November 5, 2012



a) Denise Johnson, present


a) Terri Helfand, absent

b) Steve Siedschlag, present


a) Marie Boyd, present

b) Wendy Whitney, present


a) Susan Herman, absent

b) Heather MacDonald, present


a) Sean Connelly, present

b) Stephen Calebotta, present


a) Greg Creel, present

b) Robert Rundquist, present


a) Wafa Yazigi, absent

b) Rod Elsdon, present


a) Kyle Pennett, absent


a) Robert Carlton, present

b) Vince Nobile, present


a) Kelly Ford, absent

b) Erik Jacobson, present via teleconference


Luke Gunderson, History

DE Creasy Valdez, DPS

Robyn Ikeda, Biology

Kipp Preble, Communication Studies

Karen Pender, Math


1. PRESIDENT: Bret McMurran (652-6268), present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

2. VICE PRESIDENT: Rod Elsdon, present

Mathematics and Science

3. SECRETARY: Paula Snyder, present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

4. TREASURER and MEMBERSHIP CHAIR: Dan Valdez, present

Mathematics and Science

5. GRIEVANCE OFFICERS: Jonathan Ausubel (652-6937), absent

Language Arts

Paula Snyder (652-6276), present

Social and Behavioral Sciences

6. PAC CHAIR: Jonathan Ausubel, absent

Language Arts

7. PAC TREASURER: Cynthia Parker, absent

Social and Behavioral Sciences

I. Call to order

The Rep Council was called to order at 12:34 p.m.

II. Approval of minutes: October 22nd, 2012

Moved by Bob and seconded by Rob to approve the minutes as amended.

III. President's Report

A. CCA Fall Conference

Dan attended the conference in San Jose. There was much discussion about the election as well as negotiations. Each local should show unity at this time (e.g., arm bands, t-shirts, buttons, etc.). It is anticipated that districts across the state will seek more cuts soon after the election (e.g., pay cuts, section cuts, campus closures). Strength and unity are critical at this time.

There will be a show of unity on Election Dayat Chaffey with CCFA t-shirts purchased and printed by Denise Johnson, Greg Creel as well as others such as Julie Song. More t-shirts will be printed in the future. Four or five volunteers will be needed.

B. Part time Faculty Adjunct Members

During the last few weeks, there has been an attempt to determine the actual number of adjunct members. A few payroll mix-ups have been identified and, hopefully, remedied. There is a proposal to issue association identification cards with photos. That will resolve the issue of the District no longer issuing photo identification cards. Denise will research the costs associated with this idea and report back to the Rep Council.

C. Evaluations

A full-time faculty member serving on an evaluation committee contacted Bret regarding inappropriate comments on an instructor’s evaluation form. The comments, written by another faculty member, reference the website, Rate My Professor. The Dean did not approve of the comment, but allowed it to be included in the evaluation documents. Bret informed the Dean that Rate My Professor is not an approved source of faculty evaluation. The comment was removed. This issue reminds us that there is a lack of training in how to conduct evaluations at the College. Training might be conducted by Chaffey employees or a professional agency.

D. Personal Business Days

Not discussed.

E. Jon Ausubel a member of the leadership program (ELA) of the National Education


Jon is on assignment with the ELA in Tallahassee, Florida.

F. Other

Nothing to discuss.

IV. Officers' Reports

A. Treasurer/Membership: Dan Valdez

Nothing to report.

B. Chief Negotiator: DE Creasy Valdez

Nothing to report.

C. Grievance Committee: Jon Ausubel, Paula Snyder and Bret McMurran: Student Readers and Adjunct Evaluation (Mediation Date of Friday December 14)

Not discussed.

V. Committee Reports

A. Calendar Committee: Stephen Calebotta and Rod Elsdon (see below)

Not discussed.

B. PAC: Jon Ausubel


C. Health and Safety Committee: Karen Pender

Not discussed.

D. Evaluations Forms Committee: Bob Carlton and Bret McMurran

Not discussed.

E. Labor, Management Committee: Jon Ausubel, Shelley Eckvahl and Bret McMurran –

Mandating Exams Outside Class time and AP 6850 and AP 3501

Not discussed.

F. Ad Hoc By-laws Group: Rod Elsdon, Jon Ausubel, Denise Johnson, Heather MacDonald and Wendy Whitney:

1) Should the Association elect all its officers (President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer

and others as determined by Rep Council) by a vote of the active membership?

“There should be five elected and voting officers (President, Vice-President, Secretary,

Treasurer, and Membership Chair).”

2) Should representatives be permitted to hold only one seat (e.g. a school rep cannot also serve as Vice President)?

“[T]he consensus is that the status quo should remain in effect unless this issue appears to be a problem.”

3) Should the Association form an Executive Board comprised of its elected officers? The

Executive Board would meet more frequently than Rep Council to discuss emergent matters in

order to advise Rep Council.

