MONDAY, JUNE 12, 2006

Chairman James Allen opened the meeting at 7:30 p.m.

Roll Call: Present – Chairman James Allen, Vice-Chairman Herman Silbiger, Committeewoman Kim Barrett, Clare Shin, Dave Rosenthal and Carol Rippetoe, Secretary. Absent - Guy Buck.

Minutes: The minutes of the May 8th meeting were read. A motion to approve was made by Councilwoman Kim Barrett and seconded by Clare Shin.

New Business: Dave Rosenthal introduced Kathy Haake, Project Manager, Field Representative of the Trust for Public Land from Morristown, NJ. (20 Community Place, Morristown, NJ 07960). She was accompanied by her associate, Tom Gravel. This group has helped to preserve 23,000 acres in NJ and about 2 million acres across the US. Ms. Haake stressed wanting to know what the municipality would like to do. She encouraged Tinton Falls to send her information through e-mail at . She said she would contact Bryan Dempsey, Tinton Falls Administrator about Environmental Infrastructure Trust Funds. These are very low interest rate funds to be used for open space land acquisition. Since the Tinton Falls Master Plan is currently being revised and updated, Ms. Haake felt that this is a good time to move funding for acquisition.

Clare Shin presented the Open Space survey she crafted and asked for comments by June 21, 2006 so that the survey can be finalized. Some discussion followed regarding the best method of distributing the survey for a wide response. It was determined to set September 15th as the date the surveys should be returned.

Herman Silbiger was thanked for his work on the letter he initiated for landowners about donating land to the Borough. The letters were mailed May 23, 2006.

A letter from Mayor Maclearie outlined deadlines for and publication dates of the Borough’s newsletter. Publication dates are September 1, 2006, December 1, 2006, March 1 and June 1 of 2007.

Councilwoman Barrett and Chairman Allen will meet with representatives of the Coaster and the Hub to generate publicity for the survey.

Councilwoman Barrett introduced Jonathan Cohen, Monmouth Regional High School Board of Education member and long-time head of Tinton Falls’ Environmental Commission. Mr. Cohen said that the high school doesn’t need to acquire land for expansion. However, he and the Environmental Commission are interested in developing a greenway along the falls behind the Atchison School. He added that the Environmental Commission will be making a presentation to Council soon about the receipt of a State grant. Mr. Allen asked Mr. Cohen to indicate areas of environmental interest on the Tinton Falls map. He noted that Sherri Eisele had returned the Tinton Falls map with recreational areas noted.

Open Space alternates were to be named at the Borough Council meeting on June 13, 2006. They are:

Mr. Frank DaVitaMr. Alexander Nachman

Mr. David GuilianoMs. Vivian Torres

All were named for 2 year terms.

Herman Silbiger will prepare the first draft of an Open Space Mission Statement.

Dave Rosenthal made a motion to close the public session; seconded by Clare Shin.

Next Open Space meeting July 10th.

Dave made a motion to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Herman Silbiger.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m.

Carol Rippetoe

Recording Secretary