Anatomy & Physiology Course Introduction
Human Anatomy and Physiology
Mrs. Shelly Aull
Mrs. Jill Ohlsen
Class Expectations: You are expected to be in your seat and be prepared for class at the bell. This includes having your supplies, assignments completed, and an ALERT MIND ready to participate in class. Our guiding expectation which encompasses all school rules is that you are expected to conduct yourself in a manner that will not interfere with any student's right to learn (including your own) or interfere with my right to teach.
Specific Expectations:
- Be respectful.
- Be on time and on task.
- Be careful.
- Be prepared with materials out and accessible and backpacks/purses on floor.
- Be present and alert.
Required material:
All students are required to bring the following to class:
1. notebook/ folder (for notes and assignments)
2. textbook
3. writing utensil/ paper
4. note cards (pack of 50-100)
5. color pencils (recommended but not required)
Grading system:
Your grades will be based on a point system. The points are accumulated over a nine week period and then a percent grade is achieved based upon your total versus the total possible points.
Example:your points = 350 points
total possible = 425 points
percent = 82.3%
letter grade = (use scale below)
100 - 94.5% = A
94.4 - 89.5% = A-
89.4 – 87.5 %= B+
87.4 – 82.5% = B
82.4 – 79.5% = B-
79.4 – 77.5% = C+
77.4 – 72.5% = C
72.5 – 69.5% = C-
69.4 – 67.5% = D+
67.4 – 62.5% = D
62.4 – 59.5% = D-
59.4% and below = F
Your grade will be based on the following:
*Homework (~10-15%): Homework is due at the beginning of the period on the assigned day. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED! If you are absent, please check the board or websites for assignments given or collected. As most assignments are given days or weeks in advance, ALL assignments are due on the assigned day or the day you return from an absence.
*Tests and Quizzes (~60-70%): Most chapters will have a summative assessment (test) and regularformative assessments (quiz zes). Taking notes, reading the chapter, asking questions, and paying attention to class discussions will help you the most in preparing for these. If absent the day of review, expect to take the test on the day given. If absent on test day, expect and be prepared to take it the day you return.One retest opportunity will be provided for each summative assessment provided that student has shown that they have worked to achieve mastery of the material. Retests will only be available for assessments in which the score of the original assessment was a D or an F.
*Labs (~20-25%): These are extremely important and some are very hard to make up so try not to miss! If lab make-up is required, it will be done on your own time. Some labs will not allow for make-up and the student will receive an X (excused) in the grade book as long as the absence is excused.
*Bonus points (up to 3 percent per nine weeks): From time to time, I may make enrichment assignments available to you. However, extra credit is EXTRA and no bonus points will be given unless all work is in!!!!!
*Passes: From time to time, you may find it necessary to leave the room (bathroom, counselor, locker). Each student will be given three passes per 9 weeks to take care of this business. However, if these passes are not used, they will be converted into extra credit points at the end of the semester. We will keep track of used passes and will not necessarily inform you of the number remaining.
**Cheating Policy: Any student caught cheating (including letting someone copy) on any assignment or test will receive disciplinary action! This could include demerits or grade reductions. This action will be decided upon with the school administration. I encourage you to work together, but put all answers in your own words!
Grades WILL NOT be shown to students during class time. If you are unable to use StudentVUE or wish to discuss your grade with your teacher please arrange to do so before or after school.
Contact: Feel free to contact us at any time with questions or concerns.
Mrs. Aull / Mrs. OhlsenSchool phone / 853-3331 / 853-3331
School email / /
Planning period / Period 2: 8:30-9:20 / Period 1: 7:35-8:25
Website / /
Dual Credit Information
This course may be taken for dual credit through the college achievement program (CAP) at University of Southern Indiana. (BIOL 105: Biology of Human Concerns- 4 credit hours)
The College Achievement Program is designed to:
- Provide an opportunity to earn college credit while in high school
- Provide an intellectual challenge during the junior and senior years
- Allow students an opportunity to test ability to do college work
- Ease the transition from high school to college
- Reduce the duplication of curriculum that often occurs between the last year of high school and the first year of college
- Transfer credit to most colleges and universities
- Provide access to USI's David L. Rice Library
Cap students also pay a lower per-hour tuition rate than regular university students. The tuition for
BIOL 105 is currently $25 per credit hour for a total of $100.
Earning college credit -- To earn college credit for this dual credit course the tuition must be paid by the last day of the class in the semester in which the student is enrolled. College credit can only be earned during the semester (or, in the case of year-long courses, during the academic year) in which the student is enrolled. All interested students will receive an application which must be completed by the deadline posted by the dual credit teacher. The student must have a 2.5 GPA to be eligible to enroll for dual credit. Visit the CAP website at or contact Mrs. Ohlsen or Mrs. Aull for more information or questions.
Transfer of college credit – whether college credit (dual credit courses) will be accepted by another institution of higher education is determined by the college or university to which a student is seeking admission. Each college/university evaluates transfer courses based upon their specific curriculum requirements and the students intended major. From time to time curriculum requirements change which means the acceptance of transfer course may change. A student wanting to transfer credit to a specific college or university should check directly with that institution (their registrar’s office, office of admissions, or academic school of a student’s intended major) to determine if a course will be accepted and how it will be counted toward graduation requirements. Many of the CAP courses are included in the newly established, a Web site established to publicize statewide transfer-of-credit agreements for Indiana public institutions for course that are most frequently taken by undergraduates. To determine if this course is part of the TransferIN initiative, visit .
It is the student’s responsibility to determine transferability of USI credits before enrolling in CAP courses.Refunds will not be issued if USI credits are not able to be transferred.
I have read and/or discussed with the teacher the class expectations, grading policy, and required materials for human anatomy and physiology with Mrs. Ohlsen, Mrs. Will or Mrs. Aull. I agree to follow these procedures and any other directions put forward by my teacher.
Student signature ______Pd. ______
I have read the class expectations, grading policy, and required materials for human anatomy and physiology with Mrs. Ohlsen or Mrs. Aull in which my daughter/ son is enrolled.
Parent name (printed)
Parent signature
Parent email address ______
(This is my preferred method of communication. If you would prefer communication by phone or text, please leave a number where I can most easily reach you.)
You may acknowledge that you have read the above by emailing your child’s teacher. Be sure to include your child’s name in the email.
Have great year!
Shelly Aull & Jill Ohlsen