
A.Read the text and decide whether they are True or False.(10 points)

From the seven wonders of the world, only The Pyramids of Egypt remains today. The three great pyramids of Giza were built by the pharaohs Khufu, Khafre, and Menkure. The Pyramid of Khufu is the oldest and largest of them and is known as The Great Pyramid. It is the greatest single stone structure ever erected by man. The original height was 146 m., now reduced to 137 m. Approximately 2.300.000 blocks of stone, each weighing an average of 2.5 tons, were used. The monument is a masterpiece of technical skill and ability. The geometrical precision of its layout is truly amazing and the question of how the pyramid was built has not received a wholly satisfactory answer. The ancient Egyptians did not use the wheel and certainly had no knowledge of pulleys and winches so building this monument took thirty years. Egyptians did this hard work to reach eternal life, which means they expected to live after death.

……….1. How the ancient Egyptians could build “The Great Pyramid” is still unknown

……….2. Ancient Egptians used to burn the death bodies because they didn’t believe in the life after death.

……….3. The height of the Great Pyramid has been reduced by nine meters.

……….4. It is guessed that the pyramids were built by the help of pulleys and winches.

……….5. The Pyramid of Khufu is the largest of the three great pyramids of Giza.

B. Use Simple Present or Present Continuous Tense

1.Normally I………………..(start)work at eigth o’clock, but I…………(start) at seven this week.

2.A lot of people think that the Sun……………..(go)around the world .

3.Excuse me! ...... you………….(read) your newspaper? Could I borrow it?

4.Maria can’t answer the phone. She……………….(have) a shower.

C. Choose the correct answer.

1.Dennis : What are your plans for the holiday?

Martin : I will / am going to visit my parents for a few days and then go hiking in Scotland.

2.Sally : I need some more ink for the printer.

Henry : I will / am going to go to the shop and get some.

3.Tom : Do you want me to help you?

Julia : No, thanks. Martha is going to / will help me.

4.Henry : It’s hot in here, isn’t it?

Tom : Just a minute. I will / am going to turn off the heating.

5.Dave : Would you prefer tea or coffee?

Sam : I am going to / will have some coffee, please.

D. Match the words to their meanings. Use your dictionaries when necessary.

...... 1. extensive (adj) a. very big, enormous

...... 2. hit (v) b. cause damage suddenly

...... 3. scream (v) c. give a long loud cry

...... 4. huge (adj) d. the force of an earthquake

...... 5. magnitude (n) e. covering or affecting a large area