new one

3.  Lions team, to encourage those without a team to turn up and play

4.  Junior regionals, very successful, would like some ideas in regards to encouraging coach development

5.  ACTION: MBray, CSmooth and ADunn to work together and create a list of coaches needed for the region and speak to PCoups about coach development

6.  ACTION: WPC to look into a joint advert for regional coaches, somebody in place for next season then they can continue to coach, if not it needs to be a clear and transparent application process via EL website, communicated via the draw to the membership

7.  ACTION: MC to ask HO re: list of coaches and umpires being sent out to regions

·  Volunteer development

CONTINUED ACTION ACB working with PC to create an employment (coach and umpire) tariff.

o  Get Involved document – how do we translate this document into actions

§  ACTION: ask all regional committees to discuss the document and get back to WPC with solutions by September

6.  Competitions

·  Events round up – feedback on what worked and what we need to improve/change/future support from HO

o  NUCCs – SW think it needs rebranding, SE don’t mind either way as other stuff around the same date, North clubs – never received the email. Decision: NUCCs will no longer continue, regions are advised to run an end of season tournament that is regionally based.

o  Decision that Regionals will continue rotating around three specific venues (one in each region)

o  National Junior Club tournament will go ahead (hopefully at Warwick university)

o  Autumn 8s – not funded by WPC this year, will be self-funded. Will go ahead this year.

·  2014-15 calendar – signed off and agreed

·  National club weekend – feedback from MPC/HO

o  ACTION: MCoups to push MPC to talk about it

o  ACTION: SBarker to email AMerrill at Head Office

o  ACTION: KNL and RBuckley to work together to help regions plan for the weekend

·  GB Council update – to discuss draft TORs (to follow)

o  Not yet received the draft TORS, SB to circulate to committee once it has been sent to her

·  Deployment of umpires to events

o  Rob Keogh will continue to deploy umpires to events

7.  Budgets

·  2013/14

o  All cleared

o  Thanks to B Kiddle for completing the budget

·  2014/15

o  Costs for Home Internationals for 2014-15 will be HO budget and not WPC

o  Increase in entry fees for regional tournaments due to budget allocation

o  Dave Coldwell will make it clear who runs each budget

§  North – Doug Martin

§  South East – Joe Burnett

§  South West – Helen Murray

o  Please note there may be a small delay on expense payments at EL HO staff are in a transitional period.

8.  Governance

·  Consideration of nominees for ELA Co-Presidency and Honorary Membership

o  C.Stoot has been co-president for 6 years, we ask Clare to continue as co-president for one more year

o  S.Barker approved by group to continue as Chair of WPC

o  All happy to continue for one more year in current roles on the committee.

·  WPC Officer updates and identification

o  PE working on honorary members list and will complete it prior to leaving EL.

·  Parent Education/ Lacrosse Information

o  Pushed forward to September meeting

9.  AOB

a.  Items for September agenda:

i.  Feedback from Regional committees on Get Involved document

b.  Communication with regions:

i.  SB asks that all regional committees read the WPC minutes to understand the work that is being done

c.  Officiating Development Programme

i.  All feedback to ACB by the end of June from regional committees

ii. D.Coldwell needs to provide a regional list of umpires and coaches to regions in both August, January and April.

d.  Surrey:

i.  Thanks to the organizers of National Schools for being so helpful during the tournament.

Next meeting Sunday 7th September 2014