NASA Satellite 'Sees' Carbon Dioxide http://spacemath.gsfc.nasa.gov/weekly/NASA1.pdf
Ø Results from Giovanni and MY NASA DATA show carbon dioxide levels in different areas of this earth. In densely populated areas (Beijing, Los Angeles, Paris, etc.) the carbon dioxide levels can be very significant. Transportation is a major input of carbon gases into the atmosphere. Using Eyes on the Earth, My NASA Data or Giovanni and the links below, research the relationship of CO2 and the car industry.
Ø After the research is complete propose a way that big cities can cut down on the CO2 output in the transportation industry. Your input will be featured along with testimony in congress pertaining to the use of hybrid and electric cars.
Links to information needed to research CO2 and the car industry.
1. http://www.ev-chargeamerica.com/
2. http://www.alternative-energy-news.info/first-public-charging-station-for-electric-cars/
3. http://english.peopledaily.com.cn/90001/90778/90860/6937967.html
4. http://www.evchargernews.com/
5. http://gizmodo.com/5598097/blink-electric-vehicle-charging-station-looks-better-than-any-gas-pump
6. http://forums.treehugger.com/viewtopic.php?f=1&t=14877&campaign=from_the_forums
7. http://www.wired.com/cars/futuretransport/magazine/16-09/ff_agassi
A. Using Giovanni to Acquire AIRS CO2 Data
To investigate the impact from CO2, globally and locally
Ø The process for gathering data from Giovanni
ü Access http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/giovanni .
ü Choose Aqua/AIRS Monthly
ü Select CO2_fraction as the Parameter
ü Select a beginning and end date for your research. Your teacher will give you the dates to visualize.
ü Select the Lat-Lon map, Time averaged Visualization pattern.
After the map has been generated look at the areas of CO2 production
To investigate CO2 on global and local levels
Ø The processes of investigation on MY NASA DATA
ü Follow the link to MY NASA DATA http://mynasadata.larc.nasa.gov/
ü Choose + Live Access Server (Advanced Edition) for next step.
ü In Dataset, choose Atmosphere –> Air Quality -> Monthly Carbon Dioxide in Troposphere then click NEXT
ü Select your View Pattern, Output, Regions, and Time. This information will be provided by your teacher.
After viewing this information look at the areas where CO2 is present. Reflect on the cause of the locations of the CO2. NOTE: You can also use MY NASA DATA to examine other atmosphere gases related to air pollution.
C. Using Eyes on Earth 3D to Visualize AIRS CO2 Data
Searching for local impact from CO2 at climate.nasa.gov (3D Visualization, global level)
Ø The Eyes on the Earth 3D visualization website is a straightforward, clear, and powerful tool to visualize global concentrations of CO2.
Ø The processes of using Climate.NASA.gov
ü Follow the link to http://climate.nasa.gov
ü At the top, click on “Experience Earth satellites in 3D.” Or on the right side under “EXPLORE” click on “EYES ON THE EARTH 3D.”
ü You may be required to download an appropriate driver in order to view the link to enter into the Eyes on the Earth program.
ü At the Eyes on the Earth 3D page, choose: “Launch EYES ON THE EARTH 3D”; wait for the software to load.
ü At the homepage of Eyes on the Earth 3D, choose
the Aqua satellite from the menu across the top of the screen.
ü The result will be presented on the globe, and the speed of the satellite can be changed along the bottom of the screen.
ü In the right-hand menu select the Show Data Map drop down menu selections to select Carbon Dioxide-monthly.
ü The menu on the right hand side should change to have a small video in the lower portion of the right-hand menu. Click on the play button and view the video.
ü Using the Show Data Map drop-down menu, select Carbon Monoxide-Last 3 Days.
ü The lower portion of the menu should have another video link. Click the play button to view the video. The Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Monoxide videos are different.
ü After viewing the appropriate Aqua data, select “All” from the “Missions” menu near the top of the screen.
ü On the bottom right corner there is a link titled Metropolis. Click the link to play the game. Be sure to follow the instructions. See how well you can do!
D. Local Level CO2 Data from WDCGG
l Local level data from WDCGG (World Data Centre for Greenhouse Gases, regional level or local level at ground surface)
The WDCGG is the only tool that can be used to investigate the surface level Carbon Dioxide data.
Ø Follow the directions below to access the WDCGG data.
ü Log in WDCGG http://gaw.kishou.go.jp/wdcgg/wdcgg.html
ü From the left column choose Data/ Quick Plot
ü There are many options.
ü We must choose our parameters, including Gas Type, Data Type, Station Type, and Region. The parameters we will choose are as follows:
· Category: Stationary
· Parameter: CO2
· Country/Territory: United States of America
Ø Click “Start Search”
Ø There is a total of 24 stationary stations collecting carbon dioxide ground measurements
Ø Choose the Barrow Station to use data from.
Ø After this station has been selected, scroll down through the collected data types and select CO2 flask.
Ø From this menu we can see the CO2 data that the Barrow Station has collected. The two columns of interest in the main data sets are the “Data” and “Quick Plot” columns. Using the quick plot column we can view graphs of the CO2 data that has been collected. This data can be viewed as hourly, daily and monthly collections. The monthly collection is at the bottom of the page. A sample graph is located below.
Ø NASA-Funded Carbon Dioxide Map of U.S.
Ø http://www.nasa.gov/topics/earth/features/co2_map.html
Ø Use this generated graph of monthly data to view the change in CO2 levels over time.