Forsyth County Schools

Strategic Plan

Board of Education

Nancy Roche – Chairman

Tom Cleveland – Vice Chair

Ann Crow

Luke Haymond

Ronnie Pinson

Superintendent of Schools

Paula Gault

Annual Update: December 2006

Strategic planning in Forsyth County Schools is a community-based process. The current strategic plan, VISION 2010, was developed with the assistance of over 300 school and community leaders and work began in the fall of 2002. Seven areas of focus were established: (1) Utilization of Time; (2) Effective Communications; (3) Technology; (4) Meeting the Diverse Needs of Learners (Academic, Extra-Curricular and Co-Curricular: (5) Talent Management (Staff Development, Professional Development, Personnel, and Community and Parent Involvement); (6) Providing for Expansion (Facilities, Transportation and Safety); and (7) Finance. Each area was chaired by at least one community member and one school system employee.

VISION 2010 is comprised of five strategic goals and is aligned with the system Vision, Mission, and Beliefs. The strategic plan is updated on an annual basis and presented to the Board of Education and other system and community stakeholders. Archived action steps, evidence and artifacts for are available through the Superintendent’s Office.

The primary goal of VISION 2010 is to engage community and school stakeholders in developing a shared road map for system decision making and continuous improvement. The strategic plan is a critical component to Forsyth County Schools Accountability Framework in which the district and all schools are held to performance standards and accountable to all stakeholders.

Vision Statement

Quality Learning and Superior Performance for All


Forsyth County Schools is a learning organization that believes students are volunteers, staff members are leaders, and parents and the community are essential partners.


