Instructions for 2018 Summer Financial Aid

A student must meet the following requirements to receive Summer Financial Aid:

  1. Student must have the 2017-2018 Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) on file
  2. Student must submit a 2018 Summer Financial Aid Application
  3. Student must be enrolled in at least 6 hours, (or 5 hours if a graduate student), to receive federal loans. Audit classes do not count.
  4. Student must meet the Financial Aid academic standards.

Academic Standards:

The Financial Aid Office must evaluate whether or not you have met the Standards of Academic Progress after Spring grades are posted. If you fail to meet the standards, you will not be eligible for Summer Financial Aid and your awards will be cancelled. Visit

Federal Work Study Applicant Instructions:

  1. Indicate in Section B whether or not you are interested in a summer Work-Study job. You may work part time and take at least 1 hour, or you may work full-time and not take any classes.
  1. If you are interested in full-time Work Study you must have the 2018-2019 FAFSA on file.
  1. Full-time Work Study students cannot be enrolled in Summer classes.
  1. Full-time Work Study students are required to sign a Savings Agreement. The Summer Savings Agreement statesthat a portion of your earnings will be used as a resource for the 2018-19 academic year. See Robin Gray in 127 Funkhouser if you have questions.

Student Direct Loan Eligibility:

A student can receive their maximum annual Direct Loan limit during a 12 month period. The academic year is comprised of a Fall, Spring, and Summer session (in that order). If you received your annual loan limit during the 2017 Fall and/or 2018 Spring term, you are NOT eligible for any William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan funds for the 2018 Summer term. You may consider a Parent Plus Loan, Graduate Plus Loan, or alternative loan.

Annual William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan (Subsidized and Unsubsidized) Limits:

Maximum for Dependent Students / Maximum for Independent Students
Freshmen ( 1 - 29 hours) / 5,500 / 9,500 *
Sophomore (30 - 59 hours) / 6,500 / 10,500 *
Junior (60 - 89 hours) / 7,500 / 12,500 **
Senior (90 + hours) / 7,500 / 12,500 **
Graduate / 20,500***

* At least $6,000 of this amount must be in unsubsidized William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans.

**At least $7,000 of this amount must be in unsubsidized William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans.

*** The $20,500 will be unsubsidized William D. Ford Federal Direct Loans

Graduate Students:

Graduate students who have exhausted their $20,500 Unsub during the Fall and/or Spring semester can apply for a Grad Plus loan at

First time borrowers of the Graduate Plus Loan must complete the Master Promissory Note and Entrance Counseling at before the loan will disburse.

Important Financial Aid Questions:

Q: What Financial Aid is available for Summer courses?

A: For Federal Direct Loans, the availability of Summer aid is determined by any remaining eligibility you may have from the 2017-2018 academic year. (See loan limits on the back of this page).

Depending on enrollment, and FAFSA information, you may be eligible for the Federal Pell Grant. If you were enrolled as a full-time student during the Fall and Spring semester of 2017-2018, you must take at least 6 hours to be eligible for Summer Pell Grant.

Q:What if I drop, or withdraw, from my Summer courses?

A:If you register for classes and receive aid but do not complete the hours, you may be required to repay

all or a portion of the funds you received.

Q: Is there a specific date in which I should be enrolled in all my Summer courses?

A: Students should make every effort to be enrolled in all the classes they plan to take by June 11th, 2018 (Pell Recalculation Date). If a student adds a class after June 11th, they cannot receive additional Pell Grant funds (this includes students using consortium agreements).

Q: When will I be able to view my Financial Aid for Summer?

A: You will be offered your Financial Aid once you have enrolled in your Summer courses. You will be able to view and accept your awards on your MyUK under 'Financial Aid'>'2017-2018'. You will receive an email once it becomes available.

Q: Can I increase my Summer Financial Aid budget for childcare?

A: Yes, fill out 'Section D' of the 2018 Summer Financial Aid Application. You must provide documentation of childcare from the provider when submitting your application.







