Visiting Professor Seminars July 1, 2001 – June 30, 2004

Name / Home Dept & Institution / Presentation Title
Ogborn, Malcolm / Head Pediatrics, HSC Childrens / E coli and the kidney: the other diseases..hemolytic uremic syndrome
Name / Home Dept & Institution / Presentation Title
Richt, Juergen / Vet Med Officer NADC, Iowa / Born a disease virus in animals and its association with human neuropsychiatric diseases
Stroher, Ute / CSCHAH / The role of target cell activation in the patogenesis of Marburg and Ebola hemorrhagic fever
Jackson, Alan / Microbiology, Immunology Queen’s University / Rabies: clinical disease, epidemiology and prevention
Halayko, Andrew / Physiology, U of M / An integrated paragigm for the role of mesenchymal cells in airway remodeling in asthma
Mai, Sabine / MB Institute of Cell Biology / Novel aspects of C-Myc-dependent genomic instability
Nichol, Kristen / Chief, Medicine Service VA Medical Centre, Minneapolis / Influenza vaccination: influence on heart disease, strokes, and all cause mortality
Name / Home Dept & Institution / Presentation Title
Lee, Patrick / Medical Microbiology U of C / Reovirus as an anti-cancer agent
Davies, Julian / UBC / Antibiotic resistance: evolution in real time
Oxford, John / Virology, St. Bart’s & The Royal London School of Medicine / From Canada to Oswaldtwistle in the search for genes of the Spanish influenza virus of 1918
Kain, Kevin / Professor U of T / Man and malaria: it was the start of a beautiful friendship
Simor, Andrew / Medical Microbiology, Sunnybrook Women’s College HSC Toronto / SARS: the Toronto experience – what have we learned
Lowen, Peter / Microbiology, U of M / Catalase and peroxidase structures: a role in tuberculosis
Boivin, Guy / Assoc.Prof Microbiology Universite Laval / Clinical and epidemiological aspects of human metapneumovirus infections
Minuk, Gerry / Head, Sec.of Hepatology HSC / Occult Hepatitis B: reason for concern or another false alarm
Wilkins, John / Biochem & Med Genetics / Using “Omics” to approach functional biology
Ceri, Howard / Prof.Biological Sciences U of C / Susceptability testing in biofilms: a new approach to chronic, persistant and device related infections
King, Martin / Adjunct Prof,Textiles, U of M / The role of antibiotic impregnated suture materials to prevent infection in surgery