62-63 Worcester Street



DY10 1EL

01562 742357

Charity No: 1157531

How to complete Forces Support’s Codicil form

Attached you will find a blank Codicil form which you can complete.

In order for the Codicil to be legally considered part of your will, it is important that you follow these guidelines:

Do not cross out or make any changes to your original Will as this could render it invalid. If you wish to make major changes, it will be best to consult your solicitor and have the Will re-written.

• When you have completed the Codicil form, you should sign it in the presence of two witnesses, who then need to also sign the form in your presenceas indicated on the form.

• Your witnesses must not be beneficiaries in either your Will or your Codicil and must not be related to you.

• The Codicil should then be kept with your original Will, but do not staple it or attach it to your Will. You may like to give a copy of your original Will and Codicil to your Executors or trusted friend.

If you wish to add a gift in your Will for Forces Support with the Codicil, please insert one of the recommended forms of wording given below into the new instructions area:

Wording for leaving a fixed sum of money (pecuniary legacy)

In addition to any legacies given in my said Will I give to Forces Support, 62-63 Worcester St, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1EL, Registered charity number1157531, the sum of XX(in words) pounds £XX(in numbers) free of Inheritance Tax, it being my express wish that the funds are applied absolutely for its general purposes. And I direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Charity shall be a sufficient discharge for the said monies.

Wording for leaving part or all of your estate (residuary legacy)

In addition to any legacies given in my said Will I give …………....% of the residue of my estate after payment of funeral and testamentary expenses and debts to my (Executor/s/Trustees) upon trust for Forces Support, 62-63 Worcester St, Kidderminster, Worcestershire, DY10 1EL, Registered charity number 1157531 absolutely, it being my express wish that the funds are applied absolutely for its general purposes. And I direct that the receipt of the Chief Executive Officer or other proper officer for the time being of the said Charity shall be a sufficient discharge for the said monies.

To ensure that the Codicil ties in properly with your Will, we would recommend that you see your solicitor.

You are not required to tell us about the change to your Will, but we would like to hear from you, so that we can keep you in touch with our work.

You can write to us at the above address, call us on 01562 742357 or email us

Thank you very much for your support


I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………(full name)

of ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………….….. (address)

declare this to be a Codicil to my Will which is dated DD / MM / YYYY

In addition to any legacies given in my said Will I give ......









In all other respects I confirm my said Will and all other Codicils thereto.

Signed ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Date DD / MM / YYYY

Signed by the above named in our presence and witnessed by us jointly in his/her presence

Witnessed by:







Date DD / MM / YYYY

Witnessed by:







Date DD / MM / YYYY