Title: Executive NACIS Meeting

Date: 18th July 2017Time: 10:30am

Venue: Ashling Hotel, Dublin

Attendance:Deirdre Casey;Susan Cross; Mike Cummins; Michael McGuane;Sharon Griffin; Dolores Tiernan;Jim Blighe, Connie Gerety,Shane Donnelly, Eamonn Burgess, Philip McCabe

Apologies:Teresa Sweeney, John Beausang, Lorretta Harte

In Attendance; Joe RynnNACIS Project Manager

Agenda: As Circulated and Noted below

Meeting Minutes


/ Action
1 /

Minutes of Last Meetings

1.1 / Welcome and Introductions took place of all members
The minutes of the previous meeting, dated 9th May 2017 were approved, proposed by Michael McGuane, and seconded by Eamonn Burges
2 / Matters Arising
2.1 / Election of New Officers- As per the Articles of Association, the National Executive at its first meeting after the Annual General Meeting shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, a Treasurer, Co Secretary, and a Minute Secretary.
Prior to the meeting Executive members were asked to consider submitting an Expression Interest form for any position they may wish to be considered for or alternatively they could suggest people for an officer position.
One EOI form was returned. This proposed Jim Blighe as Chair, Philip McCabe, Vice Chair, Lorretta Harte Treasurer, Joe Rynn Co Secretary. In response to this, Jim Blighe had emailed all Executive members informing them he would not be able to take up an Officer role due to other commitments.
The Executive appointed the Minute Taker, Joe Rynn was proposed by Philp McCabe and seconded by Michael McGuane.
A general discussion took place regarding the roles and time commitment involved in each of the Officer roles. Executive members suggested the establishment of more subcommittees of the Executive which would support with the work load. Areas considered Finance Committee currently in place, NACIS HR & Governance, Strategy. These committees will be discussed further at the next meeting of the Executive. Executive members were then asked for proposals for the Chair and Vice Chair
Chairperson- A number of Executive members indicated they would not be interested in being proposed for the position due to the time commitment and some members were not interested at this time as they were new to the Executive. Philip McCabe was proposed by Eamonn Burgess and seconded by Connie Gerety. Philip thanked Executive members for the nomination, but outlined that he has substantial travel commitments over the next year, which may impact on the time he could give to the position. Philip agreed to take up the position for a period of 6 months, which would then be reviewed.
Vice Chairperson- Dolores Tiernan was proposed by Connie Gerety and seconded by Deirdre Casey. Dolores thanked Executive members for the nomination and agreed to take up the role for a period of 6 months.
Treasurer- Connie Gerety was proposed for the Treasurers role proposed by Deirdre Casey and seconded by Dolores Tiernan. Connie thankedExecutive members for the nomination and agreed to take up the role. The Project Manager and the outgoing Treasurer will meet with the new Treasurerfor hand over.
Co Secretary- Eamonn Burgess was proposed as Co Secretary, proposed by Susan Cross and seconded by Michael McGuane. Eamonn thanked Executive members for the nomination and agreed to take up the role.
Internat. Rep – Deirdre Casey to continue in this role particularly to progress any outstanding issues relating to Triple A project. This was agreed unanimously.
The new Chair Philip McCabe thanked members for agreeing to take up the roles. He thanked the outgoing officers, particularly Michael McGuane as Chair for the huge amount of time given to the role and likewise to Brigid McGourty for her work as Treasurer. / Online Banking will be discussed at handover meeting
3 / Finances
Financial Report- This was prepared by the outgoing Treasurerand circulated to all Executive Members. This report was noted and approved by the Executive. One CIS service had not paid its membership fee. The Treasurer agreed to contact the service.
Staff Increment- The Executive noted increment due to the NACIS Project Manager on 12th September, the Chair will sign a letter confirming this increment and payroll will process the change.
Triple A Project- New Executive members were updated on invitation to join TA network which was discussed at previous Executive meetings and brought to CIB for sanction. Itwas agreed that NACIS would become founding members of a Triple A network. A membership fee of €300 had been agreed and CIB had approved that NACIS could meet this cost. It was agreed that Deirdre Casey would progress this and providethe necessary paperwork.
Making an Impact Report – Executive Members noted the recent successful launch of this report in City Hall. A note of thanks to NACIS was also recorded for providing funding of €900 to meet the venue hire cost. / Treasurer
Deirdre Casey &
NACIS Project Manager
4 / NACIS Strategy of Engagement
NACIS Project Managerprovided a short summary on the recent induction day. No decisions had taken place at this meeting. A Copy of the report prepared by the external facilitator Caroline McCamley was circulated to all Executive members. The induction meeting discussed some key principles which the NACIS Executive might use to proof any structure against. The following were suggested.

