Eastside Promise Neighborhood Summer Youth Internships Program


United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County

700 S. Alamo, San Antonio, TX 78205



The Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) unites institutional and resident stakeholders to look at the resources and assets of the neighborhood to address its core barriers so that children and their families are inspired to stay, grow, graduate… and stay.


The Eastside Promise Neighborhood Purchase of Service Proposal Request for Summer Youth Internships Program is an effort to seek an existing provider with case management experience that will outreach, recruit, orient, place and oversee youth in summer internships for the summer of 2014. The proposed model and program design must address orientation, placement, supervision services and life skills training that will be offered to EPN youth, ages 15-19, who currently attend Wheatley Middle School and Sam Houston High School.

Through the Summer Youth Internships program, EPN youth are expected to report to work sites four days and the fifth day is reserved for life skills training and college and career exploration administered by the provider. A maximum pool of funds of $35,000 is available for investment to manage ten youth interns. A portion of the investment is for the youth interns who will receive a $1,000 stipend for completing the summer youth internship program. The provider must demonstrate the ability to pay stipends to students on a weekly or biweekly basis.

First priority for the limited number of youth interns will be given to students living within the EPN footprint (zip codes 78202 or 78208); second priority to students attending Sam Houston and third priority to Healy Murphy Dual Generation students; and fourth priority to students living within the EPN footprint but attending other schools. Parent/guardian must provide proof of residency.


Organizations interested in applying must attend the Information Session on:

Tuesday, June 17, 2014
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm
Ella Austin Community Center, Senior Center
1023 N. Pine, San Antonio, TX 78202 / RSVP to reserve a space to:
Elizabeth Arevalo Davila


a.  Minimum of 3-5 years of demonstrated experience and effectiveness in youth internship programming.

b.  Ability to describe data tracking system, metrics used for measurement, how efforts will be recorded and the results they plan to achieve

i.  Based on either a national model or the 3-5 years of experience with proven results and impact on students’ college and career choices.

c.  Case manager assigned to assist students in addressing barriers, and conduct entry, mid, and exit surveys with interns and businesses.

d.  A minimum of twenty percent (20%) match of requested funds required, in-kind and/or cash match, and must be tracked on program budget (noted in the budget workbook as “Other”). All proposals must specify the program match and calculate the cost per student of the overall program.


a.  Well structured, content-filled internships are the expected internship standard to integrate material from the field of study that the student has chosen:

i.  The EPN Summer Youth Internship Program will allow students the opportunity to consolidate and apply the learning from their school coursework in STEAM-related subjects into meaningful and relevant on-the-job experience.

ii. The elements of duties are to be built within the students’ academic and vocational interests in mind, allowing for the introduction and development of skills and expertise in those areas containing challenging duties and responsibilities augmented by an opportunity to be mentored by professional, patient and gracious adults. Internship will address college readiness training to include: time management and study skills, computer skills training, money management, educational counseling and planning, college application and financial education/assistance- preparing students to fill out the FASFA/TASFA.

iii.  EPN Summer Youth Internships provide students with focused and structured learning, giving them experience and the responsibility for meeting timelines, making decisions, and working with others – all skills needed for students to apply the four R’s for schools – rigor, relevance, relationships, and results.

b.  EPN Youth Interns receive a summer stipend of $1,000 and invest at least 10% in a match savings account provided by Eastside Promise Neighborhood and Citibank.


Refer to Attachment B for detailed descriptions.


§  Non-Profit Organizations with proof of having filed as a not-for-profit corporation (tax exempt status as determined by the IRS under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code) or be an affiliate of a corporation having a not-for-profit charter elsewhere in Texas or in the United States.

§  Faith Based Organizations are organizations that are religiously oriented, regardless of whether or not religious activities are their primary function. The organization must have a tax exempt status as determined by the IRS under section 501(c) (3). This can include houses of worship, congregations, private schools, hospitals, thrift stores or any other organization whose mission is based on religious principles. All services, programs and events funded by United Way and provided by faith-based organizations must be open to and available for use by the public. Any services funded by United Way may not promote or require any individual to follow the religious principles of the organization, nor may the organization use the services as a means for recruitment to their faith.

