EI/ECSE Contractor Meeting Minutes – May 16, 2012

Website: Next Meeting: Aug 22, 2012

x / A1 IMESD Michael Lasher / x / A4 LBLESD Debbie McPheeters / x / A6 MESD Nancy Anderson / x / A7 LESD Kelly Oatman
A1 IMESD Ami Muilenburg / x / A4 LBLESD Lila Kuykendall / x / A6 MESD Pat Moffitt / x / A8 NWRESD Nancy Ford
x / A2 HDESD Diane Tipton / A5 WESD Stacey Sibley / A7 LESD Sue Mathisen / x / A9 CLESD Barbara Bolstad
x / A3 DESD Susan Graham / x / A5 WESD Devora Gramson / A7 LESD Judy Newman / x / Dan Smellow, ecWeb
x / ODE County Contact: A1, A3
Bruce Sheppard / x / ODE County Contact: A2, A6, A8
Ginna Oliver / x / ODE County Contact: A5
Holly Reed Schindler / x / ODE County Contact: A7, A9
Alan Garland
ODE County Contact: A4
Kara Williams / x / Nancy Johnson Dorn
Director Early Childhood Programs
x / Recorder: Laura Allran / x / Guest: Liz Twombly / Guest: Lori Kellog
Time / Topic / Purpose / Action
9:00- 9:10 / Announcements
  • Service Area Plans (Holly)
  • Authorization/Reauthorization (Holly)
  • Child outcome exit data (Bruce)
  • Universal Referral Form (Bruce)
  • Other
/ Updates and Reminders /
  • Service Area Plans are due Friday by 5 pm. These should be emailed to your ODE Liaison.
  • Staff Authorizations are also due this Friday at 5 pm. Please send these to Holly Reed Schindler.
  • Bruce went over the Child Outcome Data Quality handout.
  • The Universal Referral form is ready to be posted.
  • The Oregon EI/ECSE Contacts sheet had some corrections that needed to be made. Bruce will make the changes and email the contractors once the corrected referral form has been posted.
  • Barbara Bolstad is retiring and this was her last meeting.
  • Program final determinations will be coming out June 30, 2012. (Alan)
  • State Interagency Coordinating Council (SICC) and Early Learning Council (ELC) are working together to develop an Early Learning plan. This is a plan for the EI/ECSE programs to transition to Early Learning Council and is due Sept. 29, 2012. The SICC Executive Committee has developed a plan to obtain stakeholder inputand has submitted this plan to Duke Sheppard.
  • The EI/ECSE Contractor Contact information sheet was reviewed and necessary changes were made. The current copy will be posted as soon as possible.

9:10-9:15 / Contracts and budget for 2012-2013 (Nancy J-D) / Information /
  • Contracts are in the works. We don’t know when programs will receive them. The budget numbers are little different from what was presented in March. As we get more accurate numbers for our federal funds, then the numbers will be adjusted slightly.

9:15-9:35 / Transportation/Attendance/Mandatory Reporting (Ginna) / Discussion /
  • We had a discussion of the various transportation policies and procedures; specifically how the programs track each child for transportation.
  • We discussed the various program attendance procedures: Some programs have an automatic call system; others have the teacher call home when a student is absent.
  • The “Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse Laws in Oregon” handout was discussed. The regulation for this is ORS 419B.007. If you feel uncomfortable about a situation, call the authorities; you don’t have to check with anyone to see if you should call.

9:35-9:45 / ECSE to K Transition; PWN? (Alan) / Discussion /
  • Alanasked if the programs are sendingprior written notice to parents when a child transitions to kindergarten. Some comments:
  • Most programs already have a transition plan in place for the kids and parents.
  • How the programs notify is dependent on the situation and what the districts need.
  • Programs should only do what is required without adding more work for staff.

9:45-9:50 / EI Screening (Alan and Bruce) / Information and discussion /
  • Under the new Part C regulations, Oregon has chosen to opt out of the requirements for screening children refered to EI (34CFR 303.320)
  • Our partners can screen or parents can complete universal screening online (ASQ online).
  • CAPTA referrals will require a full evaluation or universal screening.
  • Check your EI programs to see how children are entering the program.

