St. Brendan’s Catholic

November2017 Newsletter

‘Always treat others as you would like them to treat you’

Dear Parents and Friends,

I hope that you all had an enjoyable half term week and are looking forward to the busy weeks ahead! This half term is always full, but also a very special time in school as we lead up to the season of Advent and the celebration of the birth of Jesus at Christmas. As always, please do not hesitate to come in and see us if you have any queries or concerns over the coming weeks.


Improving our attendance remains a priority again this year. The national average is 96.1% and this is the minimum expected by Ofsted. This is an area that parents can really support us with as it is vital that children attend school promptly and regularly to ensure they receive the very best opportunities to learn.

If your child is unwell and cannot attend school, it is important that you contact the school to report their absence and the reason for it before 9am that day. We have to make sure that every child is accounted for by 9.15am for safeguarding purposes. Please try to support us be informing us as before this time. The school’s answerphone is checked regularly before 9am.

Whole school attendance this academic year:95.4%
Class attendance for October:
Miss McAuley / 92.6% / Mrs Brooks / 93.8%
Miss Rose / 93.7% / Mrs Robertson / 93.1%
Miss Sullivan / 93.1% / Miss Wareing / 95.6%
Mrs Clowes / 95.8% / Miss Hearne / 95.9%
Mrs McLaughlin / 96.7% / Miss Crozier / 96.2%
Miss Bell / 97.1% / Miss MacKay / 96.6%
Mrs Edgely / 97.5% / Congratulations to Mrs Edgely’sclass for being top attenders for October!

Breakfast and Tea Time club

Just a reminder that through Kristi we are able to offer our parents wrap around care! Breakfast club is from 7:45am – 8:45am and afterschool is 3:20pm – 6pm. Please contact the school office or look on the school website for further information.

Please remember that children are only supervised by staff from 8:30am in the morning we are not able to supervise children before this time and would ask that children do not come onto the school site before 8:30am as this is a safeguarding concern.

Tesco – Bags of Help

Don’t forget to spread the word and ask family and friends to donate their bag for life token towards our school project for our science garden and bike shelter!

School Council Update

We are all enjoying our roles as Class Councillors and have held many class councils now, listening to all views on a variety of matters. We would all like to thank you for your generous donations of packets and tins for our harvest collection. All food has been donated to the Corby Foodbank who would also like to pass on their thanks. The School Council presented a harvest festival assembly to all the school, where we enjoyed singing, hearing poems and thought about others in need in our country and across the world.

We will be selling poppies for Remembrance Day from Friday during break and lunch times and would like to encourage all children to wear a poppy. We are now starting to plan our fundraising for Children in Need day which is Friday 17th November. Information to follow.

Sporting News

Football Team

The St. Brendan’s football team are very excited as we have had a brand new football strip delivered this week which we are eager to wear as we continue our football tournament over the coming weeks. We would like to say a big thank-you to the Premier League Primary Stars for supplying the new kits.

The ESFA Football League began on the 2nd October and the St. Brendan’s Year 5 and 6 Football team have got off to a good start, with 4 wins out of 6. We have been playing at Kingswood Secondary school and playing each alternate week. Our next match is scheduled for the 13th November and we are looking forward to competing again.


St. Brendan’s V Our Lady’s3-0

St. Brendan’s V Danesholme0-2

St. Brendan’s V Gretton1-0

St. Brendan’s V Woodnewton0-1

St. Brendan’s V St. Patrick’s A3-0

St. Brendan’s V St. Patrick’s B 4-0

Energy Crew

The amount of applications for the Energy Crew this year was overwhelming. The application forms and the interviews were of a very high standard and all children who applied should be very proud of themselves.

The crew have been appointed their roles and I am pleased to announce the Head of Crew this year is Rose, and she will be supported by the Vice Heads of Crew, Josie and Ellie as well as the rest of the team.

We are looking forward to having our first meeting next week, so we can begin making plans for the year.

