Career Preparation Profile
Standards for the Award QTS
Career Preparation
Secondary Course
Incorporating GPSSchool Based Tasks
Guidance notes for the use of the profile ------P5
Standards ------P5
Summary of documentation completion------P6
Evidence base------P7
Example of trainee’s review of progress------P8
Section A Initial Needs Analysis------P11
Section B Individual Training Plan------P12
Section C Evidence of progress against the standards--P13
General Professional Studies - Introduction ------P14
SHU GPS Programme and School Based Tasks 2006/07 ---P16
Review Sheet 1 Professional Values and Practice------P19
Review Sheet 1 Knowledge and Understanding------P20
Review Sheet 1 Planning, Expectations and Targets----P21
Review Sheet 1 Monitoring and Assessment------P22
Review sheet 1 Teaching and Class Management------P23
Review Sheet 1 Extra sheet for photocopying------P24
Report of formal reviews with mentor------P26
Review Sheet 2 Professional Values and Practice------P27
Review Sheet 2 Knowledge and Understanding------P29
Review Sheet 2 Planning, Expectations and Targets----P31
Review Sheet 2 Monitoring and Assessment------P33
Review sheet 2 Teaching and Class Management------P35
Review sheet 3 (Targets summary and action plan)-----P38
Placement 2------P40
Report of formal reviews with mentor------P41
Review Sheet 2 Professional Values and Practice------P42
Review Sheet 2 Knowledge and Understanding------P44
Review Sheet 2 Planning, Expectations and Targets----P46
Review Sheet 2 Monitoring and Assessment------P48
Review sheet 2 Teaching and Class Management------P50
Review sheet 3 (Targets summary and action plan)-----P53
Review sheet 3 (Targets summary and action plan)-----P54
Preparation for your CEDP------P55
Appendix 1 Placement pattern------P56
Appendix 2 Weekly mentor review sheet------P58
Appendix 3 Lesson observation sheet used by mentor--P61
Guidance Notes for the use of the Profile
This profile is to be used throughout both placements for the collection of evidence against the Standards for Qualified Teacher Status, target setting, action planning and assessment. It is to be kept by the trainee, but shared with the mentor during the placements and at review points where the Review 2 sheets are to be completed and assessment is to take place. At the first Review Point of the academic year, an assessment grading will not take place, but the mentor must decide whether reasonable progress is being made. If it is deemed not to be the case, then a Cause for Concern sheet should be forwarded to the University and appropriate targets set for the trainee. There should also be discussion between mentor and trainee about how these targets can be met. This profile is loose leaf so evidence can easily be recorded behind the appropriate Review Sheets 1. Agreed targets should be established at mentor/student meetings. This year mentors have a proforma to be used at these meetings (See appendix 2).
As part of the achievement of QTS, trainees must demonstrate that they have achieved each of the Standards. The Standards have been grouped into sections in accordance with TTA requirements:
S1Professional Values and Practice
S2Knowledge and Understanding
S3.1Teaching: Planning, Expectations and Targets
S3.2 Teaching: Monitoring and Assessment
S3.3Teaching: Teaching and Class Management
At the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Review Points, the trainee will be graded on a 1-4 scale for each section of the profile. The grade descriptors are listed below:
- Very good with several outstanding features.
- Good with no significant weaknesses.
- Adequate, but requires further development.
- Not yet meeting the standards.
Please note that whilst all the standards need to be met in order for the trainee to gain QTS, the grades should be based on a holistic judgement about the section descriptors at the head of the page. Each grade should be circled clearly. Mentors should not circle more than one grade in each section.
> NB: where mentors do indicate a range of grades, the lowest one will be used. <
It is quite possible that grades will go down at the start of the second placement, as the trainee adjusts to an increased teaching load, a reduction in available preparation time, an increase in preparation and marking, and to a new school setting. This should not cause undue alarm, or raise concerns about the previous formative grading.
