Interim Pastor’s Letter – May, 2016

The month of May opened with a wonderful Choir Benefit Concert in the Open Center. The very good numbers were entertained by some extraordinary performances by guests such as Jake Ingbar, Bill Gross and Celine Mogielnicki as well as the members of our own Choir. The food was terrific and the convivial atmosphere made for a very enjoyable evening. Congratulations to Claudia Dumschat and all who helped organize such a successful event. Over $14,000 was raised to help the young choristers attend a music camp this summer. Unfortunately Mario Hall is leaving the Choir as his family, Peter and Lorena and the two daughters, Bianca and Adrianna are moving to Florida. We will certainly miss them and their contribution to the life of the Parish. Also leaving the Choir after at least 16 years of valuable service is Arthur Krieck. He and his partner Alan along with Arthur’s dog, Jillian, are leaving the city. They will be missed and we wish them every blessing.

The Vestry decided to hold a working retreat that took place on Friday the 13th and Saturday the 14th of May. I learned a lot about the Vestry members through the telling of their ‘spiritual autobiographies’ before we set out to identify short and long term goals for the parish. The short-term goals are those we wish to achieve before the arrival of the new Rector. In order to make the work of the Vestry more efficient members of the Vestry are now divided into two groups each under the leadership of a warden and each member is responsible for a particular portfolio (for want of a better name). This is what the structure looks like.

Administration Operations

Bill Glew Paul Cardozo

Finance Elizabeth Carr Liturgy Horace Felix

Education Alissa Abrams Hospitality Maryann Wlock

Fund raising Ray Vento Outreach Alexander Nelson

Grounds Steve Levitt Social Media

Nanci Blaisdell Minute Secretary Advertising Cristina Madero

At Vestry meetings the members will report on their portfolio and members of the parish can now identify the member responsible for a particular area of ministry and can speak to them about it directly. Parishioners should offer as much assistance and help as possible to ensure the smooth transition to the new mode of operation.

In other news, the dedication of the windows on the South Wall will now take place in the Fall. Some essential guests couldn’t make the planned date in June and asked if it could be deferred until the Fall. The Wardens and Treasurer felt it was important to have them available for the dedication.

The Search Committee has completed the Parish Profile and it only awaits diocesan approval before we can move on to the next phase of the process.

Parishioners and friends of Transfiguration should note that the demand for columbarium spaces remains high and we are currently investigating the possibility of more spaces being opened. The parish does have a number of burial plots in a lovely dedicated section of The Kensico Cemetery in Valhalla, New York. If interested please contact Warden Bill Glew.

Every blessing,


The Revd. Dr. R. M. Noone

Interim Pastor