1.  Trust among all stakeholders is vital

2.  Everyone has capacity to learn

3.  Change creates opportunity

4.  Expectations influence accomplishments

5.  A school-community partnership is essential

6.  Leadership makes visions reality

Strategic Goals

1.  Increase student achievement even as rapid change impacts the system

2.  Recruit, maintain, enhance, and nurture a highly qualified work force

3.  Pursue and effectively incorporate multiple alternate resources

4.  Enhance the educational program through increased community involvement

5.  Improve internal and external communication

Goal 1: Increase student achievement even as rapid change impacts the system
Key Strategies:
1.  All students will learn a dynamic world class curriculum that is relevant, meaningful, and engaging
2.  Establish extra- and co-curricular opportunities that engage ALL students in school
3.  Use a variety of strategies to improve student completion rates and reduce dropout rates
4.  Use a variety of current and emerging technologies to support quality student work
5.  Promote and maintain physical and emotional health in a safe learning environment in every school
Action Steps for Key Strategy 1.1 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Provide profiles of district and school data (demographics, student learning, school process, and perception) to identify student strengths and needs / §  Data Profiles published annually
§  View 2006 Data Profiles
§  Decision Support Library developed for class and student level data analysis
Ø Train and support teachers to:
o  Design quality student work
o  Utilize student profiles
o  Collect, interpret and utilize classroom assessment data
o  Utilize appropriate district curriculum standards and benchmarks
o  Plan and prioritize instruction for all students
o  Differentiate assessment and instruction
o  Implement research-based best practices
o  Assess and report student progress against standards
o  Serve as Teacher Leaders / §  Focused Choice – six half days of professional learning focused on system priorities
§  Professional Learning focused on implementation of the new Georgia Performance Standards.
§  View Professional Learning web page
§  Conducted New Educator Orientation (with 400+, this was our largest to date).
§  School Level Curriculum Maps developed
Ø Provide comprehensive professional learning focused on instructional leadership and the Forsyth County Professional Appraisal Cycle (PAC) / §  Annual WOW III and Digital Schoolhouse Conferences
§  School-based Professional Learning Plans to support school improvement and standards-based teaching and learning
Ø Implement, evaluate, and monitor instructional plans for student success using the Student Support Team Process
/ §  Student Support Team Process revised based on audit recommendation
§  Implemented health services and modifications through Individual Health Care Plans
§  New for 2006: View Pyramid of Interventions
§  SST supporting and tracking documents available electronically to teachers and administrators through student information system.
Ø Increase understanding of diversity and cultures / §  Diversity Council created to address professional learning needs and to collaborate with community agencies on current issues
§  Extensive professional learning targeting English Language Learners
§  Continued collaboration with CLASE (Center for Latino Achievement and Success in Education) at UGA
§  Continued contract with Visiting International Faculty (VIF) for cultural exchange
§  Received VIF certificate of achievement for exemplifying excellence in international education
Action Steps for Key Strategy 1.2 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Research, develop, implement, and monitor an articulated plan to provide extra- and co-curricular opportunities and auxiliary services that meet the interests of diverse learners / §  Extra-Curricular Task Force established 2006
Ø Establish and fill a position at the system level for an administrator of extracurricular programs / §  Part-time administrator on special assignment added in 2006 with duties including system coordination of extracurricular programs
Ø Evaluate extracurricular offerings for purpose, participation, and equity / §  Bi-annual student survey to determine interests as part of gender equity study
§  Extra-Curricular Task Force established November 2006
Action Steps for Key Strategy 1.3 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Develop alternatives to traditional schools / §  Forsyth Academy, non-traditional charter school opened fall 2005
§  NOBLE development
§  Hired Coordinator of Online Learning
§  Implement enterprise version of the online learning system (Blackboard) in order to facilitate learning at anytime and any place.
§  High School Improvement Recommendations 2006
§  Continuation of elementary alternative education program and Piedmont Learning Center
Ø Utilize support services to link parents to solutions / §  Prevention Services
§  Partnered with numerous community and county agencies to host nine Community Adolescent Issues Panel Meetings 2006/2007
§  Referrals and Resources for parents
§  View Student Support website
Ø Explore calendars and schedules that address student learning needs and interests / §  High School Improvement Recommendations 2006:
§  7-period academic day beginning 2007-2008 with a zero and eighth period for flexible scheduling and an Evening School
§  Forsyth Academy Calendar
§  Surveyed over 1500 stakeholders on proposed two-year calendars
Ø Research “best practices and exemplary educational systems” as part of ongoing improvement efforts / §  High School Improvement Recommendations 2006: Research and data provided on the website
Action Steps for Key Strategy 1.4 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Implement a comprehensive, interactive, data-based driven application that integrates standards-aligned instruction, lesson planning assessment, grading and reporting and educational content / §  Blackboard Learning System training and implementation with a focus on secondary schools.
§  Implemented NetTrekker, an Internet-based instructional resources, Safari Montage Video resources, both aligned by GA Standards.
Ø Develop and implement specific student technology competency skills and benchmarks for each grade level that support seamless integration of technology with the curriculum / §  In progress
Ø Develop and implement a process for evaluating technology (software / hardware) in the district / §  System-wide Technology Committee convenes as needed using a protocol for software review. (Policy IFA Policy / Procedures)
