1ST $5.00 2ND $3.00 $ 2.00 Best of Show Ribbon
- All entries must be the work of the exhibitor.
- All exhibits must be framed and ready to hang.
- One piece in each division of a class may be entered.
- Youth under 19 years of age may enter in Department 11.
- Exhibits can be entered on July 8 from 2-4 PM or July 9, 2018 from 12:00-8:00 PM
- Exhibits can be picked up on July 15, 2018 from 2-5 PM or July 16, 2018 from 10A-2P.
- Oil
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
- Acrylic
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
- Water Color
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
- Pastel
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
- Pen and Ink Drawing
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
- Pencil Drawing
- Animals or Birds
- Brass or metals
- Landscape
- Portrait
- Paint by number
- Tole painting
- Slate
- Other
1ST $5.00 2ND $3.00 $ 2.00 Best of Show Ribbon
- All entries must be the work of the exhibitor.
- All exhibits must be framed and/or matted and ready to hang.
- Photos must be taken in the past year by exhibitor.
- Only one photo in each division of a class will be accepted.
- Youth under 19 may enter in Department 11.
- Black and White3. Digital
- LandscapeA. Landscape
- AnimalB. Animals
- PeopleC. People
- FlowersD. Flowers
- Set of 3 or more depicting E. Set of 3 or more depicting
a theme or scenea theme or scene
- Other
F. Other
- Color
- Landscape
- Animals
- People
- Flowers
- Set of 3 or more depicting
a theme or scene
- Other
- All exhibits must have been by exhibitor, no commercial articles or kits will be accepted.
- Ceramic articles should have been identification marks to indicate that they are originals.
- Only one article or piece in each class will be accepted by exhibitor.
- Artificial floral arrangements
- Basketry
- Beadwork
- Cone and Nut Work
- Country Painting on Everyday Objects (Not Framed Art)
- Ceramics
- Glazes
- Free hand
- Stains
- Others
- Creative Christmas Articles
- Creative holiday items
- Creative and traditional dolls
- Hand-woven piece
- Jewelry- Hand Wrought
- Leather Work
- Macramé
- Plant hangers
- Wall hangings
- Plaster craft
- Plastic canvas craft
- Decorative items
- Useful articles
- Seed work
- Shell work
- Stain glass work
- Textile painting
- Wood crafts
- Wood whittling or carving
- Wood pieces
- Other