Prevention Research Centers

Monthly NCC Leadership Team Conference Call

Monday December 13, 2010 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST)

Dial-in: 1-866-830-1012

Pass Code: 9805872


Antonio Tovar – FL Theresa Rudder – CO

Katherine Haywood – Tulane Katie Barnes - NC

Robyn Keske - BU Freda Motton – St. Louis

Sharrice White-Cooper – CDC/PRC Susan Kunz – AZ

Lisa Hoffman – San Diego David Collins - Morehouse

Chuck Conner – WV Matt Starr – Rochester

Sandy Good - KY


The meeting was called to order by Chair, Antonio Tovar.

Roll call was taken and updated during the meeting.

Special Investigation Committee report - Antonio Tovar

Antonio reported that the committee met by phone with Dr. Simoes. He commented that Dr. Simoes liked the process that we are following and gave us a little more time to complete our investigation. The PRC Program is not pursuing any legal ramifications related to the issues at hand. The goal is to present information before the end of the year and to have the report by the 17th of December. The committee is currently in the stage of collecting data and should have the report by this Friday.

Community Campus Partnership for Health – Sarena Seifer

A proposal has been made to the NCC Leadership Team, with information to be shared with the entire NCC membership, to help in shaping how communities can develop stronger partnerships with academic and other research institutions. Sarena asked that the proposal remain confidential at this time and not be distributed beyond the NCC membership. Sarena also gave a brief history of CCPH’s work in advancing CBPR in communities and assuring that these communities have the tools needed to assure that there are true community-university research partnerships; especially those communities who have CTSA grants because of the money involved. CCPH is now looking at developing a stronger and more robust community partnership; starting at the grassroots level; building with other established networks and then taking it to a national level. NCC is being asked to participate in a multi-year community partner peer mentoring and advocacy initiative that is being developed by CCPH. The plan is to begin by convening 6 regional community forums across the country, planned by community members to discuss promising practices and make recommendations CBPR and grants, policies, and processes related to CBPR. Seed money will be available to support this process. Sarena would like to begin working on this in January starting with a core group from NCC to work with CCPH, by phone, prior to submitting proposals.

A discussion was held regarding this request and proposal and Chuck commented that these issues are the very thing we have been talking about (in general about CBPR) and that this is a prime opportunity to join forces while educating our communities. Antonio indicated that this has the potential for opportunities for NCC to serve on peer reviews, etc., and the policy and advocacy piece is important. Questions are: What would NCC’s process be? What would next steps be? Antonio would identify a couple of people involved in NCC to discuss it further via conference calls. Antonio indicated that he would, personally, like to participate on the call. Katie Barnes and Chuck Conner have indicated they would also like to participate. Sharrice can help with informing what communities have CTSA’s.

It was discussed whether we paid our dues to CCPH. We will ask Paul if our CCPH dues were paid.

NCC Genomics SPIG - Ella Greene-Moton

No report, however, it was noted that the meeting for the SPIG is on December 20, 2010.

Restructuring the NCC - Antonio Tovar

Antonio would like to distribute the proposal to the general membership as presented. Discussion was held regarding having to change committees every year and concerns of some consistency. This discussion needs further evaluation and will move the discussion to the next call. Antonio also announced that the PRC Communication Committee and the Program Committee is without leadership. Antonio stated that this is an opportunity for the NCC to step forward to take on these leadership positions. Chuck mentioned that the challenge will be for other members of the NCC to get involved and not just the Leadership Team.

Next Leadership Call: Monday January 10, 2011 from 4:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. (EST)