1ST $5.00 2ND $3.00 $ 2.00 Best of Show Ribbon

  1. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor.
  2. All exhibits must be framed and ready to hang.
  3. One piece in each division of a class may be entered.
  4. Youth under 19 years of age may enter in Department 11.
  5. Exhibits can be entered on July 8 from 2-4 PM or July 9, 2018 from 12:00-8:00 PM
  6. Exhibits can be picked up on July 15, 2018 from 2-5 PM or July 16, 2018 from 10A-2P.


  1. Oil
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other
  1. Acrylic
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other
  1. Water Color
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other
  1. Pastel
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other
  1. Pen and Ink Drawing
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other
  1. Pencil Drawing
  1. Animals or Birds
  2. Brass or metals
  3. Landscape
  4. Portrait
  5. Paint by number
  6. Tole painting
  7. Slate
  8. Other


1ST $5.00 2ND $3.00 $ 2.00 Best of Show Ribbon

  1. All entries must be the work of the exhibitor.
  2. All exhibits must be framed and/or matted and ready to hang.
  3. Photos must be taken in the past year by exhibitor.
  4. Only one photo in each division of a class will be accepted.
  5. Youth under 19 may enter in Department 11.


  1. Black and White3. Digital
  2. LandscapeA. Landscape
  3. AnimalB. Animals
  4. PeopleC. People
  5. FlowersD. Flowers
  6. Set of 3 or more depicting E. Set of 3 or more depicting

a theme or scenea theme or scene

  1. Other

F. Other

  1. Color
  2. Landscape
  3. Animals
  4. People
  5. Flowers
  6. Set of 3 or more depicting

a theme or scene

  1. Other


  1. All exhibits must have been by exhibitor, no commercial articles or kits will be accepted.
  2. Ceramic articles should have been identification marks to indicate that they are originals.
  3. Only one article or piece in each class will be accepted by exhibitor.


  1. Artificial floral arrangements
  2. Basketry
  3. Beadwork
  4. Cone and Nut Work
  5. Country Painting on Everyday Objects (Not Framed Art)
  6. Ceramics
  1. Glazes
  2. Free hand
  3. Stains
  4. Others
  1. Creative Christmas Articles
  2. Creative holiday items
  3. Creative and traditional dolls
  4. Hand-woven piece
  5. Jewelry- Hand Wrought
  6. Leather Work
  7. Macramé
  1. Plant hangers
  2. Wall hangings
  1. Plaster craft
  2. Plastic canvas craft
  1. Decorative items
  2. Useful articles
  1. Seed work
  2. Shell work
  3. Stain glass work
  4. Textile painting
  5. Wood crafts
  1. Wood whittling or carving
  2. Wood pieces
  1. Other