Allow up to eight weeks for review and approval.

The Application for Expansion of Distance Education Delivery must be submitted for:

1. Any expansion of the previously approved type of distance education courses offered (i.e. general education courses, electives, core courses, laboratory-based courses, remote clinical/externship, or other similar major groupings);

2. The addition of distance education courses to a program not previously approved for distance education; and,

3. The expansion of an approved blended program to one that is fully delivered via distance education (i.e. partially delivered via distance education to fully delivered via distance education). (See Accreditation Manual, III.B.4. D. 2. a–c)

An institution must have a current ABHES approval to offer courses/programsvia distance education before the

expansion application may be submitted. Ifthe institution does not have a current ABHES distance education

approval, it must complete and submit the Application for DistanceEducation.

Date of Application:Proposed Expansion Start Date*:

Institution:ABHES Identification Number:

Street Address:

City, State, Zip:Website:


Current On-site director:Email Address:

Contact for application:Email Address:

I certify that the information submitted is current and that the proposed distance education expansion has not

been published in the catalog or advertisements, or offered to students.

Name: Title:

Signature: Date:

*Once approved,if the program does not commence distance enrollment within 90 days of the anticipated start date disclosed on the application, you are directed to notify ABHES of this in writing. Please be advised that any approved program that has not been in operating for a continuous 12-month period is considered discontinued and reapplication is necessary (see Chapter III. B., Subsection 4.C.b and Glossary definition, Discontinued Program, Accreditation Manual).

Curriculum, Technology and Learning Resources

1.Describe the proposed addition or expansion, including the type of courses to be offered (Gen. Ed., Core,Electives, Lab, Remote Externship/Clinical); method of delivery (online, teleconference, synchronous, asynchronous); and, whether the proposed expansion will be blended or full distance education.

2. Approval to expand distance education offerings is requested for the following program. (Submit a separate application and fee for each program in which distance education will be expanded.)

Program Title / Number of Instructional Weeks / Clock
Hours / Credits

Semester / Maximum % Distance Education / Credential Awarded
upon programcompletion
Certificate, Diploma,
AOS, AAS, AS degree

3. List courses within the specific program to be offered via distance education delivery:

Course Name / Course Number / Credits/Hours / Type of Distance Ed. Course
Gen. Ed., Core, Electives, Lab, Remote Externship/Clinical

4.List currently approved distance education programs:

Program Name / Credential Awarded / Blended or Full Distance Ed. Delivery* / Types of Distance Ed. Courses
(list all that apply w/in program)
Gen. Ed., Core, Electives, Lab, Remote Externship/Clinical

*Please note,distance education programs should be listed asblended ifboth traditional on-campus and distance learning is incorporated within a course or program of study. If any portion of the distance program is delivered on the institution’s campus, the program would be defined as blended. A distance education program should be listed asfull if all coursework within a program is delivered via distance education. If a program has an on-ground laboratory, clinical or externship experience for its students at remote locations, the program is still considered a full distance education program.

5. Describe any changes to the approved delivery platform. Provide a temporary user ID and password to access and review the distance education delivery method.

6. Attach copies of syllabi for the proposed expanded course offerings, with method of delivery highlighted in yellow. Label as Exhibit 1.

7.Describe the instructional and library resources available to support the learning objectives for this program.

8. If the proposed expansion includes a remote externship or laboratory class(es), describe the process for choosing sites, placing and supervising students, and evaluating student competencies. Evidence that the number of sites is adequate for the projected enrollment in the response. Who will be responsible for coordinating and supervising the externship? Label resume(s) as Exhibit 2.


9. Provide documentation from the state (or applicable regulatory agency) demonstrating approval for the distance education program(s)/course(s) of study included in the expansion. If the state (or applicable regulatory agency) does not require approval, evidence from the agency to that effect must be submitted. (Programmatic applicants must also provide documentation of institutional accreditor’s distance education approval.) Label as Exhibit 3.

Administration & Management

10.Submit minutes from the program advisory board meeting(s) -- involving the distance education advisory board member – that demonstrate the committee reviewed and commented on the proposed distance education expansion and curriculum, including the infrastructure and resources to support the expansion. Highlight the name of the distance education advisory board member and his/her participation in yellow within the minutes. Label as Exhibit 4.

Include a copy of the distance education advisory board member’s resume, with his/her distance education experience highlighted in yellow. Label as Exhibit 5.

11.Describe any changes or enhancements to the distance education administrative capacity and infrastructure to support the proposed expansion of distance education. If new administrators have been hired, or existing administrators have been assigned new responsibilities for distance education, attach their resumes outlining qualifications and training. Label the resumes as Exhibit 6.

12.Provide enrollment projections for the next three fiscal years based upon the proposed expansion and describe the basis for the projections.


Year / Projected Enrollment / Projected Capital
Investment / Projected Expenses / Projected Budget for the Expansion


13. Complete the chart below for faculty who will teach the proposed expanded distance education courses/program to demonstrate that they have the requisite educational background in the subject area(s) taught, and practical work experience as applicable. Include all pertinent information regarding background, experience, training and orientation for teaching distance education courses.

Faculty Member / Course(s) Taught Course Title & Number / Degree and/or
& Year Earned / Description of Work Experience & Dates
OR if General Ed. Instructor for Degree
Program,List Related Subject Matter Course Titles & Credits


14.Provide the admissions requirements for the distance education program(s) included in the proposed expansion. How will the institution assess whether students have the skills and competencies to succeed in distance education? Provide draft catalog language as Exhibit 7.

Outcomes & Objectives

15.What are the objectives of this distance education program? Provide a copy of the draft language of the program objectives as they will be published in the catalog, highlighted in yellow. Label as Exhibit 8.

16.How does the institution plan to assess the educational effectiveness of its distance education delivery systems if the proposed expansion is implemented? Please provide draft language that would be added to the Program Effectiveness Plan(PEP), highlighted in yellow.Label as Exhibit 9.

Directions for Submission to ABHES:

One (1) copy on a compact disk (CD) or flash driveand one (1) hard copy of this application, including exhibits, along with the Application Feefor each programmust be provided to ABHES. (See appendix in the Accreditation Manual for fee schedule. Application fee is not refundable.)

This may require exhibits not currently accessible on the computer to be professionally scanned as a “JPG, TIF, or Microsoft-Compatible” file on the CD or flash drive to ensure that all documents are legible and organized for ease of an electronic review. If the documents are scanned in per page and consist of more than two pages, please combine them into one document.

A separate file should be made and appropriately labeled for the application and each exhibit. Each file should be named according to its content (e.g., “Exhibit 1 – Syllabi,” etc.).