New dates for the year planner

First Holy Communion 2018:

Thursday 23rd NovemberParents MeetingSt Brendan’s School7.00pm

Sunday 26th NovemberEnrolment MassSt Brendan’s Church11.00am

Thursday 1st FebruaryParents MeetingSt Patrick’s School7.00pm

Friday 2nd FebruaryFirst Confession’s

Friday 9th FebruaryFirst Confession’s

Sunday 18th MarchPreparation MassSt Brendan’s Church11.00am

Thursday 10th MayParents MeetingSt Brendan’s School7.00pm

Sunday 10th JuneFirst Holy Communion MassSt Brendan’s Church2.00pm

Sunday 1st JulyFirst Holy Communion MassSt Brendan’s Church2.00pm

Confirmation 2018:

Sunday 4th MarchPreparation MassSt Brendan’s Church11.00pm

Friday 22ndJuneConfirmation MassSt Brendan’s Church7.00pm

Class Assemblies: (all Assemblies will begin at 2.45pm in the School Hall)

Friday 10th NovemberSt Maximilian Kolbe Miss Bell

Tuesday 28th NovemberSt Bernadette Mrs Clowes

Friday 12th January St George Miss Crozier

Friday 26th January St Clare Mrs Barron-Edgley

Friday 23rd February St Francis Miss Rose

Friday 2nd MarchSt Therese Miss Wearing

Friday 16th MarchSt Patrick Miss Sullivan

Friday 23rd March St Joseph Miss MacKay

Friday 27th April St Martin Miss Herne

Friday 11th MaySt Anthony Mrs McLaughlin

Friday 25th MaySt Brendan Mrs Brooks

Friday 8th June St David Mrs Robertson

Friday 22nd JuneSt Brendan Miss McAuley

Friends of St Brendan:

Friday 1stDecemberChristmas Fayre3.30pm

Friday 15th DecemberChristmas DISCO’s

Just for Fun:

Wednesday 13th DecemberChristmas Jumper Day

Wednesday 13th DecemberChristmas Dinner please order online @

I will be sending out a Christmas letter with dates and times as soon as we have finalised the timetable.

As we get nearer to Advent I would like to leave you with a prayer that reminds us how special we are to God. Thank you as always for your continued support.

Lord Jesus,

you treasure

and hold a special place

for each and every person,

as though

only that one individual exists,

and you accept us as we are,

in the reality of our lives this day.

May I grow in the faith

that you look steadily at me

and love me.


With kind regards,

Leanne Brydon

Dates For Your Diary

(Times to be confirmed)

13th November Year 3 Trip to the New Walk Museum

17th November Children in Need 2017 (more details to follow)

20th November Fluenza Vaccination Reception & Year’s 1,2,3,4

22nd November Please note change to date. Tempest Individual Photo (for non-school children family groups from 8.15am)

28th NovemberTempest Class Groups

W/B December 11thChristmas Carol Service and Plays

December 20thLast day of term

December 21st– Jan 2ndSchool Holidays

January 3rd Training Day

January 4thSchool reopens for pupils

January 25thAfternoon for the Elderly in our parish

February 7thSafer Internet Day

February 9thLast day of term

February 12th – 16thHalf term holiday

February 19th School reopens for pupils

March 1stWorld Book Day

March 20thParents Evening

March 22ndParents Evening

March 23rdSports Relief

March 28thLast day of Term

March 29thTraining Day

March 30thSchool Holidays

April 16thTerm Starts

April 18thYear 5 Swimming

May 7thMay Day Bank Holiday School Closed

W/B May 14thYear 6 SATS Week

W/B May 21stYear 2 Test Week

May 25thLast Day of Term

May 28thSchool Holiday

June 4thTraining Day

June 5thTerm Starts

W/B June 11thYear 1 Phonics Screening Week

June 14thSports Day

July 20thLast Day of Term