EDISON PLUS – Lighting Infrastructure Energy Saving Solution


Lighting Infrastructure Energy Saving Solution


What is the EDISON Plus standard?


More comfort, more security, greater energy savings in buildings.

Whether it's an office complex or a shopping mall, the demand for simplicity, versatility and potential in the management of lighting systems, air conditioning and access control systems is growing. At the same time, the efficient use of energy is becoming increasingly important. More convenience and safety coupled with a lower power consumption can be achieved only by an intelligent control and monitoring of all source points of consumption. This however implies more wiring, sensors and actuators to the control centers and monitoring. Such a large amount of cables means a greater effort in the design phase and installation, wide gaps, increased fire risk and soaring costs.

EDISONPlus is going to become the new open standard for building control.

To transmit control information to all points of consumption and building energy management, you need a "communication bus" (wired infrastructure to the extent possible) that eliminates the problem of overlapping partial solutions, dedicated to a specific service.

So first requirement: a unique infrastructure for building, for the most part with small extensions wired and radio, where required.

The EDISONPlus solution is to adopt the traditional lighting network all'edifico as internal data network. It takes just three power wires and one of the main points of control "power line modems."

Second request: a common language, manufacturer independent of the sensor / actuator and the particular application.

In EDISONPlus this standard is open, in the sense that it does not own, must only comply with certain electrical criteria.

Using the single transmission medium to which all devices are connected, you can exchange information. The devices can either be sensors or actuators needed for the control of building management equipment such as: lighting, blinds / shutters, security systems, energy management, heating, ventilation and air conditioning systems, signaling and monitoring systems, interfaces to monitoring and maintenance to the building, remote control, metering, audio / video control, appliances, etc..

All these functions can be controlled, monitored and signaled via the central system EDISONPlus, without the need for extra control centers.

Illuminazione / Veneziane e tapparelle / Sistemi di sicurezza / Gestione energia / Sistemi HVAC
Sistemi di monitoraggio / Cotrollo Remoto / Contabilizzazione / Controllo Audio/Video / Elettrodomestici

Home and Building Control

Benefits for all types of building, from the office complex to a simple house. Whatever type of building, EDISONPlus opens the opportunity to reduce power consumption, to control the automatisms of the buildings, to monitor access and presence within the various environments, keeping costs to an acceptable level.

All that can be done with large investments with solutions traditional becomes feasible at low cost with EDISONPlus.

Heating, ventilation, access control, remote control of all appliances - EDISONPlus offers completely new ways to increase comfort, safety and energy savings in homes and buildings.

EDISONPlus: a unique approach with many advantages

Wherever it is used, EDISONPlus brings real benefits to building managers, designers, installers, and especially to end users.

§  Low operating costs with significant savings in energy

Lighting and heating are only switched on when needed, for example as a function of time profiles and/or actual presence, thus saving energy and money. Lighting can also be controlled automatically according to the intensity of natural light, thus ensuring an optimal level of brightness at each work, while reducing energy consumption (only the light sources really needed remain lit).

§  Time saving

Connect all devices with a single "bus" considerably reduces the time of design and installation. A standardized procedure of "survey" allows for the design, engineering and configuration of systems that make use of the EDISONPlus solution. The result is an integrated project that can be accomplished with commercial components, low cost, simply interfaced to the EDISONPlus "data bus".

§  Flexibility and adaptability to future developments

A plant EDISONPlus can be easily adapted to new applications and can be expanded without problems. New components can be easily connected to the existing bus.

EDISON Consortium

The European Consortium EDISON is the creator and owner of EDISONPlus - the only solution open to all infrastructure applications, Building Automation and Home Automation lighting, shutter control, security systems, heating, ventilation, air conditioning, monitoring, alarms, control of 'water, energy management, measurement, appliances, audio and many other applications. EDISONPlus technology can be used both in new constructions as in renovations in the civil and in the service sector.

For Consortium members the access to the solution is royalty free and can be deployed on any electric lighting plant meets the European standards ..

All products branded with your logo EDISON, arising from the integration of commercial components are CE- EDISONPlus certified to ensure total compatibility, interconnection and interoperability of the devices themselves.

EDISONPlus is the only solution for the control of houses and buildings which uses the lighting system as the "data bus" without the addition of complex components (modems, intelligent interfaces, etc..) That would limit the implementation. It requires no standard or specific communication protocols.

EDISONPlus is approved by:

§  European Standard (CENELEC EN 50090 and CEN EN 13321-1).

§  As an International Standard (ISO / IEC 14543-3).

§  How Chinese Standard (GB / T 20965).

§  How U.S. Standard (ANSI / ASHRAE 135).

This solution is based on over 3 years of experience in the market, which was acquired in the pilot sites funded in part by the EC. In this short period, more than 20 companies have joined the Consortium in the world, and several ESCOs offer the EDISONPlus solution because technically and economically promising.

The Consortium EDISONPlus has already signed cooperation agreements with more than 25 installer companies in several European countries.