CIB- The NACIS Project Manager also updated the Executive that he had received communication from Caroline Mitchell CIB regarding upcoming focus groups. The CIB are in the planning stages of establishing focus group meetings on areas highlighted at the recent regional consultation meetings.
The following topics have been identified
1.Boards and Local Advisory Committees – Shaping the relationship and maintaining the local link and knowledge
2.Service Delivery Strategy – Planning the future design of services to meet consistent national standards and to meet the changing needs of all citizens across rural and urban Ireland
3.Regional Managers – Shaping the role and function of the new Regional Manager post
4.Administrators – Shaping and defining the role of administrators
5.Volunteers – Valuing peoples time and enhancing their input
As a first step CIB are organising a planning meeting for these focus groups. 8 CIS & 8 MAB Managers have been invited along with a number of people who contacted CIB expressing an interest in these meetings.
It is anticipated that the focus groups themselves will be 2 full day sessions for the CIS network and 2 full day sessions for the MABS, one session to be held in Dublin and one in Thurles or Portlaoise. Ideally these will take place in August
The NACIS Project Manager outlined that he had been invited to join the planning meeting for the focus groups which takes place on 27th July. He outlined to CIB that he would update the Executive on this request as it was a matter for them to decide on his attendance.
The NACIS Executive considered the above request and expressed some concerns.
  • The wider network has not been fully informed of these forthcoming meetings and CIB have approached people on an individual basis.
  • CIB must seek to build a much more meaningful engagement with the 42 CIS Boards who have a direct responsibility to their staff in this process.
  • Executive members noted the desire of members that we should seek to influence the shape of the structures, but equally continue to argue for a better model to that of the proposed 8 regions. The County Based / Community model was still the preferred option of members.
  • It was also highlighted by Executive members that no clear agreement has been reached by NACIS on how this would work or what shape it would take giving the differing needs to some areas of country i.e. Dublin, Kildare & Cork. This was a difficulty for us in arguing for an alternative model as we did not have a clear alternative.
  • Executive members expressed concern that by engaging with CIB in any form, this would be used against us, as accepting the decision to restructure and the 8 regional model.
  • The NACIS membership at its AGMprovided a mandate that the’ National Executive have a mandate to engage with CIB on the structure of CIS’.
  • Consideration should be given to a follow up letter from the new NACIS Chair to all CIB Board members and the Minister.
  • Executive members felt we had articulated our position strongly to the CIB board in our previous letter. It was also noted that CIB minutes dated 17th May 2017 referenced correspondence to CIB Board members. Communication received directly by Board members will be referred to the Executive for follow up. Board members will not be responding directly.
The National Executive agreed that the NACIS Project Manager would attend the forthcoming planning meeting. The Executive agreed it was important that we seek to influence and contribute to the process, despite our objections to the proposals which are on record. The most effective way to ensure we can influence structures is through us engaging.
Structures MABs & CIS- The NACIS Executive also agreed that a meeting will be sought with the MABS National Management Forum and the MABS National Executive with a view to discussing restructuring and seek to develop a common approach on areas of interest. The NACIS Project Manager will contact the relevant people with a view to arranging this meeting. / NACIS Project Manager
NACIS Project Manager
5 / Issues from the Regions
No issues were highlighted. Executive members raised the draft review report and feedback from members. The NACIS Project Manager outlined the need for the Executive to consider these, but in the context of what will be the future role of NACIS. It was agreed that the NACISRegional Meetings should consider these issues and provide further feedback which the Executive will then consider.
The NACIS Project Manager updated the Executive of the scheduled CIB NACIS Quarterly meetings. These meetings provide an opportunity for information sharing, feedback from CIS members and discussion on key priorities. The next CIB NACIS meeting will take place on 5th September and 28th November. / NACIS Regional Committees to consider
6 / Strategy Group Updates
6 / Volunteer Strategy- Eamonn Burgess provided an update on this document, a draft document is currently being prepared
Advocacy Strategy – Joe Rynn updated the meeting that a final draft of the Advocacy Strategy was circulated to CIB Executive. They are currently reviewing this and once finalized a copy of the Strategy will be circulated to the Executive so they are aware of same
It was agreed to circulate both Strategies to the National Executive once they are available. / NACIS Project Manager
7. / AOB
7 / NACIS nominee to the Board of CIB- Executive members raised the role of the NACIS nominee on the Board of CIB. Under the Memos NACIS will seek to secure and nominate representatives to the Board. A discussion took place on the appointment and its effectiveness and whether we provided a nomination or a representative. Information available from State Boards stated a nominee. The NACIS nominee would make the NACIS perspective available to the Board. Executive members who previously sat on the Board of CIB referred to this whereby CIB board members will seek the CIS perspective, but the Board will then make its decision on an issue.
The Chair outlined the advice currently available from State Boards on the appointment was sought and had been circulated reference ‘letter from the previous NACIS Chair on NACIS nominee’. It was agreed by the Executive that a letter will be submitted from the NACIS Chair to DSP on this appointment,to seek clarity on the above and the representative role of the CIS nominee to the board of CIB. / NACIS Chair
7.1 / Date of Next NACIS Executive meeting
It was agreed the next meeting of the NACIS National Executive will take place on 30th August and 11th October. Regional Chairs will seek to plan regional meetings around these meeting dates so that input can be brought forward to the Executive from the regions.