Minutes of Clubs and Societies Committee Committee meeting held 1/8/2011

University of Melbourne Student Union

Minutes of the Clubs & Societies Committee

Meeting 13/11


Friday 1st August 2011 at 3.15PM

Location: Graham Cornish A, Union House


1.  Procedural Matters

1.1.  Election of Chair

1.2.  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

1.3.  Attendance

1.4.  Apologies

1.5.  Proxies

1.6.  Membership

1.7.  Adoption of Agenda

2.  Confirmation of Previous Minutes (15/07/2011)

3.  Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1.  Labor Club membership issues

3.2.  Income Tax Compliance

3.3.  Alcohol Review for University Policy

3.4.  Regulation Amendments

3.4.1.  Welcome Back & Logo Use (Recommended to SC 7/6/2011)

3.5.  Audit Random Selection

3.6.  Post-VSU Issues Consultation

3.7.  Orientation 2012

3.7.1.  Venue

3.7.2.  Performances

3.7.3.  Days

3.8.  After Hours Bookings

4.  Office Bearers’ Report

5.  Correspondence

5.1.  Vet Students Grants

5.2.  MudFest and 2nd Floor Use

6.  Grants

6.1.  Standard & Semesterly

6.2.  Grants For Discussion

7.  New Clubs Special

7.1.  Email to New Clubs

7.2.  Student Wine Society and MYO

7.3.  Sociedad De Espanol Membership List Correction

8.  Habitat for Humanity T-Shirts

9.  UMSU/Exec Membership Checking

10.  Meeting Schedule

11.  Other Business

12.  Next Meeting (time, date)

13.  Close

Meeting opened at: 3:27 PM, by Stephanie Field

Agenda Item 1; Procedural Matters

1.1  Election of Chair

Motion 1: That Stephanie Field is elected chair.

Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded: Devrim van Dijk


1.2  Acknowledgement of Indigenous Owners

So acknowledged.

1.3  Attendance

Office Bearers: Cassandra Lutzko, Steph Field

C&S Committee: Brooke Sullivan, Patrick Clearwater, Sarah Lloyd, Tim Hall, Gabe Bernasochi, Quinn Oakley, Daphne Jiang

C&S Administrator: Fiona Sanders

Other: Rachel Lim, Jonno Webb, Devrim van Dijk, Joshua Anderson, Dominique Ottobre, Sam Vero, Isabelle Kingshott, Alexander Hewitt, Mel Tantwanich

Absent: None

1.4  Apologies


1.5  Proxies


1.6  Membership

No change.

1.7  Adoption of Agenda

Motion 2: To adopt the agenda with the amendment of adding 11.1 Reimbursement for Cassie

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 2: Confirmation of Previous Minutes (15/07/2011)

Motion 5: To confirm the previous minutes subject to correction of motion 23, 38, 42-44 to be carried with one abstention, rather than CWD.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 3: Matters Arising from the Minutes

3.1  Labor Club membership issues

Rachel made a submission to the committee.

Procedural: To go in camera, and for Fiona Sanders to stay in the meeting.

Moved: Chair


3.35pm Meeting goes in camera

Procedural: To invite Joshua Anderson to enter the meeting.

Moved: Chair


Joshua Anderson is asked questions by the committee and then leaves the room.

Procedural: To invite Rachael Lim to enter the meeting.

Moved: Chair


Rachael Lim is asked questions by the committee and then leaves the room.

Procedural: To invite Isabelle Kingshott to enter the meeting.

Moved: Chair


Isabelle Kingshott is asked questions by the committee and then leaves the room.

It was important to clarify the location of the AGM on Thursday considering there has been a change of name of the Economics & Commerce building. This will be checked by Joshua and then he will email the membership to confirm the location.

In her submission to the C&S committee, Rachel Lim requested the committee force the Labor Club executive to give her a membership list due to her position as a non-voting executive member of the Labor Club (arising from her position as a member of UMSU Students Council). On this point, the committee reached a consensus that the elected, voting members of the executive had interpreted their constitution in a way that deemed that a non-voting, non-elected member of the executive is not entitled to a membership list. It was also confirmed that C&S is not able to give a membership list to anyone except the executive that have been elected by the club members and registered with C&S as executive members.

Motion 6: That the C&S Committee affirms the voting members of the club executive have the right to interpret their constitution, under section 14.2 of the Labor Club constitution. As such, the evidence the C&S Committee has is that the Melbourne University Labor Club executive have interpreted it in such a way that only voting members of the executive are entitled to a list. Any individual may lodge an enquiry to confirm their membership status with the C&S Administrator by email. The C&S Regulations preclude C&S giving Rachael the membership list lodged with C&S as we do not recognise her role as an elected executive of the club.

Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded; Brooke Sullivan

Carried with one abstention

Motion 7: That the current membership list will be upheld and used for the AGM including the exclusion from voting of the nine “new” members and the C&S committee dismisses all further claims of membership or non-membership.

Moved: Sarah Lloyd Seconded; Cassie Lutzko


Motion 8: To uphold the governance of the club by elected executive, not un-elected people.

Moved: Brooke Sullivan Seconded; Gabe Bernasochi


5.00pm Meeting moved to Office Bearer meeting space. Rachael, Joshua and Isabelle come too.

5.05pm Tim leaves the meeting on the way to the new location.

Motions 6-8 were read out.

5.11pm Rachael left

Isabelle asked for clarifications on several points, which were given.

5.15pm Isabelle left

Joshua agreed to circulate a clarification of the meeting location.

