Meeting of Takeley Parish Council

held on Wednesday, 5th November 2008, at 7.30pm at Takeley Station House.

Present: / Clrs Richard Cheetham
Clr. John Gregory
Clr Brian Baldwin
Clr John Green / Clr. David Daykin
Clr Tricia Barber
Clerk Jane Heskey
Apologies: / Clr Iain Brown, Clr John Orpin, Clr Trevor Allen, District Cllr Jackie Cheetham, Mr. Martin Peachey, Mr Geoff Bagnall
Visitors: / None
08/242 Welcome and apologies: Chairman Clr Richard Cheetham opened the meeting, welcomed members, and received apologies as above.
The Chairman announced the death of Mr. Norman Mead on Saturday, 1st November. TPC observed a minutes silence in his memory

08/243 Declarations of Interest: None.

Members were reminded that they should declare relevant interests at each meeting for items on the agenda and to request a ‘Change Form’ if their circumstances have changed and their register needs amending.

08/244 Minutes:
The minutes of the TPC meeting on 1st October 2008, which had been circulated previously, were approved as a true record and signed by the Chairman.
08/245 / October Planning Committee Report & Recommendation
(previously circulated)
TPC approved the reports & recommendations from the Planning Committee meeting held on 8th October 2008 as follows:
Summary of comments:
UTT/1425/08/FUL Former Doctors surgery, Takeley Park Home
Brief Description: Change of use from D1 (Doctors Surgery) to B1(Dental Laboratory)
Recommendation: Objection
UTT/1481/08/FUL The Almonds, Jacks Lane
Brief Description: 1st floor rear extension
Recommendation: No objection
UTT/1488/DFO Phase 12 Land north of Jacks Lane
Brief Description: Erection of 29 dwellings & garages
Recommendation: Objection / Clerk
has reported using delegated authority to meet UDC deadlines
08/246 / Stansted Airport G2 Public Inquiry
§  SSE, UDC, ECC representatives attend BAA led topic groups with a view to exploring a particular subject and reaching some understanding/ consensus
§  SSE, UDC & ECC hold monthly meetings (information sharing)
§  EEC & UDC have engaged consultants and legal support to represent planning, transport, noise, air quality and ecology.
§  ECC fund £2m (ECC, Herts & UDC pooling resources)
§  UDC coordinator is Jeremy Pine.
§  20th November (or earlier) SSE & UDC to make decision & submit challenge to G1.
§  At Pre Inquiry meeting SSE will challenge concurrent hearings which will be unfair on small groups including themselves.
§  Clerk to circulate preliminary topic list to all members
§  TPC to arrange workshop to debate G2 presentation/Proof of Evidence following the Pre Inquiry meeting on 10/11/08 / All note
08/247 / Crumps Farm Development Proposals
Clerk will updated TPC re Edwards Waste Management submission to ECC & request for support from Great Canfield:
Great Canfield Parish Council write to Essex County Council:
‘The document details the various conditions and EWM’s proposals to comply with them. However, the proposals do not reflect the current situation. A drawing showing the current situation is included which shows an area of almost 17acres that has been stripped without any restoration. The phasing details submitted are therefore useless, as events have already superseded them. We recommend that ECC reject these details and insist that the new schemes show how EWM intend to correct the current situation so as to bring the site in compliance with the planning conditions that they accepted when they commenced excavation.
The operations at Crumps Farm are of serious concern to many in the local community. We therefore do not think it unreasonable to ask ECC to set out their position in respect of the points we have raised in respect of existing operations. You have now confirmed that a further planning application has been received from EWM for a substantial waste processing and landfill project at the site. We need to be assured that current and future permissions and conditions will be effectively monitored and enforced.’
TPC support Great Canfield PC’s concerns and agreed to:
-nominate TPC rep. For future meetings
-Suggest involvement of County Clr Susan Flack
-Suggest ECC rep address the West Essex Area Forum / All note
08/248 / Dentistry in West Essex PCT (previously circulated)
TPC agreed that the location and availability of doctors was more important to our community. The most important issue i.e. where dentists should be located was not included in the consultation / All note
08/249 / The Making & Enforcement of Byelaws - Communities & Local Government (previously circulated)
TPC agreed that this was consultation for consultation sake.
This maybe something that County/District Authorities administer, yet there is no mention of how the financial burden and necessary resources will be transferred/accommodated. / All note
08/250 / Waste Incentive Pilot Scheme - draft recycling service guidance
(previously circulated)
TPC concluded that incentivisation is unworkable. The proposal would be very expensive to administer and impossible to monitor effectively.
TPC does support the proposed minimum criteria for local authorities. / All note
08/251 / October Financial Report
(previously circulated)
Financial transactions for October 2008 were tabled & agreed.
Bank Reconciliation verified by Chairman Clr. Richard Cheetham. / All note
08/252 / Friends of Essex Heritage Membership Renewal
TPC approved annual membership renewal of £15 / All note
08/253 / Report & Recommendations from Finance Committee meeting 24th October 2008 (previously circulated)
TPC approved:
1.  Budgets 2008/09:
- Allocation of £10k 2008/09 to make first payment to SSE G2 fund as agreed and minuted in June2008 (08/125)
-Clerks Salary: CILCA qualification gains additional point on salary scale (LC2 33). £263 Nov-March.
-Recommend changes to budgets as per anticipated outturn:
§  INCOME: Rent =NIL, VAT = £3000, Advertising =£1400
§  EXPENDITURE: Council Mileage Expenses =£100, Telephone/Website =£500, Insurance =£1800, Councillor Expenses = £300, Seats & Bus Shelters = £895, VAT = £4000.
2.  TPC Funds: Investigate higher interest account for ‘Business Reserve’
3.  Bob Weston/Weston Homes: Write to Bob Weston thanking him for £6k in April 2008. Define the Recreation Ground Project and note that TPC would be very grateful for his continued support.
4.  2009/10 Budgets:
§  Clerks Salary: CILCA qualification results in an additional point on salary scale (LC2 33: +£622/yr)
§  TPC Newsletter - £3700: increase copies to include 100 residents at Priors Green (46p/copy. £200/yr)
§  Bus Shelters - £500
§  SSE - 2nd payment £10k
§  Recreation Ground Project: (as per specification) awaiting costing £30-50k
-Write to SJH re access for development in Spring 2009
-Grant funding application to cover cost of new equipment, surfacing and footpath.
-TPC has some existing funds to support grant funding.
§  Precept - £70k (level on 2008/09 + £10k for G2 fund) to be finalised Dec. Mtg. / All note
December meeting
08/254 / Clerk’s Salary
TPC agreed NALC Interim Salary Award (effective 1/4/08) & CICLA qualification remuneration (effective Nov. 2008 from LC2 Pt 32 to LC2 Pt 33).
£400 increase to 2008/09 budget. / All note
08/255 / TPC Meeting Schedule 2009 (previously circulated)
TPC agreed 2009 meeting schedule. Meetings will remain the first Monday of each month with the exception of January 2009 which will be held on the 14th. / All note
08/256 / Report on Highways matters
-Four Ashes crossroads has been resurfaced. TPC will request a quality control inspection to review surface break up & height of surface at Station Rd.
-TPC will request drains be emptied on B1256 at Four Ashes junction & Roseacres to prevent flooding (Rosecares flooded Sat. 1/11/08).
-Pothole in pavement outside Four Ashes car park, Parsonage Rd
-Bollards in Parsonage Rd & louvres on Station Rd traffic lights are outstanding.
-Red bricks (for blind) on pavement are cracked.
Double yellow lines in Parsonage Rd & B1256 lay-by at junction require better enforcement. Clerk to inform UDC & local police. / Clerk to report
08/257 / Parking Restriction Scheme
TPC acknowledge that off airport parking is a big problem throughout Takeley, but also agree that parking restrictions is not necessarily the solution.
TPC will pass on residents’ comments to ECC Highways Dept so that they can complete a review of the experimental parking restriction scheme and then make a decision on whether it will continue or be amended. / All note.
Clerk to liaise with ECC Highways.
08/258 / Report on National Express & Heavy Goods Vehicles through Takeley & Community Speed Watch’ campaign - Mr. Martin Peachey