§  Grassroots Organizations can be Neighborhood Associations or other organizations operating on a nonprofit basis with its purpose defined as serving the community within a limited geography. These organizations may or may not be recognized as a 501(c) (3) organization by the Internal Revenue Service. However, they must seek to build upon the assets of the people living within the geographic boundaries they serve. Typically, these organizations are small (e.g., less than 5 paid staff and/or run by volunteers with annual budgets less than $100,000 a year).

VIII.  INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS: If selected to provide the services described in this solicitation, applicant shall be required to carry the minimum insurance coverage described in Attachment A.

IX.  PROGRAM REPORTING – Learning Evaluation and Assessment of Performance:

Programs funded through this solicitation will submit monthly performance reports including collecting data and reporting results for individual participants, as well as on an aggregate level for all participants. Those reports, and reflection on them, will provide the understanding necessary to stimulate learning and evaluate performance. Additionally, financial reports and receipts for expenditures incurred during the prior month must be included. Applicants should be aware that United Way will perform occasional onsite program and financial monitoring to ensure progress of the funded programs.

Summer Youth Internships program reports will be submitted by: (exact dates subject to change)

·  August 11, 2014 (for July 1 to July 31 programming)

·  September 10, 2014 (for August 1 to August 31 programming)

Performance data will be reviewed monthly as well as reflection on the providers’ experience in order to learn whether efforts made are having the desired effects; and to determine whether the provider is honoring their performance measures and producing the desired outcomes.


There is no minimum amount for this purchase of service request; however, the maximum amount that can be granted to an agency is $35,000.

This request for purchase of service proposals is funded through United Way of San Antonio & Bexar County, a grantee of the U.S. Department of Education. Each Purchase of Service will follow applicable Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Circulars compliance requirements and Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).


§  Organizations interested in applying must attend a MANDATORY Information Session.

§  All services must be provided to students of who are living within the EPN footprint (78202/78208) or attending Wheatley Middle School or Sam Houston High School and Healy Murphy. For a Map visit our website at www.eastsidepromise.org.

§  Proposed services must impact the EPN results and neighborhood goals as identified on page 2, Section VI

§  Successful applicants will clearly define a sustainability plan that will demonstrate a plan to maintain services to the neighborhood beyond EPN funding.

§  Applications must include signatures from the management team/leadership of the organization, e.g. CEO, CFO, Executive Director

§  Applications must include the agency’s most recent Annual Financial and Federal Audit Reports (if applicable) any and all program review reports issued by any federal or state funder (for the most recent fiscal period).

§  Applicants must certify to United Way that the applicant agency has not been suspended and/or debarred from providing services under federal awards as defined under OMB Circular A-102 and A-110.

§  If selected to provide the services, applicant shall be required to carry the minimum insurance coverage (See Attachment A).

§  Culturally competent as defined as the ability to understand, communicate with, and effectively interact with people across cultures and diverse groups.

§  COLLABORATION/PARTNERSHIP REQUIREMENT - EPN recognizes that in order to be successful many programs may best be accomplished through partnership and collaboration with other agencies or organizations. Applicants are encouraged to partner with others, especially in areas of particular expertise. Evidence of the partnerships must be described in the narrative and supporting documentation should be attached via a letter of support. For example, if the applicant agency is planning to implement the initiatives at a community center, church or school, a letter of support from the head of the organization, i.e. pastor, principal, etc. must accompany the application. These attachments will not count toward the page limit.

