TDCS Attendance Policy


We aspire to achieve 100% attendance at rehearsals for the choir to perform to the high standard of which it is capable.

In practice this will not always be possible for a number of reasons. Though members start out intending to come to rehearsals regularly, and are reluctant to waste their subscriptions and opportunities, there are nevertheless occasions when they have to present their apologies.

We recognize that illness, holidays, family commitments and other singing engagements are among many factors which might determine a member’s occasional need to be absent.

We would ask all members:

  • To minimise absence to essential occasions only.
  • To notify their Section Rep in the first instance, if they have a brief, planned absence.
  • To consult the Chairman/Musical Director in the event of a planned absence exceeding 2 weeks, and be prepared to discuss the impact of the absence (practicing, Choraline, using CDs…)
  • To indicate on the register IN ADVANCE when they are due to be absent.
  • To write ‘NP’ in the concert column of the weekly registers if they will be unable to perform in the concert. This is important for establishing overall choir balance
  • To be diligent about the homework tasks which will be posted on the website each week, especially where they have missed sessions.
  • To be conscientious in putting a tick against their name on the register each week.

Attendance registers

Will not be amended during the first few weeks of term, other than to add new names as they appear. No-one’s name will be removed during the course of the term, except in the case of new members who are trying out the choir and decide not to continue

They should be marked in one of the following ways :

√ to indicate attendance

A when it is a planned absence

-a horizontal line when the reason for the absence is unknown

NP when a member will not be performing in the concert

Version 9Jan14 by Aj