5.17pm Joshua left

3.2  Income Tax Compliance

No action.

3.3  Alcohol Review for University Policy

No action.

3.4  Regulation Amendments

3.4.1  Welcome Back & Logo Use (Recommended to SC 7/6/2011)

The regulations have been recommended to Students Council and will be voted on at the next quorate meeting.

3.5  Audit Random Selection

No action because office bearers are still very busy.

3.6  Post-VSU Issues Consultation

Will have a formal report next meeting.

3.7  Orientation 2012

3.7.1  Venue

Committee consensus that orientation week expo should be held in Wilson Hall again.

3.7.2  Performances

Performances should not be held inside again due to the noise. One suggestion was a group grant application or remind clubs that they can request a special location in the expo to accommodate some kind of performance. If anyone has any good ideas for the use of the stage, let us know. One suggestion was to have a slide show with all clubs having a slide each.

ACTION: Fiona will get a quote for this.

3.7.3  Days

Committee consensus that the expo should run on Thursday and Friday again.

Clubs keep coming back on the Friday, so it must still be worth their while.

5.25 pm Quinn left

3.8 After Hours Bookings

Will go live next week.

5.27 pm Quinn returns

Agenda Item 4: Office Bearers’ Reports

The office bearers did many things including; processing Applications for Payment and AGMs, helping with MYO, checking union membership of club executives, sent a mentoring email to new clubs, and went to Baw Baw.

5.30 pm Sarah left

Motion 9: To accept the Office Bearer’s report.

Moved: Gabe Bernasochi Seconded: Patrick Clearwater


Agenda Item 5: Correspondence

5.1  Vet Students Grants

Motion 10: To reject the appeal on 22/6 as it was rejected based on non-exec completing the forms and that cannot be changed.

Moved: Gabe Bernasochi Seconded: Daphne Jiang


Motion 11: To approve the Vet Students Society grant for the 29/7. (already conditionally approved 15/7)

Moved: Gabe Bernasochi Seconded: Daphne Jiang


ACTION: Advise the Vet Students Society how to do forms.

5.2  MudFest and 2nd Floor Use

The committee was made aware of the use of the 2nd floor rooms during Mudfest. The 3rd floor training rooms have been opened up for AGMs for that time period if no other rooms are available.

Agenda Item 6: Grants

6.1 Standard & Semesterly Grants

Motion 12: To approve standard and semesterly grants en bloc.

Moved: Chair


6.2 Grants for Discussion

Welcome Back events overlooked last meeting.

Motion 13: To approve en bloc the ALP Club, the Juggling Club, and the Hong Kong Student Association’s grants.

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Cassie Lutzko


Late Welcome Back period applications

Motion 14: To reject the Engineering Students Society and Universe grants en bloc

Moved: Patrick Clearwater Seconded: Cassie Lutzko

Carried, 2 for, 3 abstentions

MYO Grants not submitted by the June advertising deadline, were submitted before the July grants deadline. Deadline not formally set by the C&S Committee as this was the first year clubs ran MYO events so was not well planned on our part.

Motion 15: To rescind motions 12, 46, 48, & 49 from the C&S Committee meeting on July 15 for grants for the African Club, Overseas Christian Fellowship, Students Arise Learning To Serve, and Universe.

Moved: Chair


Motion 16: To approve the African Club, Overseas Christian Fellowship, Students Arise Learning To Serve, and Universe MYO grants en bloc.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 7: New Clubs Special

7.1  Email to New Clubs

An email was sent to new clubs.

7.2  Student Wine Society and MYO

For the information of the committee, the Student Wine Society had wine tastings at Mid Year Orientation. They had not completed any alcohol forms, nor were they given any permission to do this. Alcohol is generally banned at Orientation expos,

ACTION: Advise that future events must comply with C&S and University policy and process. Also advise the club to get a liquor licence.

7.3  Sociedad De Espanol Membership List Correction

Committee consensus is that they can be in band A having corrected their membership money issue.

Agenda Item 8: Habitat for Humanity T-Shirts

Motion 17: To approve the purchase of T-shirts with the logo of Habitat for Humanity direct from Habitat for Humanity if a grant application is made.

Moved: Chair

Carried, 4 for, 1 against

ACTION: Advise Habitat for Humanity

Agenda Item 9: UMSU/Exec Membership Checking

1 UMSU exec

·  Actuarial Students Society

·  Australasian Association

·  Australia-China Youth Association

·  Australian Youth Climate Coalition

·  International Engineering and Science Students’ Society

·  Land and Food Resources Student Association

·  Leo Club

·  Liberal Club

·  Performing Arts Student Society

·  Social Work and Nursing Society

No UMSU exec

·  Filipino Student Association

Motion 18: To ask Fiona to contact all the non-compliant clubs & report next meeting.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 10: Meeting Schedule

Proposed Meeting Dates (3.15 pm):

·  Monday August 15

·  Monday August 22 (new clubs)

·  Monday September 12

·  Monday October 3

·  Monday October 24

Motion 19: To adopt the meeting schedule as presented

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 11: Other Business

11.1 Reimbursement for Cassie

Bought Velcro tape for Mid Year Orientation

Motion 20: That Cassie be reimbursed $16.42 from the Orientation budget line (03 60 605 3163) for Velcro Tape.

Moved: Chair


Agenda Item 12: Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on August 15th, 3.15 pm.

Fiona will book the training room or OB space for the remaining meetings.

Agenda Item 13: Close

Meeting closed at: 6.00 pm by Steph Field

Certified by Chair:

Signed: Dated:

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