Southern California Association of Governments
2016 Sustainability Planning Grants Application
Focused Purpose Application Form
Agency Name: XXXX
Project Name: XXXX
Project Information
A. General Information
Project Name:Agency Name:
Street Address:
City: / State: / Zip:
Project Manager:
Addtl. Contact:
B. Authorizing Signature
Name (City Manager or Equivalent):Title:
Phone Number:
Signature: / Date:
C. Project Details
Project Start Date: / Project End Date:Subregion or COG: / County:
Requested Amount: / Local Match:
If your agency is submitting multiple applications, please prioritize them below.
Number of Applications Submitted: / Priority of this Application
(Ex. 1 of 3):
If your agency is partnering with additional agencies or community based organizations for this project, please list them here and identify their roles.
Partner Name: / Role:
Partner Name: / Role:
Partner Name: / Role:
Partner Name: / Role:
If your project is part of a proposed multijurisdictional effort, please list cities applying for the same project and the name of the project being applied for if different.
City Name: / Project Name:
City Name: / Project Name:
City Name: / Project Name:
D. Project Description
- Please provide a short summary of your project that includes the major deliverables.
Provide a short description of the scope of your project. (500 Character Limit)
Enter Text Here.
- Funding for the SPG is provided through a combination of federal, state, and local sources and requires a direct transportation nexus. For funding purposes, please describe the transportation/GHG emissions reduction nexus.
Provide a short description of how your project will reduce VMT and/or GHG. (500 Character Limit)
Enter Text Here.
E. Background Information
The following questions will help SCAG identify the appropriate funding source for each project and determine project eligibility.
- Is your agency a member of SCAG? Yes/ No
- SCAG requires that each jurisdiction submit a supporting resolution from the elected body or a letter of intent in support of the project from the appropriate executive officer prior to receiving funding.
- Is your agency willing to adopt/provide documentation of support? Yes/ No
- The 2016 RTP/SCS seeks to “…grow in more compact communities in existing urban areas, providing neighborhoods with efficient and plentiful public transit, abundant and safe opportunities to walk, bike and pursue other forms of active transportation, and preserving more of the region’s remaining natural lands for people to enjoy.” The Land Use Strategies section in Chapter 5 of the 2016 RTP/SCS outlines strategies for implementing the Sustainability Component of the RTP/SCS. Please list the strategies your project will implement:
- Have you received Sustainability Planning (or Compass Blueprint) Grant funding in a previous cycle? Yes/ No
- If yes, did you successfully complete your project? Yes/ No
- If yes, was that project adopted and/or implemented? Yes/ No
- Is the funding request for this project a standalone planning/research project or are you seeking supplemental funding for a larger effort? standalone/ supplemental
Application: Focused Purpose Plan
Mark the type(s) of project activity that you are proposing. You may mark more than one.
Integrated Land Use / Green Region InitiativeTransit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan / Local Climate Action Plans
Livable Corridor Plans / Subregional Climate Action Plans
General Plan Element Updates / Energy Efficiency Plans
Specific Plan Updates / Water Efficiency Plans
Development Code Assistance / Urban Greening
Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Feasibility / Climate Adaptation and Resiliency Plans
Affordable Housing Development Feasibility Analyses / Ecodistrict Planning
Mobility Innovations / Open Space, Natural, and Farm Lands Preservation
Neighborhood Mobility Area (NMA) Plan*
Other: (XXXX)
* See RTP/SCS for description of NMAs.
A. Project Need (50 pts)
1. Readiness (15 points)
a. Is your project currently supported by an adopted General Plan, Specific Plan, Zoning Code, or Climate Action Plan that is less than 10 years old? Yes/ No
Mark all that your community currently has:
Type / Year Completed / LinkSupportive General Plan / Date / Link
Supportive Zoning Code / Date / Link
Specific Plan / Date / Link
Climate Action Plan / Date / Link
b. Describe the planning gap that you hope to fill and its desired impact on improving sustainable development.
Open Ended (500 character limit)Enter Text Here.