“The consensus is that the status quo should remain in effect unless this issue appears to be a problem.”

4) Should School Reps represent only full-time active members?

“The consensus is that school positions should be mutually exclusive: full-time reps

represent full-time faculty members in their schools and part-time reps represent parttime faculty members.”??????

5) How should the one person, one vote" principle be applied? That is, one representative for X

active members.

Need clarification of the definition of “one person, one vote” (how does work load affect

a person’s vote). There are two applications: first, representatives on Rep Council (who

is your voting rep on Rep Council—that is a balloting issue) and second, what constitutes a person—a person is an active member (not a fee payer; full-time or part-time status is irrelevant). Proportional representation is a different issue. The Rep Council is not like the Senate, for example. It is like the House of Representatives.

Can adjunct vote for both the adjunct representative as well as the School representative?

The By-laws Committee will research these issues further. Issue tabled.

6) Should the Association ask HR to include membership forms and information in the

employment packets given to new full- and part-time hires?

7) Should non-elected Officers be voting members of the Rep Council? Who do they represent?

VI. Old Business

A. Local Dues

Not discussed.

B. Fair Share Fees

Not discussed.

C. Direction to the Negotiating Team

Not discussed.

VII. New Business:

A. First Reading: Change in our by-laws (see below)

The major change is the separation of Treasurer and Membership Chair. In Section VII 2., the proposal is that full-time members elect full-time reps and part-time members elect part-time reps. There is a question, however, as to whether it is clear that full-time reps can still represent the issues of part-time faculty members from their school.

Discuss the issue with constituents and report back at the next Rep Council meeting.

VIII. Floor Items:

Nothing to discuss.

IX. Adjournment:

The meeting was adjourned at 1:55 p.m.

The next meeting is November 19.

IV 2.

It shall be the responsibility of the Association’s Treasurer Membership

Chair to maintain currency on and advise the President about

membership requirements from these two organizations.

VII 6. 5.

The Association Officers (President, a Vice President, a Secretary, a

Treasurer, a Membership Chair, two Grievance Officers, and the

Chairperson of the Political Action Committee) are voting members of

the Representative Council. The duties of the President, the Vice

President, the Secretary, the Treasurer, the Membership Chair, the

Grievance Officer and the Chairperson of the Political Action

Committee are described in Article VIII.


The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President, a

Secretary, a Treasurer, a Membership Chair, two Grievance Officers,

and the Chairperson of the Political Action Committee (PAC).

3. All Elected Association Officers shall be elected consistent with the

procedures described in Article XIII of and Appendices to these

Bylaws. ,with the exception of the Grievance Officer.

4. All Association Officers shall be elected for a term of two (2) years,

commencing on June 1, of any calendar year, with the following

exceptions: of the Grievance Officers , the PAC Chairperson, and the

Membership Chair shall be nominated by the CCFA President and

approved by the Representative Council. The Grievance Officers shall

serve two-year terms commencing June 1 in staggered years. The

Membership Chair and the PAC chairperson shall serve two-year


10. The Treasurer shall:

a. Receive all funds belonging to the Association and be responsible for

their safekeeping and accounting;

b. Pay out such funds upon orders of the President and/or the

Representative Council;

c. Keep an accurate roster of the membership of the Association;

d. Maintain currency on and advise the President about membership

requirements from CTA and NEA.

e c. Submit to the Representative Council a written financial report

annually, or as needed by the Representative Council;

f d. Submit membership and financial reports to PERB, CCTA, CCA,

NEA, and other agencies, as required by law and/or the requirements

of such agencies.

g e. Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the


11. The Membership Chair shall:

a. Keep a current roster of members, and make said roster available to

CCFA Officers and Representatives.

b. Maintain and secure members’ applications, files and personal


c. Process applications following CTA and NEA guidelines.

d. Provide an annual report to the Representative Council regarding

the cost of membership dues for CCFA, CTA, and NEA.

e. Submit membership reports to CCA, CTA, NEA, and PERB as

required by law and/or the requirements of such agencies.

f. With the approval of the Representative Council, the Membership

Chair may form a Membership Committee for the purpose of

recruitment and membership drives. The members of such committee

shall be approved by the Representative Council. The Membership

Chair shall not share the personal information of any CCFA member

with the members of the Membership Committee, including but not

limited to: information such as social security numbers, unlisted

telephone numbers, and home addresses.

g. Perform other duties as prescribed by these Bylaws and/or by the


11 12. The Grievance Officers shall:

12 13. The PAC Chairperson shall:

VII 2.

School representatives shall be elected by and from the active fulltime

membership of the appropriate school or administrative unit. The

Part-Time Faculty Representative shall be elected by and from the

active part-time membership.

November 5th, 2012 Rep Council Meeting Page 1