§  MATCHING REQUIREMENTS – Twenty percent (20%) match of requested funds is required (in-kind and/or cash match) and must be tracked on program budget. The match listed in all proposals must certify that the match resources proposed will be committed to the proposed program, if selected. Matching funds may consist of any combination of:

1.  In-Kind Contributions including:

·  donated services, including volunteer time

·  donated materials and supplies

·  donated equipment

·  the value of rental space

2.  Cash from other sources provided by applicants including:

·  Consultant fees

·  Purchase of materials and supplies

·  Purchase of equipment

·  Equipment and space rental fees

·  Contracted services

·  Salaries and wages of applicant and partner staff

3.  External cash from donors and/or third parties specifically for this initiative (grants, gifts or bequests)

XII.  APPLICATION PROCESS - Timeline of Implementation

June 13, 2014: Announce Summer Youth Internship Purchase of Service Request

June 17, 2014: Information Session 2:00 p.m. at Ella Austin Community Center

July 2, 2014: Proposals due by 3:00 p.m. to EPN Administrative Office

July 2014: Notification of Awards

July 21, 2014: Programming Begins

August 22, 2014: Programming Ends


A Proposal Review Committee of volunteers will review and score proposals. The committee will then submit to the Eastside Promise Neighborhood Advisory Council recommendations for approval. All decisions made by the Advisory Council are final. Applicants that are not awarded are welcome to reapply in the future.


Delete this page and prior pages prior to submission. Do not include pages 1 – 5 in the copies or the electronic version submitted. These pages are intended to be information and instructions only and will not count toward the overall page limitation.

1. Total page limit is 5 pages, excluding the checklist, budget and budget narrative. Requested attachments such as MOUs, job descriptions, letters of support, do NOT count toward page limit.

2. Do not change the column widths, page and column margins, font size or spacing before and after paragraphs.

3. All responses should not exceed the length specified.

4. Do not edit or change areas marked in gray.

6. This is a summer 2014 funding solicitation. The funding period for this solicitation is July 21, 2014 to August 22, 2014.

7. Deadline for this application is 3:00 pm, Wednesday, July 2, 2014.

8. Deliver all applications to the Eastside Promise Neighborhood administrative office located on the 2nd floor of Ella Austin Community Center, 1023 N. Pine, 78202.

9. QUESTIONS about the Summer Youth Internship SOLICITATION APPLICATION:

● Questions on this solicitation and the solicitation application packet will be accepted, IN WRITING ONLY VIA EMAIL ONLY, until 5:00 pm on Monday, June 23, 2014. Phone calls and/or requests for meetings will not be accepted during this solicitation process time.

● Direct all inquiries to Elizabeth Arevalo Davila,

● All questions and responses will be posted on the Eastside Promise Neighborhood (EPN) website: http://www.eastsidepromise.org and will remain on the EPN website for the duration of the solicitation deadline of July 2, 2014 at 3:00 p.m.

● Please note that United Way reserves the right to only post questions that are topical, pertinent and/or relevant to this solicitation and the solicitation application packet and/or process.


Suggested Insurance Requirements

Social Service Organizations

General Liability

$1,000,000 Per Occurrence

$2,000,000 General Aggregate

$2,000,000 Products/Completed Operations Aggregate

$1,000,000 Personal & Advertising Injury

Sexual Abuse & Molestation Liability:

$1,000,000 Per Occurrence / Aggregate

Professional Liability:

$1,000,000 Each Professional Incident

$2,000,000 Aggregate

·  Policy must be ‘Primary & Noncontributory’

·  Policy must contain an endorsement listing United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County as an ‘Additional Insured’ using Form CG2010 07 04 or equivalent

·  Policy must contain a ‘Waiver of Subrogation’ endorsement

Automobile Liability

$1,000,000 Combined Single Limit

·  Policy must contain ‘Additional Insured’ endorsement listing United Way of San Antonio and Bexar County

·  Policy must contain a ‘Waiver of Subrogation’ endorsement

Workers’ Compensation & Employer’s Liability

$1,000,000 Each Accident

$1,000,000 Disease – Policy Limit

$1,000,000 Disease – Each Employee

·  Must provide evidence of Worker’s Compensation & Employer’s Liability

·  Policy must contain a ‘Waiver of Subrogation’ endorsement