At the end of each placement, the trainee should have a profile of grades. These should not be aggregated.
Trainees cannot fail the first placement, but if a trainee has a grade 4 in one or more areas at the TP2 Summative Review Point then he or she has failed Teaching Practice as a whole and has no automatic right to another practice – recommendations are made to the Award Board by the Teaching Practice Review Board.
Summary of the process for completion of thedocumentation
Stage 1 / Before SchoolPlacement / Needs-analysis, target setting and planning at the University prior to commencing of main teaching block is undertaken by the trainee in discussion with their University tutor. The results form the basis of a training plan (See section A of this profile).
Stage 2 / Serial Days / Trainee discusses the training plan and action planning with his/her mentor during serial placement for the first teaching block. For the second TP discussion should be based on Review Sheets 3 from first school.
Stage 3 / On-going during placement / Trainee keeps an on-going record of his/her performance and evidence to support it on Review Sheets 1. These should be discussed with the mentor during some of the weekly review meetings. Evidence collection should be organized in the sections as outlined in the profile, but could be sub-divided into each standard if trainee and mentor feel this is the most effective mode of organizing the evidence. The agreed targets at these meetings should be minuted. See weekly review sheet (Appendix 2).
Stage 4 / At Review Point / At each Review Point the Review Sheets 2 are completed. Evidence for the completing of these forms can come from a wide range of sources, and the trainee should have identified many of them on the Review Sheets 1. Thus, the Review Sheets 1 should be brought to the Review Point. The first formative review on placement one has some standards shaded in grey. This means that they do not need to be a focus for this review point so do not need to be identified in the box by the mentor. However, if there is evidence against any of the standards shaded out then recognition can be given using the identification markers outlined below (e.g. S for strength).
Each section of standards (S1-S3.3) needs to be thought of holistically to reach a single grade for that section. Each standard must be identified in the box as one of the following: strength (S) area to develop (AD), no opportunity (NO) or appropriate progress in which case a should be used.
The point is to reach a holistic judgment about the section. The grade box for each section must then be circled as appropriateexcept for the first Formative Review Point. At the first Formative Review Point the mentor need only decide whether satisfactory progress is being made in the unshaded sections. At each Review Point, appropriate targets should be set. The mentor can either complete the Review Sheets 2 themselves or ask the trainee to take notes of the discussion and to complete the Review Sheets 2 after the meeting. The mentor can then countersign the Review Sheets 2.
Stage 5 / After Review Point / The targets should be prioritised and action plans agreed between mentor and trainee. These should be written out on the Review Sheets 3. The trainee can write these out, but both should sign the sheet.
Stage 6 / Second half
of placement / The Review sheets 1, 2& 3 process is repeated for the second part of the practice. As before, the trainee prioritises the targets and identifies an action plan for the future. This can be used to discuss strengths and areas for development with the mentor and academic tutor. After the TP2 Summative Review Point it can be used as the basis for formalising entries in the Career Entry Development Profile. The trainee will take the CEDP to their first teaching post.
Stage 7 / Immediately after ReviewPointS /4 / Immediately after each Summative Review Point, a summary form is completed by the mentor (Review Sheet 4) One copy is sent to the University, one retained by the mentor and one given to the trainee.
A Cause for Concern Sheet can be used at any time and should be used before grade 4’s are being allocated at any Review Point (these are available in the Partnership Agreement Handbook).
Evidence Basis
The collection of evidence of achievement of the standards is largely the responsibility of the trainee. Evidence may arise from a wide range of sources including:
- Formal and informal lesson observations and written feedback.
- Notes made during discussions with teachers, tutors and mentors.
- Materials, schemes, lesson plans, records etc found in the TP file.
- Comments by other adults e.g. class helpers, parents, governors, inspectors etc.
- Pupils’ evaluative comments, work and displays.
- Contributions to staff meetings, parents' evenings, etc.
- Discussions with peers, computer conference and contributions.
