Meeting Minutes

Date: 1/10/2011

Time: 7:00 p.m.

Location: Room 500

Call to order: 7:07 p.m.

I.  November minutes approved. 2010 closed out.

II.  Treasurer’s report – Balance in account is $3920.08. 2011 Hudl fee was paid ahead of schedule to take advantage of discount. Only new expense will be the post office box in the amount of $24.00. Motion to approve report made by Kathy Rindle, second by Nancy Gigliotti.

III.  Board Member Input – Inquiry of how much was made for the Steve Crotty medical fund at the Black Rock fundraiser. No one in attendance had that information.

IV.  Coach Dukes Input: None for this month.

V.  New Business:

a.  Need to fill open positions of: Merchandise Trustee, Fundraising Trustee (2) and Freshman team mom. Team moms will send out an email letting parents know what positions are available. In the interim, the board will start putting together some information to make transition easy for incoming members.

1.  Question as to whether or not we have to use Nike again this year.

2.  Will start to pursue vendors. Kathy will talk to Julie Banish and the new HAYAA merchandise board member to share contact information.

3.  Heather McCoy-Smith will stay on for the transition if necessary.

4.  Pre-order forms for merchandise discussed.

b. Budget Prep – Tabled.

c.  Team Rep Voting Rights: Only by-laws at the meeting were from 2006. Under these articles there would be no issue with Team Rep voting. Need to locate the latest version of by-laws, reissued in 2008. Suggested voting members would be Senior team rep, JV team rep and Freshman rep. Discussion tabled until the most current by-laws are located.

d.  Projects: Senior banners. Suggested 20 banners be constructed for the 2011 season. Motion to approve material purchase made by Kathy Rindle, second by Carol Shaw.

e.  Football Camp Food – Tabled until February.

f.  Conditioning: To begin the week of January 17th. Will normally be Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 4:30-5:30 p.m. Week of the 17th will be Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday.

VI.  Old Business – Hudl approved by 2010 board and paid for the 2011 season.

VII.  Call to Public – Discussion on future fundraising.

a.  Lock-In: Possibility.

b.  Outback: Dolores Fritts to contact Outback again. Discussion of hosting this fundraiser later in the season and plans need to start earlier.

c.  American Coney: Kathy to maintain correspondence with Grace at ACI.

d.  Discount cards: Made great money. Would need to be organized a little better. Nancy Gigliotti to contact Pioneer to get preliminary information.

e.  Memorial Day: Not enough profit to set up a tent again. Possibly have players use wagons to sell water and last year’s t-shirts.

f.  Coffee and Donuts: Kim Fowler to look into doing this again. Suggested 2 game nights only, HAYAA Night and Homecoming. Donna to discuss with Kroger again as well.

g.  HAYAA Days: HHSFPC Board will appeal to HAYAA Board for 2 days again and will work on a better system to get the schedule filled to the liking of the HAYAA board and color coordinators.

Motion to adjourn made by Kathy Rindle, second by Dolores Fritts: 8:34 p.m.

In attendance:

Dolores Fritts, President

Carol Shaw, Vice President

Kathy Rindle, Secretary

Scarlett Hall, Treasurer

Nancy Gigliotti, Assistant Treasurer

Kris Ostermiller, Sr. Varsity Team Mom

Donna Hamby, Varsity Team Mom

Kim Fowler

Candace Hunt


Prepared by: Kathy Rindle