Ø Develop online portfolios of quality student work / §  Staff web pages include samples of student work through the Academic Portal.
o  Ivan Zeitlin
o  Meg Killingsworth
Ø Investigate distance learning among schools to increase offerings to students without additional staff / §  NOBLE Online Education
§  Exploration of special education inclusion model in a virtual setting is in progress
§  Video conferencing equipment (BOND funded) review in progress
Ø Provide a “laboratory” where technologies are tested for compatibility and application in an instructional setting / §  DRIVE Laboratory design developed 2006 - Laboratory creation 2007 at the Professional Development Center
§  Exemplary Science Team continued to provide information on new technologies
Action Steps for Key Strategy 1.5 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Identify and implement appropriate innovative service alternatives to provide nutritious meals / §  Breakfast in the Classroom continued; Grab and go breakfast alternative; Brunch on early release days
§  Expanded options (e.g. alternative milk packaging, 3 choices of fruit and vegetable) to increase healthy choices
§  Wellness Policy approved 2006
§  View Food and Nutrition web page
Ø Provide clean and attractive facilities with excellent environmental quality to enhance learning
o  Conduct GEMA All-Hazards Safety Assessment (5/31/07)
o  Facilitate writing of School Safety Plans for each new school (10/1/06)
o  Seek GEMA Certification (1/18/07)
o  Facilitate Revision of School Safety Plans / Seek GEMA Re-certification (10/1/06) / §  CO2 and humidity sensors have been installed in all facilities, and HVAC units programmed to maintain below 60% humidity
§  Contract awarded to Vendor to change HVAC filters every (6) weeks
§  Athens Janitorial inspects buildings every month and rates custodial staff in all categories
§  Dehumidification units installed in all media centers
Ø Utilize research based violence prevention curriculum / §  Continued Second Step Program (elementary schools)
§  Certification and expansion of Olweus Bullying Prevention Program (secondary schools)
§  View Prevention Services web page
Ø Implement the Threat Assessment Process / §  Continue to provide training on the FCS Threat Assessment Process developed in 2002
§  View Student Support web page
Ø Assess school climate/culture and implement strategies for improvement / §  Annual Stakeholder Surveys (October / November 2006) for certified and classified staff, parents, and students included questions on school culture. Results will be used for continuous improvement planning.
Ø Implement the national model for counseling / §  ASCA Model for counseling initiated 2005 and development continued in 2006
§  Counseling mission and beliefs approved by the BOE 2006
Goal 2: Recruit, maintain, enhance, and nurture a highly qualified work force
Key Strategies:
1.  Identify the talent needs of the system.
2.  Maintain system capacity to support schools.
3.  Recognize and reward excellence.
4.  Nurture and maximize the talents of each individual.
5.  Offer innovative benefit packages and attractive salaries.
6.  Maintain positive work environment.
7.  Provide up to-date training in technology.
Action Steps for Key Strategy 2.1 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Develop and utilize a plan to identify talent to match program needs, specify critical areas, personnel attrition, cultural diversity, and student growth / §  Continued use of MUNIS for personnel tracking
§  Continued use of Subfinder application with Webconnect
§  Consolidated application process for classified staff
§  Created a certification/staffing decision library for administrator use in assignment of highly qualified staff
Ø Monitor the longevity and performance of new hires and analyze that information against recruitment data / §  Continued exit interviews and surveys
§  Utilize results to inform leadership and develop research-based retention tools
Ø Identify, develop and maintain strong, capable people for leadership roles in all areas / §  Developed three-tier leadership development through the Office of Educational Leadership to include coaching, mentoring, and study.
Ø Address system needs through the development and implementation of a comprehensive continuity plan / §  Annual updates to system continuity plan; restructure of system organization July 2005
§  Developed a comprehensive Superintendent search plan that involves community and school stakeholder input through a variety of methods.
Action Steps for Key Strategy 2.2 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Establish a growth formula to add positions at the school and central level to meet the district’s changing needs, objectives, and growth / §  Established allotment criteria and standards at the school level
§  Projection and planning based on verified data originating from student information and GIS systems review annually
Ø Ensure that personnel allotment standards and allocated positions are in line with the Board’s vision / §  Annually review allotment standards and criteria against legal and accreditation requirements and the Board goals and continuity plan
Action Steps for Key Strategy 2.3 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Acknowledge exemplary performance, special licenses, and certifications of school system staff / §  Annual acknowledgment of NBTS certification 55 total in FCS to date
§  Awarded 2006 FCS Teacher of the Year and recognized all school Teachers of the Year
§  Monthly administrative peer recognition started June 2006
§  REACH Employee of the Month
§  Conduct monthly Board Special Recognition for State and National accomplishments of students and staff.
§  School Partners in Education programs recognized at annual awards luncheon and highlighted monthly in Cumming-Forsyth County Chamber of Commerce newsletter.
§  Published a series of Principal Spotlights in UpinCumming magazine.
Ø Review the salary structure at all levels annually, promote from within when applicable, and recognize quality work utilizing various rewards and incentives / §  Annual review of Metro RESA salary study in comparison with FCS salary structure
§  Upgraded substitute salary for highly qualified substitutes
Ø Explore the feasibility of establishing career paths and merit pay and/or pay for superior performance for ALL employees / §  In Progress
Action Steps for Key Strategy 2.4 / Evidence and Artifacts 2006
Ø Expand and improve leadership development, mentor training, induction process, and peer assistance program to ensure success / §  Created a Leadership Development Team to review Aspiring Leaders program and make recommendations for building capacity