WWRAC, 16 January 2017 3


Hon Sec: Alan Currie, 3 Henfaes Terrace, Tonna, Neath, SA11 3EQ

Tel: 01639 645121 email:

Chairman: Dr DH Davies, MBE Treasurer: Alistair Griffiths

Meeting of the West Wales Regional Athletics Council

Held at Carmarthen Leisure Centre, Monday, 16 January 2017.

PRESENT: Brian Alvey, Sue Alvey, Wynford Leyshon, Donald Melrose, Tony Clements, Andrew Jenkins, Rebecca Gatt, Liz Rowland, Hedydd Davies (Chairman), Alistair Griffiths (Treasurer) and Alan Currie (Secretary) plus Lynette Harries (WA President).

Five clubs were represented


Apologies were received on behalf of Marian Williams, Kevin Tobin & Judith Gooding.

Hedydd welcomed Wynford Leyshon and Donald Melrose, both attending their first WWRAC meetings, and also Lynette Harries who, as WA President, is visiting all the regions.


The minutes of the meeting of 12 October 2016 were checked for accuracy and accepted as a true record.


3.1 There is still a need to find someone to compile the results of the Louise Arthur Welsh Junior League fixtures at Swansea.

3.4 Donald Melrose has taken on the role of regional officials’ secretary. He has been successful in obtaining officials for the West Wales Indoor Championships.

Wynford Leyshon is now one of the region’s representatives on General Council, filling the vacancy created by Judith Gooding’s election as WA Track & Field Secretary.

6.1 Welsh Athletics has directed that the triple jump for girls under 15 is not to be included in championship meetings. At the previous WWRAC meeting it had been agreed to add it to the West Wales Championships’ programme, but it will now be excluded.

6.3 Ways will need to be found to reduce the length of the Louise Arthur League fixtures in accordance with current guidelines. An eight hour maximum allowable time is likely to be reduced to six in future. The time relates to the total time that officials are expected to be at a meeting, not simply the events timetable.

6.4 Carina Jones will continue officiating although her involvement this year is likely to be limited due to other commitments. Officials Committee has written to the clubs involved in the incident of which she complained.


4.1 Hedydd Davies had received a response from Welsh Athletics relating to a number of items he has raised in a question paper.

He read through them and gave the response to each one. The responses were drawn up by Matt Newman, James Williams, Scott Simpson and Chris Jones.

There were 19 questions in total many of which had been discussed at the AGM. The Fit for Purpose document had been signed off by the Board of Directors. Many of the issues are ongoing and it was felt that regular updates should be produced by WA to indicate what actions have been taken and how effective they have been in achieving their purpose.

4.2 The proposals of the Governance Review had been accepted at the WA AGM.

Implications for the region are that officers are now able to serve only for a fixed time, amounting to six years in total, and that only two delegates per region are permitted on General Council. Other changes involved the mergers of some committees. The region confirmed its commitment to the WA strategic development plan.


5.1 Alistair Griffiths had prepared a financial statement up to 16 January 2017, copies of which were circulated. At the end of that period the balance in the current account was £9,511.47 and the saver account £10,402.61. Alistair pointed out that the costs of the West Wales Indoor Championships have not been included. The region has purchased a number of regional vests. The report was accepted with thanks to Alistair.

5.2 On financial matters it was pointed out that the cost of purchasing photo finish equipment was £12,000. If the region, or a club, wished to purchase such equipment, grants are available for £9000 and Welsh Athletics would be prepared to pay the remaining £3000, on the condition that the equipment was available to WA when required. There is a possibility of improvements being made at Sketty Lane track to provide a better site for the use of pf at meetings, but these plans are not yet firm. .


6.1 General Council

Tony Clements reported on the most recent General Council meeting, held on 12 January. The region was pleased to note that Sue Alvey is now Chair of GC. Vice Chair is Graham Webb and Lyn Cushing is Secretary.

WA registration figures stood at 10,431 (a 7% increase) but there were nevertheless concerns over the high drop-out rate in some age groups, particularly the under-15 group. A funded academic project should be created to investigate the causes of the high drop-out rate.

Future meetings of the regions should be timed so as to be held prior to meetings of GC in order that any issues raised can be discussed there.