- Personal research in relevant sections.
- Curriculum development packages, papers produced.
- Response to school based tasks
- Assignment work
Mentors with support from class teachers are responsible for the induction of trainees into their professional role, providing critical constructive feedback about their performance and for helping them to review their achievements and set targets for future development.
Sheets Enclosed in the Profile
Trainees are expected to collect evidence against the standards (S1-S.3.3) and record them within the review sheets of this profile. This should be undertaken regularly to ensure an accurate record of each placement is maintained. Mentors should undertake a regular review of this evidence within the weekly progress meeting.
Review Sheet 1 -Trainee’s Review of Progress. This is the trainee’s responsibility to keep it updated.
Review Sheet 2 -Report of the Review of Progress.
Review Sheet 3 -Prioritising targets and agreeing appropriate action.
Examples in the appendix- lesson observation sheets and mentor weekly review sheets
Not Enclosed In the Profile
Review Sheet 4- This is the Summative Report for the mentor to complete, usually available from the school's Senior Liaison Tutor. It is to be completed immediately after each Summative Review Point (only) and forwarded promptly to the Secondary Partnership Team.
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Career Preparation Profile
It should be noted that some standards might require evidence collected over a period of time whilst others may only require one or two examples. Below are two methods of organizing the evidence collection.
Example of Trainee Review of Progress
(Example of one section divided into standards after first ten days of teaching practice). This only includes evidence against one standard.
Name……………… WILLIAM BLAKE ………..…………………………………
Review performance in relation to the standards listed, noting in particular, strengths, areas for development and targets for future development. Indicate your evidence base.
S3.1 Teaching: Planning, expectations and targetsStandard / Aspect / Evidence base
S3.1.1 / Oct 4th / The learning objectives are made clear and specific / Discussion with mentor and objectives identified on each lesson plan.
S3.1.1 / Oct 5th / Lesson plans include a variety of tasks aimed at motivating pupils and providing pace to the lessons. Although I need to improve the quality of transition from one activity to the next / See lesson plans Oct 4, 7F and Oct 5, 10R.
S3.1.1 / Oct 7th / Greater appreciation of how to raise pupils’ achievement / Attended school INSET day on raising achievement- leaflet attached.
S3.1.1 / Oct 11th / Had high expectations of pupils’ behaviour. Outlined my expectations to my new Year 8 group and reminded them of the school behaviour policy. / See lines 4 and 5 in lesson observation by Head of Department
Example of Trainee Review of Progress
(Example of one section after first three weeks of teaching practice. This example has the student recording evidence in the cluster of standards under the key heading of Teaching: planning, expectations and targets.
Name……………… WILLIAM BLAKE ………..…………………………………
Review performance in relation to the standards listed, noting in particular, strengths, areas for development and targets for future development. Indicate your evidence base.
S3.1 Teaching: Planning, expectations and targetsStandard / Aspect / Evidence base
S3.1.1 / Oct 4th / The learning objectives are made clear and specific / Discussion with mentor and objectives identified on each lesson plan.
S3.1.1 / Oct 5th / Lesson plans include a variety of tasks aimed at motivating pupils and providing pace to the lessons. Although I need to improve the quality of transition from one activity to the next / See lesson plans Oct 4, 7F and Oct 5, 10R.
S3.1.2 / Oct 7th / Created a range of poetry resources using ICT / See support materials for teaching pre-1914 poetry
S3.1.5 / Oct 11th / Assisted with theatre trip and worked with teacher in identifying risk assessment. / Mentor review minutes
S3.1.3 / Oct 18th / Worked closely with support staff in devising extra resource materials for two pupils working below the level of literacy expected for their age. / See extra support materials accompanying lesson plan for Y8
S3.1.3 / Oct 23rd / Sought advice from EAL support staff on the use of Bilingual texts for a pupil in my year 9 class who has recently joined the school from Pakistan. / Comments on lesson observation form from class teacher
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Career Preparation Profile
Example of Report of Review of Progress
Placement 1
Name………………… WILLIAM BLAKE ………..……………………………………………..