9:50-10:00 / Autism Evaluations for 2013-14, planning, building capacity (Debbie M.) / Discussion /
  • Reviewed the ODE/RMT Sub-Committee Recommended Regional Models 2013-2015 handout.
  • Washington County has developed training for ASD evaluations and will share this with other programs.

10:00-10:15 / EI IFSP Team membership (Susan) / Discussion /
  • There was a discussion of the EI IFSP Team and how to meet the requirement of multi-disciplinary of having two or more members from different disciplines.
  • Everyone agreed that someone from a different agency could be the other IFSP member.
  • If the agency is private, they need to check with the contract first and the terms prior to the meeting.
  • The team members have to be qualified in the discipline they represent.
  • Read the OARs and regulations for more information on this.

10:15-10:30 / Break
10:30-11:30 / EcWeb (Dan Smellow) / Information / Dan went over the Contractors ecWeb Updates:
  • They are still working on the priority lists.
  • They have added a feature for archiving IFSP goals. Goals can be retired to the archive instead of deleting them.
  • Progress Report form: Dan wanted to know if we needed access to the old goals during an IFSP meeting. Please send him your process for this.
  • Forms Management: Please send Dan your new forms. Forms can be archived, but storage capacity could be an issue. Please look at how your forms are archived in your program.
  • Best practice guidelines need to be established.
  • Procedures Safeguard notification can be captured in numerous ways. Dan is investigation how they can be saved and will get back to us about this.

  • ill get mack to us about this. ccess to the old goals during the ISP meeting. Please send him your process for this. Evaluation reports are ready for use. Dan is checking to see if they need to be signed.
  • Change history will show the history for a specific field.
  • Searches and sets of searches can be made and changed.
  • Workload analysis feature (Lori Kellogg):
  • This feature can show you how many hours staff are working and can assist in making staff assignments.
  • Still considering how travel time can be figured in.
  • Information on the registry page must be current.
  • A one-page guidance for the workload analysis procedure was suggested.

11:30-12:00 / Established Risk Survey (Liz Twombly) / Discussion /
  • Staff at the University of Oregon Early Intervention program are working on a project through a grant from Center for Disease Control and Prevention relating to benchmarks for early identification of children birth to three (“BEST”). They have reviewed local and state programs’ established risk eligibility criteria.
  • The BEST Established Risk Survey was passed out to each program for completion. The survey asks programs’ about their procedures for children with established risks referred to early intervention.
  • Survey overview:
  • When an established risk condition is suspected, what does the program do to determine if it applies?
  • If a child comes into a program with an ISFP and there are questions regarding eligibility, how does the program respond?
  • Do programs look at maternal prenatal substance abuse and the potential effects on the child?
  • Do programs consider social emotional disturbancesas a risk condition?
  • A suggestion was made for a website with a resource list for established risk conditions, rather than trying to keep current information about conditions on a website. This could also be useful for families.

12:00-12:30 / Lunch
12:30-1:00 / Intensity Levels (Kelly, Holly, Nancy J-D) / Discussion /
  • Nancy J-D passed out three handouts:
  • ECSE Intensity Levels Calculations: This sheet shows the process Nancy used to determine the percentages of children receiving ECSE services in the categories of low, moderate, and high intensity service levels.
  • Nancy J-D explained that she didn’t include outliersso that the results weren’t skewed.
  • The data included 72.5 % of children receiving EI/ECSE services.
  • The EI/ECSE key performance is a measure of how closely EI/ECSE funding compares to the funding formula.
  • Programs input is needed to ascertain if there is a better way to get accurate information.

1:00-1:05 / Brochure Telephone Numbers / Updates / “Do You Have Concerns?” brochure was passed around for programs to indicate any changes in contact information.
1:05-1:15 / Set meeting dates for next year (Group) / Calendars /
  • We will not have the June 6 meeting.
  • Next year tentative meetings are:
  • Wednesday, August 22, 2012
  • Wednesday, October 24, 2012
  • Wednesday, December 12, 2012
  • Wednesday, February 27, 2013
  • Wednesday, April 24, 2013
  • Monday, June 17, 2013