Confirmation Study Guide 14 name ______

Mission and Vocation

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:19-20)

Fill in the Blanks

1. A vocation is a ______from God received at ______.

2. Vocations can be to marriage, to the priesthood, to religious life, or to ______life.

3, Members of religious orders normally take three vows, one of ______, one of ______, and one of ______.

4. A religious sister always loses arguments with her spouse, because she’s married to ______.

5. Every Christian is a ______, even if it’s only in a school, a workplace, or a household.

6. By responding to God’s call to be missionaries, we share in the mission undertaken by ______.

7. At the end of every Mass the faithful are sent forth to share the Gospel with the whole ______.

Challenges for the Week:

·  Every morning when you wake up this week, tell God, “Speak, Lord, your servant is listening. How can I serve you today?” Then keep your heart open and listen throughout the day, remembering that God’s answers can come at unexpected times.

·  Make time for a little private prayer one day this week. Light a few candles if you have them, and spend a few minutes reading over Jesus’ words in one of the Gospels. (The reading from this Sunday, Mark 1:16-20, might be a good place to start.) Then wrap yourself in a bathrobe or blanket so you look a little bit like a religious brother or sister in a habit. Look at your reflection in a mirror and say a prayer asking God if he honestly wants you to consecrate your life to him. Tell him you love him and will do your best to follow his call as long as he helps you. Then be patient and listen for his voice.

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