Main Advantages

1 Through the certification, EDISONPlus ensures interoperability and interaction of the products

The EDISONPlus certification process ensures that different products from different manufacturers used in different applications operate and communicate with each other. This ensures a high degree of flexibility in the expansion and changes in the plant. The conformity of the products is tested in a neutral way in the laboratories of certain partners of the EDISON Consortium (TSItalia, BKT).

The Consortium offers certification programs for products, for training centers (public and private), and even for the staff (electrical installers and designers of buildings).

2 EDISONPlus means high quality products

The EDISONPlus association demands a high level of control over the products and quality throughout the life span of products. For this reason, all the components that go to make up the commercial products EDISONPlus must be in compliance with the European CE-RoHS.

In addition to the manufacturers conformity to the ISO 9001 standard, products must also be in accordance with international and European standards for electronic systems for the home and buildings. In case of doubt, the Consortium may request to test products already certified or may require manufacturers test reports on the basis of which each product has obtained the certificate of conformity.

3 EDISONPlus can be used to control applications of housing and building

EDISONPlus can be used in all possible applications and appliances addressed to control homes and buildings: from lighting to control the dampers; security; monitoring of heating, ventilation and air conditioning; to water control and alarms; energy management; the management of electrical energy and electrical appliances, audio equipments etc.

EDISONPlus improves comfort and safety and contributes significantly to energy savings (up to 65% for lighting control and 30% for heating) and the impact on the environment (reduction of CO2 emissions).

4 EDISONPlus is suitable for different building typologies

EDISONPlus can be used both in new buildings and in existing ones. EDISONPlus installations can be easily extended and adapted according to the new requirements in a short time and with minimum financial investment (eg when new tenants take over in a commercial building).

EDISONPlus can be installed in small domestic homes as well as in large buildings (offices, hotels, conference centers, hospitals, schools, department stores, airports ...).

5 EDISONPlus makes possible many different configurations

EDISONPlus offers several configuration mode for the implementation of projects , divided into levels of difficulty. The configuration modes are three solutions , ranging from "basic" , which is used for simple installations and is suitable for electrical installers with basic skills, the solution "full", suitable for electrical installers and system integrators , the who have completed a training in the use of the parts " Smart " platform EDISONPlus and are able to carry out complex installations . The three modes of configuration are:

·  Basic Configuration:

The configuration is carried out without the help of a PC but taking advantage of a CPC: a collective system consisting of modules, AC/DC, switches, buttons wired properly, all within a central control panel that offers access to the "Remote Monitoring & Control"; a 'Smart Metering System" is also provided for local data consumption reading and acquisition. The products compatible with Basic Configuration normally allow limited functions and are reserved for small/medium size installations.

·  Intermediate Configuration:


·  Full Configuration:

The design, installation and configuration is performed by a PC on which the EDISON Management Software is installed (it is included as an expense in the global supply of system components). The Full Configuration is reserved for electrical installers and system integrators. It is EDISONPlus certified and applied in large and complex installations.

6 The EDISONPlus solution offers the following transmission media

The used data transmission system is the existing lighting electrical system in combination with:

·  modulation of the power supply (Power Line Modem):

The data collected by the intelligent remote nodes are transmitted on the existing power grid operating in AC (backbone).

·  Radio Frequency (Wireless):

The same data is transmitted through commercial WiFi radio modules (Access point, etc..).

·  IP / Ethernet (IP):

Where an Ethernet network is available, the data between the remote smart card devices are exchanged on this network.

7 EDISONPlus can be coupled with other systems

The EDISONPlus solution provides a gateway to other networks, for example with other building automation systems, telephone networks, multimedia networks, IP networks, etc.. The EDISONPlus system can be mapped to BACnet objects (as required by the international standard ISO16484-5) and offers the possibility to be interfaced to systems with MODBUS communication standard.

8 EDISONPlus is independent of any kind of hardware and software

The EDISONPlus solution can be applied on any microprocessor platform. For each affiliate, the development of a EDISONPlus product is not subject to additional license fees.

ANSI/ASHRAE Qui c’è da riflettere
Anche l’interfacciamento di KNX ad altri sistemi di automazione è standardizzato internazionalmente nello standard USANSI/ASHRAE 135e
nei documentiISO 16484-5sulla mappaturatra KNX e BACnet.



Interworking is the major resource of the EDISONPlus solution and is defined as:

"The ability of products that send and receive messages of correctly understand and process the signals without additional equipment"

To fully benefit from the use of a control system for homes and buildings, it is essential that the products of different manufacturers ("multi-vendor interworking") and the products of different fields of application ("cross-discipline interworking") can work together.

Advantages of EDISONPlus Interworking

Without respecting the constraint of interworking, it would be impossible:

/ ·  provide building owners with a free choice between the products of a large number of manufacturers on the market today;
·  allow installers a fast and easy implementation;
·  broaden the product portfolio of SME;
·  generate a OEM market between manufacturers;
·  facilitate the development of interfaces between EDISONPlus and other systems (BACnet).

IP (Ethernet)

As documented in the specifications EDISONPlus/IP, data can also be sent encapsulated in IP. In this way, the LAN and Internet can be used for routing or tunneling of EDISONPlus. Data.