S3.1 Teaching: Planning, expectations and targetsIdentify particular Strengths (S), Areas for development (AD) or where there has been no opportunity to demonstrate a standard (NO). All others to be ticked to indicate satisfactory achievement.
ReviewPointF / ReviewPointS
S3.1.1 / They set challenging teaching and learning objectives which are relevant to all pupils in their classes. They base these on their knowledge of the pupils, evidence of their past and current achievement, the expected standards for pupils of the relevant age range, the range and content of work relevant to pupils in that age range. / S
S3.1.2 / They use these teaching and learning objectives to plan lessons, and sequences of lessons, showing how they will assess pupils' learning. They take account of and support pupils' varying needs so that girls and boys, from all ethnic groups, can make good progress. /
S3.1.3 / They select and prepare resources, and plan for their safe and effective organisation, taking account of pupils' interests and their language and cultural backgrounds, with the help of support staff where appropriate. / /
S3.1.4 / They take part in, and contribute to, teaching teams, as appropriate to the school. Where applicable, they plan for the deployment of additional adults who support pupils' learning. / NO /
S3.1.5 / As relevant to the age range they are trained to teach, they are able to plan opportunities for pupils to learn in out-of-school contexts, such as school visits, museums, theatres, field-work and employment-based settings, with the help of other staff where appropriate. / AD
Formative Review Point / Satisfactory progress YES/NO
Summative ReviewPointS / Grade / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4
Formative Review Point
Target(s) (if appropriate)
These can be related to areas for development, or even strengths that could be developed further.
Set more challenging work for the most able. This could be achieved through more detailed diagnostic marking and then setting of appropriate work.
Further comments (as appropriate, e.g. highlighting strengths and providing advice)
Good variety of assessment methods is being used to inform planning on a general level.
You have checked the reading ages of pupils in your class.
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Career Preparation Profile
Section A
Initial Needs Analysis
To be compiled by you with guidance from your academic tutor prior to your first school placement.
This section should identify prior learning, and relevant teaching experience. It is likely to include:
- Your subject study at degree and post graduate level
- Your responses to any pre-course tasks set by SHU
- An audit of your subject knowledge against the National Curriculum and post 14/post 16 awards
- An audit of your ICT skills and capability
- Summary of school based work
- Summary of relevant experience outside the school environment
Some students on the flexible route will be required to complete an initial audit against the standards for QTS.
Section B
Individual Training Plan
Full-time students
You will be following the Professional Year Placement pattern (see appendix 1).
You will need to create a personal timeline which identifies your key priorities such as books to read in response to audits, hand in dates for assignments, sending CVs to placement schools and arrangements for skills tests. This plan will be on going throughout the year. Please use the template below. This will be monitored and updated with your academic tutor.
TERMS / Subject professional studies / General professional studies / Subject enhancement / Skills tests / PlacementAutumn
Flexible students
Exemption audits and evidence
Agreed training plan
Personal timeline which identifies your key priorities. Please use the template below. This will be monitored and updated with your academic tutor.
TERMS / Subject professional studies / General professional studies / Subject enhancement / Skills tests / Placement1
Section C
Evidence of progress against the standards (NB: There is a blank Review Sheet 1 for photocopying to add where required). This might include
- Record of meetings with mentor/subject staff
- Record of meetings with Senior Liaison Tutor
- Record of formal and informal feedback from school based staff
Please note that it is advisable to collate your evidence in a manner that will help your mentor to see what evidence you have against each standard. Whilst the standards are clustered in groups such as Professional Values and Practice within each section you might decide to separate your evidence into S1.1, S1.2, S1.3, S1.3 etc. As the profile is loose leaf it will enable you to place evidence behind particular sheets. You could also cross reference from Review sheets 1 to other folders where the evidence has been recorded.