The one who is in youis greater than the one who is in the world. 1 John 4:4

Ohio State Youth Convention of the Church of God

November 11,12 &13, 2016

1 – College Registration - Free

Includes: 2 college representatives, an 8’ display table in the lobby, your promo video being played pre-service for one of our four main sessions, and late nights with individual youth groups

Transportation, hotel, and food is not included

Fill out the enclosed form, and mail it and a check made payable to: OHIO MINISTRIES to

Melissa Potts

1201 Maiden Ln

Springfield, Ohio 45504

Contact Melissa Potts at 937 925-0766 or with all registration questions.

2 - OSYC Registration

Registration begins at 5pm on Friday, November 11th; make plans to arrive early to set up your table and to be on hand to meet students and adults.

3 – Hotel (enclosed)

The O-Net team has contracted 160 rooms with area hotels. These rooms are on a first come first served basis and come with a discounted convention price; any other hotel/motel you book will not offer a discounted convention price. However you have the freedom to choose your own hotel/motel.

4 – This year’s venue

Maiden Lane Church of God

1201 Maiden Lane

Springfield Ohio 45504

The church offers free parking on flat lots!!!

5 - Schedule (enclosed)

6 - Auditorium Seating

Doors open ½ hour prior to General Sessions. Seating is first come first served; no saving seats. Maiden Lane Church has a 1000 seat sanctuary

7 – Food (

You are responsible for all of your meals: Friday dinner; Saturday’s breakfast, lunch and dinner; Sunday’s breakfast and lunch. (A few hotels include breakfast)

8 – Looking for something to do in Springfield?

9 – OSYC T-Shirts

OSYC T-shirts are only available on site; there are no pre-order sales. T-shirts are $10 for XS-XL and $12 for XXL. There are a limited number of shirts and sizes

10 – T-shirt Themes

Friday – make/create shirts for your group to wear

Saturday – OSYC16 (see above)

Sunday – support Camp Marengo and our represented colleges: Anderson University, Mid America Christian University, Warner Southern, Ohio Christian University, Colorado Christian University, and Mt Vernon Nazarene University

11 – Late Night Friday Night – begins at 11:00 PM

Come Chill at the Chiller. We have rented the entire ice skating rink for OSYC. The only cost to your students is just the $3 skate rental. DJ Chill will be there to provide a silent party / headphone party. Rather than using a speaker system, music is broadcast to the wireless headphones worn by the participants. Check it out online. So much fun!!!!

12 – You are encouraged bring school promotional materials: t-shirts, pens, etc to be displayed on an

8’ table. Please bring a copy of your schools promotional video to be played during the pre-service of one of our four main sessions.

See You in Springfield.

Your Convention Team

Tim Riley, OSYC Director Missy Potts, Registrar

937-408-1465 cell 937-925-0766 cell

937-323-9747 office 937-323-9747 office