Points / Readiness / Score
4-5 Points / Agency/community has adopted Sustainability oriented plans, and makes a compelling case for additional planning work that will lead to implementation. / For Reviewer Only
2-3 Points / Agency/community has limited supportive planning, but project sponsor provides justification for additional planning. / For Reviewer Only
1 Point / Agency has no supportive plans in place, presents limited information to support the need and/or commitment for more planning. / For Reviewer Only
c. Describe the state of sustainable development and climate actions in your city and project area, including sustainability projects that are implemented. Describe any existing development and policy gaps that you want to address with the plan.
Open Ended (500 character limit)Enter Text Here.
Points / Readiness / Score
3-5 Points / Applicant presents a clear need for sustainable development improvements and shows how the proposed plan will address gaps in programming and infrastructure. / For Reviewer Only
1-2 Points / Applicant presents a limited need for sustainable development improvements and proposed plan does not completely address identified gaps. / For Reviewer Only
d. Describe the land-use and transportation plans and policies (such as increased transit investment or greater mixed-use development–Transit Priority Areas, High Quality Transit Areas, special district plans) that have been developed—or are under development—that will support greater rates of transit use, walking and biking. Describe any other policies adopted by your governing body related to active transportation that will support efforts to create more walkable and bicycle friendly communities (Ex. Parking Ordinance, Complete Street Policies).
Open Ended (500 character limit)Enter Text Here.
Points / Readiness / Score
3-5 Points / Applicant provides clear examples of plans and policies that will support greater rates of transit use, walking and biking. Describes a policy environment where an integrated shared vision plan will add considerable value. / For Reviewer Only
1-2 Points / Applicant provides few examples of updated and innovative plans and policies. Describes a policy environment where an integrated shared vision plan will have limited impact. / For Reviewer Only
2. Sustainability (20 points)
- Describe how this plan, program or project will encourage sustainability and implementation of strategies described in the 2016 RTP/SCS. Please address how implementation of the project will result in a decrease of GHG emissions in your jurisdiction(s) through reductions in VMT, energy generation, and resource conservation and recycling (see follow up question B.2. below). Cite any relevant jurisdiction sustainability goals.
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Sustainability / Score
15 Points / Description clearly describes how proposed plan, program, or project will result in implementation of specific strategies from the 2016 RTP/SCS, and links this implementation to anticipated reductions in VMT and/or GHG emissions. / For Reviewer Only
12 Points / Description generally describes how proposed plan, program, or project will result in implementation of strategies from the 2016 RTP/SCS, and generally links implementation to anticipated reductions in VMT and/or GHG emissions. / For Reviewer Only
9 Points / Description generally describes how proposed plan, program, or project will result in implementation of strategies from the 2016 RTP/SCS, and how implementation will lead to reductions in VMT and/or GHG emissions, but does not clearly link the two goals. / For Reviewer Only
6 Points / Description describes, in vague terms, how proposed plan, program, or project will result in implementation of strategies from the 2016 RTP/SCS, or how implementation will lead to reductions in VMT and/or GHG emissions, but does not clearly address both goals. / For Reviewer Only
3 Points / Description only describes in vague terms how proposed plan, program, or project will result in implementation of strategies from the 2016 RTP/SCS, or how implementation will lead to anticipated reductions in VMT and/or GHG emissions. / For Reviewer Only
- Describe any additional sustainability obstacles that discourage sustainable development and climate action (Ex. restrictive plans or zoning, lack of public engagement, etc.). Provide existing strategies for engaging stakeholders and internal staff needed to address these obstacles.
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Sustainability / Score
3-5 Points / Additional sustainability obstacles are addressed and reasonable strategies are provided for engaging stakeholders and agency staff to address the issues identified. / For Reviewer Only
1-2 Points / Additional sustainability obstacles are mentioned but strategies for addressing the issues are unreasonable or not provided. / For Reviewer Only
3. Resource Need (10 points)
- Describe how this award will help address resource constraints. Cite examples of past instances when sustainability and climate action efforts have not been carried through due to lack of resources (Ex. grant applications not attempted, development projects discouraged, planning efforts abandoned).