Scott Simpson had made a presentation on coach and athlete development, which was well received. He pointed out that visits to clubs are for the purpose of developing coaches rather than athletes.

Wynford Leyshon, now one of WWRAC representatives on GC presented some statistics drawn from Power of 10 website. They showed that the number of Welsh athletes competing in track and field varies by event but in some events is extremely low.

GC required the names of regional members of the Grass Roots Grant Panel. Wynford Leyshon was confirmed at the member for West Wales.

6.3 Track and Field Committee

No report

6.4 Officials Committee

No report.

On officials matters, Brian Alvey pointed out that UKA have indicated that false start recall equipment is required to be used at all championship events.

The region needs to find a Regional Licence and Officials Co-ordinator to sit on the Endurance Officials Committee.

6.5 Road Running Committee

No report

6.6 Cross Country Committee

No report

6.7 Fell & Mountain Running Committee

No report.

Dic Evans had planned to attend this evening’s meting but was not present.

He wished to discuss the possibility of holding a West Wales trail championship in 2017. This matter will be deferred pending further communication from Dic.

Dates of Welsh Inter Regional Championships have been confirmed.

a)  Mountain & Fell Championships: Sat 1 April from Abergavenny Leisure Centre at 11.00. Distance 7 miles, 1725 ft climb. Teams of four (three to count) for men and women, but five permitted if an U23 is included.

b)  Trail Championships (Incorporated into Welsh Championships); From Royal Welsh showgrounds, Llanelwydd, Builth Wells on 21 May. Teams for men and women, four to run, three to count. Course details to be confirmed.

6.8 Facilities Inspector

No report. The meeting questioned the need for this item.

6.9 Welfare Officer

No report


7.1 Andrew Jenkins circulated a report on his recent activities and future plans. He said that the entry for the WW Indoor Championships on Saturday is 315 which he thinks is a record for this meeting. The event goes from strength to strength and is now a two day meeting. Andrew reported that for personal reasons Steve Ingram has resigned his position as coach for jumps and combined events.

7.2 Rebecca Gatt also submitted a report on her recent and future planned activities. She ended her report by informing the meeting that she has now resigned her post as Network Officer and will take up a full time teaching post.

The meeting expressed its disappointment that we would be losing Rebecca who has made a significant contribution to athletics in the region, but at the same time wished her every success in her new role.

President Lynette Harries commented on the contribution made by both Network Officers. The West has been fortunate indeed in this respect.


8.1 Wynford Leyshon had proposed the staging of an Athletics Camp aimed at providing coaching beyond club level for young athletes, with particular emphasis on the U20 and U17 age groups. A proposed date was the half term period in February, but it was felt that this date was too soon. It was mentioned that there has not been a full take up of grass roots funding and the region could apply for grant money to support this project. The Easter period might be a more realistic target. The meeting supported the proposal in principle.

8.2 A further proposal was for the region to hold an open regional forum, in line with suggestions made in the WA Governance Review Report. It was stressed that the forum was intended to be open to anyone, including coaches, athletes and officials, in the hope that it would attract people other than those who regularly attended WWRAC meetings.

83 Alan Currie confirmed that he will not be seeking re-election as Secretary at the AGM and that Alistair Griffiths has also declared that he will stand down as Treasurer. Cubs are requested to seek likely replacements. Louise Davies has indicated that she would be prepared to take on the Treasurer role, but there have been no expressions of interest for the Secretary role at the moment.


9.1 Hedydd reported on the Welsh Inter Regional Cross Country Championships at Brecon in December. Although results are not yet complete it seems that the region did very well, finishing second overall and wining a number of individual titles.

The region will not be providing a bus to the Inter Counties in Loughborough.

The work of managing teams at events such as these is considerable and Hedydd proposed that attempts be made to find separate team managers for the various age groups.


Alan Currie has been attempting to update his list of contacts. Contact addresses for Aberystwyth University AC and Cardigan RC are required as the ones used at present are being rejected by the email. It was pointed out that LC Cobras are no longer in existence.


The next meeting will be held on Thursday, 9 March 2017 at Carmarthen Leisure Centre, commencing at 7.00. (The next meeting of General Council is on 14 March).

Following this will be the AGM, which will be held on Monday, 19 June.

Alan Currie

Hon Secretary