Meeting / PTAMeeting
Meeting Date / 25/11/14
Meeting Number / 4
Location / The Nightingale Pub
Present / Susie Harnett
Theresa O’Sullivan
Robert Russell
Annie Zannetti
Kim Morris
Andrew Ross
Clare Walsh
Charlie O’Conner
Apologies / David Hartt
Item / Description / Actioned
Who? When?
1 / Apologies for absence
- Dave Hartt
2 / Approval of minutes of the last meeting
- All agreed
3 / Christmas Fayre -6th December 2014
Stalls discussed:
- Face painting - in the Nursery
Discussed timed tickets?
- Crafts- in the Nursery
- Nursery - Bouncy Grotto
£1 for 5 mins, bring old towels in case of rain, to wipe castle down.
- Reception – Games
Andrew and Marcie to organise games.
- Year 1 – Photobooth
Photos will be displayed at a later date for parents to collect
Mel, Bridgit, Brenda to help on the Saturday
- Year 1 - Hook a Bauble
- Year 1 Sweet Stall (and guess the number of sweets in a jar?)
- Year 2 - Family Kitchen
More savoury dishes needed. School Kitchen ovens can be used.
Use of Bain-maries from Star of India.
Turkey rolls will be British contribution to stall.
AZ to buy using Ocado Vouchers, TOS to cook turkey, Clare to provide stuffing and cranberry sauce
- Year 3 – Santa’s Grotto
Outdoor powerpoint has been installed by Wayne Moriarty.
1 Santa spot to be filled (Dan Parker?)
Monica to organise timed ticketing system.
Need Tinsel curtain for the Door!
Sign-up sheet sorted and books to be wrapped (Charlie)
Discussed pre -selling time slots to those helping at fayre (unanimous vote in favour). Class reps to let their helpers know of this availability.
- Year 4– Baubles (Sharon B)
- Year 4 – Toy stall/nearly new uniform
Discussed storage (Kids In Charge to work with us on to use Benedict building!)
Youth Centre may change the date from 5/12/14! TOS to ask
- Year 4 – 100 Club. TOS/SH to ask Susan/Andrea to organise.
- Year 4 – Hampers (Sharon to wrap?) wait to see what donations are received
- Year 4–Nails and Tattoos (benedict building)
- Year 5 - Snowboarding simulator.
Company provide staff, we need 1 person on tickets only.
Discussed price (£3 for 2 mins?)
Kim to organise time tickets
Extension cable needed??
- Year 5 - BBQ
Dave had bought a second BBQ. Clare to pride a third BBQ.
Barry doing Macro run
Buns? Costco? Possibly Tesco pre-order?
Double last year’s order on Burgers, sausages and Darwins Kebabs
- Year 6 - Bar and Cakes
Fri 5th Dec: non-uniform day, bring cakes and bottle for tombola
- Year 6 – Football/beat the goalie
- Xenios/Stewart – Popcorn
- Carol signing to be ad hoc. Announce and invite pupils to congregate and join in carols.
- Teachers and Governors – Tombola
- Teachers and Governors – Door/raffle ticket sales
Prizes gathered by Sharon:
One Addison Voucher, Belgique Vouchers, 4 cinema tickets, Orange Tree donation, Wanstead Beauty Vouchers
John Lewis Vouchers donated by Andrew
iPod Touch donated by Noel
- Banner to be displayed on the High Street.
- PA in Hall, Ben building, BBQ, Nursery (DH, SH, Darwin and school)
- External Stalls - £25 fee:
Denise Turner – books and funky knitwear
Mel H – jewellery
Ronal R – Dresses
Rob R – Hair bands
- Gazebos needed - some in Cupboard
- TOS/SH to see EC/ go into assembly re:
Message needs to go home via pupils enthusiasm
Food / SH to check with all helpers
SH to check with Sarah re guess sweets in jar
TOS to organise a PTA table at hometime to encourage more volunteers
AZ to ask Fr Pat to advertise in newsletter
TOS table to advertise tickets, and need for donations of food, toys, Hampers goodies.
TOS to buy meat
4 / Nursery Trip Funding
- PTA Core committee only voted on the following proposal and outcome was:
2 in favour of contributing a sum of £200 towards the Nursery Gruffalo trip as a gesture of goodwill.
Proposal of £400 carried and cheque to be prepared by PTA Treasurers.