AREMA Committee 27 MeetingSeptember 13, 2007Chicago, IL
1330 Meeting called to order by Mike Cotter
Job Safety Briefing given by Mike Neibur
Old Business:
Minutes if last meeting moved to be accepted.
Sub-Committee A: Mike Cotter
No report.
Sub-Committee B: Trent Marshall
The last three items that were posted for vote did not pass due to insufficient votes.
Need to review manual for possible updates or revisions. Need volunteers to help get this accomplished
Mike Cotter noted that only 26 members voted on the ballot items. Letters will be sent to members that did not participate in the voting process notifying them that they will be removed from the committee. Members that are removed may reapply for membership.
Trent Marshall and Conard Johnson offered to help anyone having difficulty with the on line voting process.
Note: There are 57 full (voting) members and 39 associate (non-voting) members.
Any full member who does not wish to vote or hold office may change to associate member.
Sub-Committee 1: John Blanchfield
Looking to establish guidelines for equipment reliability. Will review ISO standards to see if they would apply to roadway equipment.
Carter Jones will put together a checklist to use as a guide when receiving equipment.
Sub-Committee 2: George Clem
Working on outline for current project
Sub-Committee 3: Joel Shipp
NS has had success in reducing weight in hi-rail vehicles. Medium duty tandem axle trucks will help increase payloads. No current issues with heavy trucks. GM reduced front axle rating on light duty trucks from 4800 lb. to 4200 lb. They are working on ways to resolve this issue. Tire pressure monitoring systems have been causing problems buy it appears that they have come up with a solution.
Speedometer calibration continues to be an issue on trucks less than 10,000 lb.
There was extensive discussion on regen exhaust systems.
Sub-Committee 4: Jack Condon
Struggle getting current documents through the voting process. Now working on cab configuration, control placement, etc. Trying to get consistency in control configuration. Will be preparing a document for review by the committee.
Next project: Access to maintenance points. Making routine operator checks, lubrication points and normal maintenance items more accessible.
Sub-Committee 5: Mike Neibur
Working on updating the manual. They should have something ready by the next meeting. Looking for any information on training provided by OEM.
New Business:
Mike Cotter – Ballots will go out again at the end of October.
Larry McCullough – Next meeting will be at 9:00 am on March 13, 2008 in Las Vegas in conjunction with the ConExpo. Look at the web site for room number where the meeting will be held. Make your reservations early through ConExpo
Conard Johnson - Thanked John Blanchfield and the NS for hosting the last meeting
Conard Johnson – Committee needs to vote on new secretary. Russ Harville has offered to take the position. He was voted in by a show of hands.
Conard Johnson – Only AREMA and Committee 27 members are permitted to attend the Committee 27 meetings.
Larry McCullough – The fall 2008 meeting will be in Salt Lake City on Sept 20 at 9:00 am in conjunction with the REMSA show, Sept. 21-24. Make reservations early through AREMA.
Knox Kershaw - Offered to host the spring 2009 meeting.
Walter Kreiger – Offered to provide a vehicle emissions presentation at the next meeting.
Mike Cotter – Thanked all members and committee chairman for their hard work and support during the last 3 years.
1430 pm Motion to adjourn