Walsh British Lit


By Mary Shelley


Write #1

Read the introduction to Mary Shelley’s second edition of Frankenstein, in the green anthology (pp 746-750). In the final paragraph she says,

“And now, once again, I bid my hideous progeny go forth and prosper…”

Respond to this quote in two ways. One, what double meaning does Shelley express in that final paragraph, and two, how is writing like being a mad scientist who brings a creature to life?

Write #2

Re-read the description in Chapter 1, on page 18, of the story of the loving parents who have “given life” to the narrator of the story, and who were committed to loving him unconditionally.

How much influence do parents have on how their children turn out? If the child is bad, is it the fault of the parents? What does Shelley seem to be arguing about the first duty of a parent?

Write #3

Re-read the paragraph on pp 37-38 that includes a stanza from the poem, “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” that tells of a sailor who is plagued by guilt over a foolish deed and is haunted forever by that guilt.

How does Victor resemble the guilt-ridden Mariner, and how might Victor’s monster, or the Mariner’s “frightful fiend” of guilt, be a metaphor for an element of human nature?

Write #4

Explain why Justine Moritz is accused of William’s murder. Who it the real murderer? Why does Victor fear to speak up in Justine’s defense at the trial?

Write #5

Copy one passage each from three chapters: 7, 8, and (9 or 10—choose one), and write a commentary on each passage explaining the importance of your quote to the story, themes or symbolism of the book.

Write #6

Create chapter titles for chapters 1-10 of Frankenstein. Look through the text of each chapter and create a title that embodies or symbolizes the important action, themes or ideas of each chapter.

Write #7

(Regarding Chapter 15) Explain how the monster might have acted differently with the old man to become accepted by the family.

Write #8

Summarize the creature’s story as told to Victor in chapters 11-16.

Writes #9 & #10

Watch the film, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, and take notes on the major differences between the book and the movie.

Be prepared to write three short paragraphs discussing three of the major differences, one from the early part of the film, one from the middle, and one near the end of the film.

Type in MLA format.