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Personal Details
Address: 4 Wharf Road, Date of Birth: 11th December 1974
Birchgrove, Nationality: British, Aus visa Class BN subclass 136
Sydney, E-mail:
NSW 2041, Web Site:
Australia. Tel: 0423153016

IT Consultant and Team Leader with strong analytical, technical, interpersonal and project management skills, with an interest and specialist experience in SAP/mySAP project implementations, including Integration, Workflow, ABAP/4, Basis and Security.

Areas of Expertise

Project Management

·  Team leader and project section manager on the BBC - Apollo, Shell - Alliance and Nestlé - Globe projects.

·  Project Manager for the development of the PwC GRMS lab environment.

SAP Technical Skills

·  SAP ABAP/4 v3.1H certification with 3 years practical experience on the Roche Pharmaceuticals, Goodyear, Shell and PwC internal projects.

· roles design and build experience. Role design lead responsible for the design approach and technical build on the BBC Apollo, Nestlé GLOBE and BA Engineering EWS projects.

·  SAP Workflow training and experience of developing workflow solutions. Workflow consultancy carried out at Telecel – Vodafone and BSI. Development of report distribution workflow as PwC internal development followed by implementations at Pioneer Foods and BAT. Workflow support work on BA Engineering EWS project.

·  Responsible for the full implementation of Workplace, R/3, BW, CRM and EBP in PwC GRMS’s lab environment. Responsibility included hardware selection and purchase as well as the software installation and the Basis configuration.

·  Experience with and exposure to SAP R/3 versions 3.1H, 4.0B, 4.5B, 4.6B, 4.6C, Workplace 2.11, EBP 2.0B, APO 3.0A and BW 2.0B & 2.1C.

·  Delivered presentations on Workflow and at the PwC GRMS Global Conference and E-business forum in 2000 and 2001.

·  Trainer on the PwC GRMS SAP technical security and controls course, responsible for delivering and presenting training material to classes of 30.


SAP / - ABAP/4 Certification – SAP R/3 3.1H, ‘Build & Use of SAP Workflow’ (BC601), ‘SAP Business Workflow Programming’ (BC610) and Portals Technical Consultant Certification 2002 (TTEP01 & 02).

Institute of Internal Auditors: Qualification in Computer Audit (QICA) – Theory

Cambridge University: Master of Arts in Management Studies Two years of Natural Sciences – Physics, Chemistry, Computing Science and Maths prior to completion in Management Studies.


1997 - 2002 Manager Global Risk Management Solutions - PricewaterhouseCoopers

Joined Price Waterhouse as part of Information System Risk Management (ISRM) Group.

Member of the SAP security group: specialised in developing non-standard SAP security & control solutions, roles design, workflow and project integration issues.

Main Projects included: Roche Pharmaceuticals, Goodyear, Shell, PwC Internal - Report Express, PwC Internal – Model Office, BBC, Telecel-Vodafone and Nestlé.

Training/ Courses Attended: ABAP/4, Qualification in Computer Audit, SAP Security & Controls, Foundation Consulting Skills, SAP Workflow (BC601 & BC610).

2002 - AP ITech Ltd – Independent Contractor

Started as an independent contractor working SAP security, workflow, ABAP and workplace solutions. Worked independently providing consultancy services.

Main Projects included: Dudley Office Supplies, British Airways Engineering.

Training/ Courses Attended: SAP Portals and Unification (SAPEP, TTEP01 & TTEP02) – Technical Consultant Certification 2002.


Visas: Skilled Independent Migration Visa (Class BN, subclass 136) and Canadian Immigration Visa (Category IM-1).
IT Skills: mySAP Workflow, Security, Roles, ABAP/4 and Integration, Microsoft Office Applications, HTML, Basic JavaScript and Visual Basic.