National Express Coaches: There were no National Express coaches seen going through the village in the month, however one Terravision coach was seen late at night (no details recorded)

Community Speed Watch: Monitoring was carried out in Takeley Street and in Parsonage Road and Station Road, Brewers End. The proposal by Essex police to carry out more continuous monitoring in Takeley Street has been promised for end-October/early November. Liaison continues with the Hatfield Broad Oak team. / All note
08/259 / Monthly Recreation Ground & Sports Field Reports
Recreation Ground: Generally tidy. Equipment OK. Bins require emptying.
Sports Field: Dog mess on Sports Field. Remind visitors to clear up after their dogs. Bins require emptying. Some signs of use of fireworks.
Recreation Ground Development: (previously circulated)
TPC principally agree the proposals to redevelop the Rec. Ground which will include new play equipment, resurfacing of play areas, reinstating path. The project will be funded through a combination of grants and TPC funds. This will be a phased development dependent on funds available. Some residents have already made comment and suggestion, and further comments will be invited via the November Newsletter. / All note.
Nov. Newsletter.
08/260 / Management of Manorial Land
.( previously circulated)
Mr. Euan Kennedy (Lord of the Manor) has agreed the amendments to the draft agreement and provided a draft letter to residents at Smith‘s Green.
TPC reviewed the draft letter to residents and agreed amendments.
TPC resolved to formalise the proposed agreement, which was signed by Chairman, Clr Richard Cheetham. / All note
08/261 / Litter & Dog Fouling
TPC has received a request for a dog waste bin in Takeley Street.
UDC will supply & install a bin for £100 and will empty free of charge providing the bin is on an existing waste collection route.
The Clerk will check current byelaws on the Sports Field.TPC propose a dog ban as per Recreation Ground.
If TPC proceed with a dog ban on the Sports Field the existing dog bin can be relocated to Takeley Street.
Litter bins – to be reviewed Dec 08/Jan 08 / All note
Dec. Mtg
Dec/ Jan
08/262 / Local Policing & Public Safety Issues
TPC noted monthly report received from Police. / All note
08/263 / BT Phone Box Removal
TPC noted BT’s intention to remove the payphone & kiosk in Takeley Street. / All note
08/264 / Clerks Report
TPC noted the Clerk’s Report. / All note
08/265 / Non Agenda Report
TPC noted the Non Agenda Report. / All note

The meeting finished at 10.50pm.

THE NEXT MEETING: of Takeley Parish Council will be held on

Wednesday, 3rd December 2008 at Takeley Station House at 7.30pm.

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