Governing Board of Freedom Preparatory Academy



January25, 2018 - 6:30P.M.

Present: Cary McConnell, Thomas Chan, Newell Matson, Buddy Ivie, Chris Helvey, Lynne Herring, Jonathan Kano, Ashley Schoessow, Jay Garlock, Robert Merrill, Jayden Harding, Matt Fullmer, Grayson Wolf, Brock Alexander, Catherine Bramble, Alexa Merrill, Paul Baltes (conference call), Cindy Britt (Secretary)




Thomas Chan is concerned about the troubling policies of the government concerning Mexico and how it may affect the senior humanitarian trip. Chris Helvey is watching the situation closely and will continue to keep theGoverning Board updated.


Cary McConnell presented a new look for the agenda. He asked that the “Consent Agenda” (including past minutes and Directors Update) be looked at and read before the meeting so they can be approved as is. He would like to eventually move other action items to the consent agenda to be approved, denied, reviewed, adopted or proposed.

  1. Approve minutes of the November 16, 2017 Governing Board Meeting - Newell Mattson made a motion to approve the minutes of November 16. Robert Merrill seconded the motion. The minutes of November 16 were approved and the motion passed unanimously.
  1. Executive Director Update, including principal’s updates were read previously by board members. – See attachment


  1. Board Vacancy – Jay Garlock attended the meeting and expressed interest in becoming a board member. He is an accountant by profession and is currently working with the LDS Church in their global finance center. He has been Involved in the higher education process through Adult education (University of Phoenix). Other skills include process improvement and communication skills. He is concerned about the quality of today's K-12 education and would like to be a part of providing great education that combines with character building. When asked what he thought the biggest challenge the Governing Board faces, he replied inclusion and academic rigor for better opportunities in education for the future of our students.

There was one other person who expressed interest in the position. She had a family event to attend and was going to come later in the evening. Her interview was tabled to her arrival.

  1. Board Goals 2017-2018
  1. Student Success
  2. Develop data-driven methods to understand student success including SAGE and other testing administered throughout the year.
  1. Operational Efficiency
  2. Operate in the black.
  3. Oversee Retaining and Enrolling Students
  4. Quarterly Enrollment review
  5. Regular Policy Review each Board Meeting
  1. Community Relations
  2. Be involved regularly in Parent and Student engagement activities
  3. Retain and evaluate PR efforts
  4. Governing Board Member Website page fixed by summer
  5. Governing Board Members attend and assist fundraisers

The Board would like to have 2017-2018 Goals printed on the back of futureagendas.

Goals will be evaluated, and new ones created at this year's retreat for the 2018-19 school year.

There will be an Honor Society induction Feb 22. All board members are invited to attend.

  1. Board Meeting/RetreatDates for CY 2018- will be scheduled the week of June18th. Chris Helvey will send out meeting information.
  1. Next Board meeting will be February 15, 6:30 p.m.
  1. Budget Update FY 2017-18–Chris Helvey presented budget update.– see attachment.
  2. Vineyard bldg. coming in at cost.
  3. Secondary building auditorium should be completed by July.
  4. Next month the auditor will give the update through a conference call.
  5. Vineyard has a need for 10new Promethean boards, they are now available at a discounted price.
  6. Robert Merrill made a motion to purchase 10 new promethean boards,(includingthe shipping costs) not to exceed $37,000.00. Mattson Newell seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
  1. Advertising Update–Brock Alexander
  2. Our relationship with Weapon ended in November. The new team will be Sebo Marketing and Beaver Studios.
  3. Sebo marketing –Website Security & edits, pay per click, and social media analytics.
  4. Beaver studios –Website, Videography, Social Media.
  5. Social Media emphasis: Progress, Growth, Limitless
  6. Search Engine optimization (SEO) with paperclip in action. Google ”best charter school” and a one page summary of the school comes up. Google analytics is tracking who is searching and who is enrolling and how long they are on website page. Results of optimization will happen as time goes on. Strategic decisions can be made from analysis provided by google.
  7. January Focus – Enrollment Focus, Social Media posts, Further web development, connecting users to social media and, analytics response.
  8. February Focus –Analytic response (enrollment) and all of the above.
  1. Construction Update - Vineyard is finishing up. The C.O. will be valid the week of Feb. 19. Minor punch list items will continue through the end of Feb. The first of several open houses will be held on Feb. 22.
  1. Proposal Architectural Fee for Bus Barn – The following companies submitted bids: Silver Peak, Sanders and Forsyth. Administration is recommending Silver Peak Engineering. Catherine Bramble made a motion to hire Silver Peak engineering for the total cost of $104,000.00. Thomas Chan seconded the motion. This motion required a roll call vote. All Board members voted in the affirmative.

Mike Cutler is an employee and will be used as the general contractor, along with his regular job. He has been involved with other building projects in the past. General steel building comes as a kit. Updates will be forthcoming as building progresses.

  1. Proposal for Post Bond Issuance Analysis and Support–Chris Helvey suggested David Robertson be involved with managing our bonds. He is familiar with our bond and can make sure we meet all covenants and requirements. His fee would be $2,750.00 set up fee + $2,700.00 annual feeforanalysis and support.

Catherine Bramble made motionto retain David Robertson for theschool year of 2017-2018including the $2,750.00 set up fee and the $2,700 management fee including post analysis and support, for a total of $5,450.00. Robert Merrill seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

  1. Adopt 2018-2019 Academic Calendar–see attachment. This year the calendar is aligned more with Provo school district. First day of school will be August 14, last day May 23. All three campus calendars are coordinated. The carnivals will be combined this year at the Secondary School. Mattson Newell made a motion to adopt the 2018-2019 Academic calendar. Thomas Chanseconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.

Chris Helvey recognized Alexa Merrill the Student Council President for the Secondary School. She reported on attending “Charter on the Hill” at the capitol. Freedom Preparatory studentsperformed as an orchestra quintet and went live on social media. They represented Freedom Preparatory Academy very well.

Freedom Preparatory Academy students are developing a relationship with Karl Maeser Preparatory Academy. They held a combined dance that was a success and would like to continue to have more combined activities with them.

It was proposed that there be a standing item on the agenda: Update from Student Council. Alexa would be able to coordinate who reported.

The Governing Board encouraged both elementary and secondary studentleaders to attend governing board meetingswhen possible.

  1. Policy #4 Review – Criminal Background Check - Catherine Bramble will review for February meeting.
  1. Policy #3 Review – Travel Policy - Paul Baltes will review for February meeting.
  2. Policy #12 – Teacher Monies - to be discussed at a later date.
  1. Agreement for Technological Services and Systems – Memorandum of Agreement. The State provided a template for us to use. The Statewill start requiring this agreement next school year.

Jed will be invited to come to next board meeting and explain Agreement for Technological Services. The board can determine the need for a policy at that time.

The second potential board member did not show up.

  1. Adjourn for executive session - 9:00

Catherine Bramble made a motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss Governing Board Member. Roll call vote, all in the affirmative.

  1. Reconvene public meeting – Motion to appoint Jay Garlock to fill Board vacancy.

*The Freedom Preparatory Academy Governing Board may consider a motion to close the meeting to hold a strategy session

to discuss the purchase, sale, exchange, or lease of real property, and/or the character, professional competence, or physical

or mental health of an individual in conformance with § 52-4-204 and 52-4-205 et. Seq., Utah Code Ann.