SectionA ExpectedEnrollmentStatus
  1. Did you attend any school, other than UKY, during the 2017-2018 academic year?  Yes  No
If yes, where? ______
  1. How many credit hours will you be taking over the Summer session? ______
  • Financial Aid will not be awarded until after you have registered for classes.
  • You must be enrolled in at least 6 credit hours (or 5 credit hours for graduate students) to receive Federal Direct Loans.
  • If you were enrolled full-time during Fall and Spring, you must take at least 6 hours to receive the Pell Grant.
  • For Study Abroad, please see the other side of this form.
  • Audit classes do not count towards enrolled hours.

Please select your preference:
_____Do not want Federal Work Study
_____ Part-time FWS, will be enrolled in at least one class this summer
_____ Full-time FWS, will not be enrolled this summer
*Deadline to applyfor full-timesummerWork Studyis May1
Part-timeFederal Work Study Applicants:
(You must be enrolled at least 1 hour)
Earliest date youcanbeginwork: Doyouwant towork:on-campus oroff-campus / Full-timeFederalWorkStudy Applicants:(Studentsarenotpermittedtoenrollinanysummerclassesbutmustcompletea2018-19 FAFSA).You mustsave aportionofyourincometo help payforyour 2018-19educationalexpenses.Thisamountwill be determinedbythe FinancialAidOffice andagreeduponbyyou.
Give the earliest date youcanbeginwork: Doyouwant toworkon-campus oroff-campusWillyoube enrolledat UK in the 2018-19 academic year? Y N


  • Specific standards of Reasonable Academic Progress (RAP) must be met in order to be eligible for Federal and State Financial Aid. For additional information please see
  • Students should make every effort to be enrolled in all the courses they plan to take by June 11, 2018 (the Pell Recalculation Date). If a student adds a class after June 11, they cannot receive additional Pell Grant funds.
  • If a student does not complete theirSummer courses, or withdraws at any point, they may be required to pay back disbursed Financial Aid. A student’s financial aid eligibility may be recalculated and/or reduced if Summer courses are dropped. Please contact a Financial Aid Counselor if you plan to adjust your course load.
  • Financial Aid awards will be available to accept on the MyUK Portal, under ‘Financial Aid’ / ‘2017-2018 Year’.

Revised: 03/19/2018

Section C Study Abroad/Budget Information
  1. How many credits will you receive for your program of study this Summer?______
  1. Will you enroll in EAP 599? ____Yes ____ No
  1. What is the name of the Study Abroad program? ______
  1. List other scholarships/grants you are receiving related to your Study Abroad experience: ______
5. Please print and attach a copy of your program budget. This can be found on your program’s information page on the UK Education Abroad webpage.
Section D Childcare/Budget Information
  1. Do youhavelegaldependentsforwhomyoumustpaychildcareduringthe2018SummerTerm?  Yes  No
  1. If yes, is spouse enrolled half time?: Yes ___No_____ Spouse’s name : ______
  1. Number of children for whom you pay childcare: ______
  1. Amount to be paid per month: ______
*You must provide documentation of your monthly childcare expenses. A statement or bill from your childcare provider is required.


A student can receive their maximum annual Direct Loan limit during a 12 month period. The academic year is comprised of a Fall, Spring, and Summer session (in that order). If you received your annual loan limit during the 2017 Fall and/or 2018 Spring term, you are NOT eligible for any William D. Ford Federal Direct Loan funds for the 2018 Summer term. You may consider a Parent Plus Loan, Graduate Plus Loan, or alternative loan.

AnnualWilliamD. Ford FederalDirectLoan(Subsidized and Unsubsidized)Limits:

MaximumforDependentStudents / MaximumforIndependentStudents
Freshmen(1 -29 hours) / 5,500 / 9,500*
Sophomore(30 -59hours) / 6,500 / 10,500*
Junior(60-89hours) / 7,500 / 12,500**
Senior(90+hours) / 7,500 / 12,500**
Graduate / 20,500***

* Atleast$6,000ofthisamountmust bein unsubsidizedWilliamD.FordFederalDirectLoans.

**Atleast$7,000ofthisamountmust bein unsubsidizedWilliamD.FordFederalDirectLoans.

***The $20,500 will be an unsubsidized loan.
