by Shelley Maurice-Maier

“As a family practice and emergency physician for more than 25 years, I have always struggled with connecting the soul and spirit of the person with their physical

symptoms and illnesses. Our modern American medical training has almost completely isolated the physical from the soul/spirit, and tends to turn medical professionals into testing and prescribing technologists. Better living through chemistry and

cutting dominates the medical scene today. Shelley's book is unique in that the true connection of body-soul-Spirit with respect to suffering and disease is

practically spelled out in multitudes of anecdotes from her own life and that of her clients. I pray I may learn from her experience and hard work of pointing the soul to Christ.”

~Albert D. Brauer, M.D.


"After twenty years of working with people who are hurting, The Soul Factor is the book I've been looking for. Drawing heavily from her own life and her work as a counselor, Maurice-Maier skillfully ties together the strings of

science and salvation to show the clear role of the soul in finding freedom

and hope that lasts. This is the rare "quick read" that actually plows new

ground and delivers not just good ideas, but real action steps for real


~Bo Stern, Pastor


“As I read The Soul Factor, I can hear Shelley's words of health and

wholeness from when we led our workshops on The Sampler together. She honestly shares her painful, but victorious story (which bypasses our defenses) about truths of how our thinking greatly influences our choices, behavior, emotions, physical health and our spiritual health. As a therapist, she works with the whole person. From her experience with the mind/body/Spirit connection, she gives us practical ways of learning to choose health for our Soul as we let God be at the helm of our Sanctification Voyage. I can't wait to read it again for my own sanctification process, and share The Soul Factor with my clients._

~Barbara M. Houston, PsyD., Licensed Psychologist

THE SOUL FACTOR comments, Page 2

“When confronted by Jesus, the Author of wholeness, the demons who possessed a shattered soul from Gadarenes confessed through their tenant's mouth, "My name is Legion." A Roman legion was made up of five thousand soldiers. This poor man was broken in five thousand pieces. (See Mark 5:1-20) That's a sad picture of human disintegration. How we need the progressive wholeness and wellness that Jesus Christ brought to this man and can bring to us!

Shelley Maurice-Maier shares with transparent honesty, the importance of each person's journey toward becoming more and more like Jesus, the Author of wholeness. She shares through her personal journey as well as her experiences as a therapist, the mind/body/Spirit connection in our journey toward physical, psychological and spiritual wellness.”

~Ken Johnson, Pastor, Westside Church, Bend, Oregon


“The Soul Factor is an amazing little book that connects scientific truth with spiritual truth to provide powerful insights into how we can live our lives more effectively – how to experience both greater physical and spiritual health.

Shelley accomplishes this by illustrating the truths she is sharing with candid, transparent, and sometimes painful experiences from her own life story. This is the only book I know of that reveals the link between the medical insights into the Mind-body Connection with the spiritual process of Sanctification.

This is a “must read” book!”

~Pastor, Donald G. Stewart, PhD


“In her book, Shelley exudes her personal transparency and Biblical wisdom. The SOUL FACTOR is a valuable reminder that as we allow God to guide us in the sanctification process we must wholeheartedly submit our body/mind/soul to Jesus.”
~Bob Hakala, MD, Physician of the Year, Oregon Academy of Family Practice

THE SOUL FACTOR comments, Page 3

“What I especially like about Shelley is her honesty about her own struggles in life. The “Soul Factor” reads just like her counseling -- tremendous insight into how God intended life to work -- mined from the many shipwrecks she has personally experienced.

Even though I have five years of post-graduate study at Multnomah & Western Seminary, I had never seen Shelley’s insight in the process of Sanctification using the mind/body/Spirit, with the emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit’s role in our own Sanctification. Truth is best remembered in the context of stories, which Jesus demonstrated during His ministry here on Earth. The Soul Factor will entertain you with incredible stories and personable Biblical applications that will leap off the pages at you. You will ‘get it.’ If these principals can work for a flawed, fellow traveler like Shelley, they can surely work for the rest of us.

For those of us who read this new work, may God cause us to see that we can really set a new course and find the peace of God and the peace with God, as He works in our collective lives together. Are you ready to begin or to continue? Then, jump in with both feet, and let’s go!”

~Roger A. Ellis, Master of Divinity


"This book communicates masterfully the incredible and powerful connection
between our mind, body, and Spirit and God's great purposes and plans for
us. I promise that your life and walk with God will be beautifully and
forever changed as you incorporate these amazing truths in to your daily
~Claire Ellis, RN, PHN, BSN


“The Soul Factor brings a positive, hopeful and practical message to the reader. I was especially reminded of the exquisite importance of positive, forgiving thoughts on our overall well-being. I think I need to be reminded that the idea of negative, punishing thoughts are not just annoying background noise. If left unchecked, they will affect the physical body to its detriment. Shelley’s unflinching honesty will inspire people to take those voices seriously and address what needs to be done.”

~Quinn Scallon, MD, Mosaic Medical Clinic

THE SOUL FACTOR comments, Page 4

“I finished reading The Soul Factor last night before going to bed. After sleeping for a couple of hours, I woke up thinking about the book and about what came through to me most clearly from your stories and from all the good information in the book.

It came to me that I need to think in agreement with the things I know God has said to me, the things I know God has purposed for me, and the things that are good for me.

So I spent about an hour forming thoughts about me, my wife, my ministry, my future, my health, God's provision. I formed those thoughts into positive statements and I thought about them clearly.

Thanks for the instruction and inspiration.”

~Jim Stevens, Pastor Westside Church, Oregon


"This is a great read for people who need help (like me) or people who have the privilege to speak into other people's lives. I found myself challenged one minute and in the next minute Shelley was putting to pen ideas and concepts I have wrestled with and was never able to verbalize."

~Greg Price, Pastor Crescent Creek Church


Abiding Books

Author: Shelley Maurice-Maier, P.A.-C

ISBN: 978-0-974484-7-5

Hardcover, 145 pages

Publication Date: May 2009

Price: $12.99

Size: 4.5” x 6.25”

For more information, contact:

Sharon Cook