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Resource Need / Score
10 Points / Description clearly describes resource constraints that have led to specific instances in which the jurisdiction chose to not pursue sustainable development or climate action efforts in the past. / For Reviewer Only
8 Points / Description describes resource constraints that have led to general instances in which the jurisdiction chose to not pursue sustainable development or climate action efforts in the past. / For Reviewer Only
6 Points / Description describes resource constraints in vague terms, and only provides a weak link to general instances in which the jurisdiction chose to not pursue sustainable development or climate action efforts in the past. / For Reviewer Only
4 Points / Description only describes in vague terms how resource constraints have impacted sustainability or climate action efforts. / For Reviewer Only
2 Points / Description only vaguely describes resource constraints. / For Reviewer Only
4. Disadvantaged Community (5 points)
- What percentage of your community qualifies as a disadvantaged community? To qualify, residents must either live in an area that is in the top 25% of communities identified by CalEnviroScreen, have a Median Household Income of Less than 80% of the state median, or be located in a SCAG Community of Concern (Map of Existing DACs).
· For community wide projects, the percentage should be based on the total population that meets one or more of the criteria listed above. SCAG has calculated the data in this document for your convenience.
· For neighborhood or location specific projects, estimate the percentage of the population that lives within a Disadvantaged Community based on census tracts within ½ mile of the project. Add together the total disadvantaged population (Dis_pop) living in the census tracts from this document and divide by the total population (Tract_pop).
· For transit oriented development plans, include the percentage of the population based on census tracts within three miles of the transit stop or station. Add together the total disadvantaged population (Dis_pop) living in the census tracts from this document and divide by the total population (Tract_pop).
If your agency needs technical assistance to determine this percentage, please contact SCAG by 10/15/16.
- Percentage of population that is disadvantaged: (XXXX)
Points / Disadvantaged Communities / Score
5 Points / 80% or more of the population is considered disadvantaged. / For Reviewer Only
4 Points / 60%-79% of the population is considered disadvantaged. / For Reviewer Only
3 Points / 40%-59% of the population is considered disadvantaged. / For Reviewer Only
2 Points / 20%-39% of the population is considered disadvantaged. / For Reviewer Only
1 Points / 0-19% of the population is considered disadvantaged. / For Reviewer Only
B. Project Goals, Objectives and Outcomes (40pts)
1. Readiness (20 points)
- State the goals and concise objectives in measurable terms that relate directly to the identified needs/problems and address specific issues. Clearly link the goals to an organized scope of work (attached) that includes anticipated goals and objectives, with a description on the reasonable probability of achievement and how the project will continue to be implemented after completion.
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Readiness / Score
10-20 Points / Applicant identifies goals and objectives that meet the needs of the community and identifies reasonable tasks to achieve them within the requested budget amount. / For Reviewer Only
0-9 Points / Applicant identifies the goals and objectives that meet the needs of the community but the outcomes (tasks) are not appropriate or realistic for completing the project with the proposed budget. / For Reviewer Only
2. Sustainability (5 points)
- Describe in detail how the project would measure and quantify any achievement in VMT and/or GHG reductions. For the purposes of this application the applicant does not need to conduct an analysis, instead describe a potential methodology and how this project might generate data and lead to measurable progress. Please see the various performance metrics cited in the Performance Measures Appendix of the 2016 RTP/SCS for examples.
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Sustainability / Score
3-5 Points / Approach is clear and comprehensive. Illustrates data based methodology for identifying VMT and/or GHG reduction potential. Description demonstrates that applicant has considered how to monitor and measure progress towards VMT and/or GHG reductions. / For Reviewer Only
1-2 Points / Approach is feasible but lacks a data driven approach for identifying GHG reduction potential. Applicant has not considered measurement of VMT and/or GHG reduction impacts of planning proposal. / For Reviewer Only
3. Resource Need (5 points)
- Describe how the project will manage and leverage the resources provided by the grant, and how it will provide oversight of consultant services. Discuss how the resources expand and leverage available staffing.
Open Ended (500 character limit)
Enter Text Here.
Points / Resource Need / Score
3-5 Points / Approach is clear and comprehensive and describes how the additional resources will be managed, and leveraged. / For Reviewer Only
1-2 Points / Approach is not clear and/or comprehensive, applicant lacks the ability to properly manage and/or provide oversight of additional resources provided. / For Reviewer Only
4. Public Participation (5 Points)